Author's Note: I realize last chapter I called Natalie, Mrs. Anderson once…She is, in fact, Natalie Zetterstrom, so I apologize for that! Anyways, onward with the new chapter! Enjoy, and please take a moment to review!
God Bless!
Natalie walked over to the coffee pot robotically; everything had become robotic since her diagnosis. Nothing was special anymore, or requiring much work- it was imbedded in her mind: every task and its steps. She poured the deep brown liquid into a mug without looking. The suddenly warm glass mug took the chill from her hands. With shivers running down her spine, she took a seat on the couch and curled her legs under her. She blew her coffee gently, taking small, short sips. Finally, she was able to be alone with her thoughts. The silence screamed out to her as she sat with the soft glow of the lamp beside her. The sun was just beginning to peak over the horizon- it reared its head in a vibrant array of crimson, yellow, and light blue. Keith was still asleep- she couldn't bother waking him. He had endured a long night, holding her as she cried, and she just didn't have the heart to wake him for 'round two'. Her coffee burned the very tip of her tongue, but she didn't care. Burning; pain made her remember that she was still breathing-forced her to remember that she was alive.
Her thoughts wandered to her beautiful son-to Toby. Her boy was so innocent; so treasured to her and Keith. How would he handle losing his Mommy? How would he handle having a new brother or sister? What would he think of her being so different in appearance? Suddenly self-conscious, she wrapped her arms around herself tightly, covering up her chest. Her heart ached; it was fit to explode at any moment with fear and anger. Yes, she was bitter. Why her? Why Keith all those years ago? Why their family? Cancer fed on them. It felt like it was time to give into it…would she really be able to handle losing her womanhood? She wasn't sure- but she had to: for her son. She had to see her son grown; care for her husband. She had to fight- she would go through with it.
She blinked rapidly as her eyes adjusted to the now fully risen son. It was a brand new day- but she didn't feel renewed. Drinking the rest of her coffee in anguish, she breathed in deeply and forced herself to stand. It was robotic once again, her movement. The kitchen wasn't far away, but it seemed to take all of her energy to walk those few steps. She leaned heavily on the sink, placing the mug inside and running water down into it. When it was spilling over the brim the grasped the knob to turn the water off, but she couldn't move. Finally, seeing the water gushing down, she couldn't hold back her own tears any longer. She let out the wails that broke from her chest easily, sobbing into the sink as she gripped the cabinet's handles tighter. Her world became blurry, then; her thoughts faltered and she heaved a deep breath that was marred with small hiccups and more sobs. She choked on her tears as she tried desperately to control herself, but she couldn't- and it didn't matter. It felt as though she was standing there forever, gripping the sink and trying with no success to breathe evenly. Her vision was gone, now- the tears laid a harsh mask over her reality, even though deep in her heart she could still see it.
She didn't know how she ended up on the couch once again. All she felt were those arms, wrapping around her as she felt like she was finally going to pass out; ask the aching in her head and in her heart grew unbearable. But strong arms caught her; warm hands gripped her shoulders tightly, but not painfully, and she struggled against them as she was all but drug to the couch. She heard soothing words whispered into her ear, mostly identifying this because of the warm breath and gentle volume of the person's speech, but in her mingled state of fear and anger, she couldn't decipher who it was. Grasping for the blanket that she somehow remembered was on the back of the couch, she yanked it down and covered her small frame, curling into herself in the corner of the couch. She felt those hands again- warm and loving- trying to rub her back; help her calm down. But she couldn't- and those hands sent a jolt of something in her body that she didn't want to feel right now: love.
Infinity. The word ran into her with full force.
Love, and infinity; eternity.
"Keith," she whispered weakly, closing her eyes as her headache pounded deeply into her skull.
"I'm here," she heard before she fell into a fitful sleep. "I'm here, partner."
And she felt those arms around her again, enveloping her in their warmth.
This time, she didn't pull away- she didn't curl into herself. Instead, she turned and buried her head in his chest, and as his fingers ran through her hair, the pain in her head was more bearable, and her anguish subsided.