
The third day of the Grand Magic Games both A and B team of Fairy Tail dropped their jaws down to the tree floor in the restroom at the castle look alike arena when they saw how the next competition will go.

"Natsu and Lucy vs. Sting and Rouge…" Elfman read on the battle board. "Hey, is it okay to have two and two?"

"If it wasn't okay there wouldn't be like this.." Erza said, her brown eyes scanning over it again, her frown deepening with each second who passed. She had to agree with Elfman, this didn't quite seem to be something that would happen in the games. "Well I wish you two the best luck." turning to Lucy the red haired knight gave her the thumbs up.

"Yeah, let's do our best Natsu." looking to said boy she saw him stare down the door, his chin rested in his palm lazily like he was on another planet. "Natsu, hello?" waving a hand in front of his face Lucy finally got his attention.

"Huh- What?" snapping out from his paralyzed world Natsu got met with a frowning Lucy. "Oh what's up Lucy?" sighing the Celestial mage flicked his forehead.

"You would know 'what's up' if you paid more attention." rubbing his upper half of the face Natsu looked at her with confused eyes. "Anyway, we should get ready for the battle."

"Okay… wait, 'we'?"

"This is what I mean with you need to pay more attention.." Lucy mumbled looking at the puzzle minded Natsu.



"Welcome, welcome, welcome~" a sickening sweet voice cracked from the speakers, taking everyone's eyes towards the big screen. "I hope all the teams got a nice and resting piece of sleep?"

"Who's that?" Natsu asked when there was a woman with grayed hair of age on the screen, her big smile giving a unpleasant shiver down the mages spines.

"The new judge.." Lucy answered, not likening the magical power she could feel from the woman the blonde haired mage held a steady grip around Natsu's right arm.

'Damn… her scent!' Natsu cursed when Lucy's unique again exploded in his nose locking out every other smell in the area. 'And it doesn't help we have to fight together!'

"Like everyone of you have seen, there is going to be two on two battle today." whistles and cheers exploded around the arena. The woman smiled, waving her hand the audience silenced down so you could hear a needle's soft sound when it hit the ground. "Everyone seems to be excited. Now! Let's explain what will be happening the next coming 60 minutes."

"What do you think Lucy?" Natsu leaned down to whisper in her ear. Lucy herself shrugged, how should she know what this battle will go on with?

"I don't know… probably something really stupid." hearing him chuckle at how she bent the word in a sarcastic voice, smiling she looked at him to see the trademark grin shine down to her. "Let's do our best."

"Yeah." sneaking his arm around her shoulders Natsu pulled the Celestial mage closer.

"Ahem, today two team members from Saber Tooth and Fairy Tail will meet! If you ask me this will be a really interesting fight."

"You think she is sane?" Lucy glanced up to Natsu, seeing him shake his head she snickered.

"She acts like… uh.. is there anyone we know who acts like that?" thinking for a while the two mage shook their heads.

"Kain Hikaru." they sighed.



Sting and Rouge stood beside each other, opposite side to them were Natsu and Lucy.

"Oh, fighting against the Salamander himself? What a pleasure." the blond haired dragon slayer cockily tilted his head to the side, a low chuckle following after. Feeling Natsu tense in anger Lucy laid a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't listen to that ass." by upon hearing that Sting scowled.

"Watch it blondie or else I'll surely kil-"

"Sting." said boy looked to the side and saw Rouge shake his head to tell him to stop before he cause any serious trouble.

"Okay! Let's begin!"

"I open thee; SCORPIO!" Lucy called the eleventh zodiac sign out. "I count on you, Scorpio!"

"We'ar! Leave it to me, yeah!" Lucy's opponent, Rouge, looked utterly bored at the scene in front of him. "SANDBUSTER!" not expecting a big swirl of sand being aimed at himself the black haired half dragon got sent down to the ground.

"Did we tak-"

"KAGERYUU NO HOUKOU!" screaming Lucy covered her face when a big cloud of something black hit her hard, making her fall down to the dusty ground. Gasping the blonde haired girl now glared murderously at Rouge who stood there with half of his face hidden by his bangs.

Natsu on the other hand didn't have it easy like Lucy.

