Disclaimer: Me no own Fairy Tail.

Summary: The future of Fairy Tail lives in their children.

Notes: Uhmmmm... I forgot to include Happy in this one, too. I swear I'll remember him someday. Anyways. This is just a random little thing I wrote because Fairy Tail babehs would be wonderful *cough* little children. Review please!

Fairy Tail, July x808

"What'd you say?"

"Need me to repeat it, flame head?"

"Oh, go ahead! If you want a fist in your face, ice breath!"

"'Ice-breath'? That's the lamest insult I've ever heard!"

"Oh yeah? And you think you can do better?"

Pink clashed with blue. Eyes narrowed, they faced each other with undeterred rivalry. Mirajane smiled.

"You're as chummy as ever, aren't you?" she giggled lightly.

"WE ARE NOT CHUMMY!" the two girls screamed at the same time, and promptly resumed glaring at each other.

"Why'd I have to be stuck here at the same time as you of all people?" Sakura groused.

Sakura was born in the year x799. She has her father's pink hair and her mother's soft eyes. She didn't have much talent with celestial spirit magic, so her father has begun teaching her Fire Dragon Slayer magic.

"Not like I WANTED to be stuck here with you," Aria grumbled, glaring at her rival.

Aria was also born in x799, only a month after Sakura. She is the spitting image of her mother, but has learned her father's ice magic.

"Onee-chan is fighting again," a little boy with blonde hair giggled.

Haru looks exactly like his mother. He was born in x803, so he hasn't yet learned any magic. He likes eating candy with Plue, so his mother believes he will be a celestial spirit mage one day.

"Hah! That stink eye face doesn't suit you, Aria-chan," Sakura mocked, sticking her tongue out.

"Sticking your tongue out? That's so childish, Sakura-chan," Aria replied.

"Who's childish? I'm older than you!"

"Only by a month! It doesn't count!"

"Does so!"

"Does not!"

"Get over yourselves, girls," chimed two identical voices as identical fists bumped Aria and Sakura on the tops of their heads.

"OW!" the girls yelped.

"That's what you get," Levin grinned.