Laughing Sting aimed a kick in the side on the Salamander, but it got blocked by a flamed hand who gripped his foot. Surprised by Natsu's fast move, he yelled out in pain when the fire burned through his boot and his skin so blood oozed out strongly from the new wound.

"F-Fuck you!"

"I would say the same you bastard!" roaring the two dragon slayers rushed towards each other their forehead butted against one another hard so it made a small sound of colliding bones.

"Now when we're real close, you see Blondie over there?" narrowing his eyes Natsu had a bad feeling about this. "What would you do for her?"

"What are you up to?" the pink haired dragon slayer hissed dangerously.

"I mean, you love her, right?" tensing he saw how Sting laughed at his reaction. "Am I the best or am I the best?"

Snapping Natsu punched him hard so he stumbled backwards, but he didn't stop there no, he charged forward and punched the Saber Tooth member hard in the gut and face several times, but then a high pitched scream made everything fuzz down.

"LUCY!" seeing said girl being down to the ground on the back with Rouge having a hand around her neck in a tight grip. Attempting to run over and get the guy away from his precious nakama and love, pain waved a shoot through his body. Coughing he kneeled down to the ground, holding a hand over his mouth he felt something warm and thick on his palm.

"NATSU!" taking away the hand from his mouth he saw dark red stains of blood color his palm. Hearing Lucy yet again call for him he looked up to her, his eyes hazy. A wave of pain again flashed inside him, yelling in pain at the same time Sting kicked him hard so he fell down to his side.

"Pathetic, here I was thinking that the Salamander were the strongest. Guess I were wrong." raising a shining fist he aimed for the place between Natsu's shoulder blades.

"NATSU! GET UP! PLEASE!" Rouge had suddenly let Lucy's neck go instead he stared at his team partner.



Lucy's cry echoed in the air as the exploding light came from were Natsu and Sting where.

"How could this happen?"

"NOOO!" Rouge stared at his friend with wide eyes when Sting licked his lips while a smirk exposed his triumph. Seeing her chance Lucy as fast as she could stood up and ran towards the bloody Natsu. "Natsu!" kneeling down tears fell down to the ground by the figure that was the pink haired boy, who's eyes were wide open, the pupils small as a grain of sand. Seeing a pool of blood form under his still body Lucy screamed in horror. "Natsu! Don't die! You hear me! NATSU!"

Hearing a laugh came form behind the blonde haired celestial mage snapped her head backwards to see Sting lick his lips while looking down to her.

"Now it's your turn Blondie." fearing that her life would end Lucy hugged Natsu's limp body close to her own, feeling the warmness from his body slowly disappear. Realizing that the most worst thing in the world just had happened she forgot the blond haired dragon slayer behind her instead she gave away a hitched breath. Inhaling as deep as she could people on the arena could then hear her cry of sorrow.


"It's no use Blondie, he's dead." Sting smirked down to the frozen Lucy. Glancing up to the audience she saw the outside people do the sign of the cross, over to the rest of team A she saw how all of them stared blankly at them. Anger, sadness, hate and pain washed through Lucy's body, laying Natsu's lifeless body down to the ground she closed his eyelids down over his eyes making him look like he was asleep.

"Natsu… I'm sorry, if I was stronger.. you wouldn't had been looking at me… this is my fault." Lucy whispered, sniffling she stroke away some pink strands of his hair from his face taking a long good stare at him she saw how his mouth were slightly open so his fangs were visible, his small yet masculine nose then his whole face, perfectly shaped. Gritting her teeth Lucy harshly stood up, her eyes hidden behind the bangs.

"Stop! Lucy don't do anything!"

Snapping her head up, looking around she thought she got insane. Looking to Natsu's unmoving body her eyes widened when she saw Natsu standing there, but… he was glowing in a golden light.

"Don't do anything, I wont rest in peace if you die here too."


To Be Continued

Hoooo, wondering what the hell is going on? Well stay online for the next chapter then! Saturday or Sunday… depends on how much homework my stupid teacher gives us…

Oh man… I love you people who reviewed! (:

I was expecting like two or three but eight? AAAWH!

Special thanks to: Free2Love. Hate, XoxoFairyTailXoxo, GreenxStrawberry, Princess Happy, RedRose43, Duvet, Unknown Doll, xAnimeLuv

To you who favorite-added this story; I love you too! XD
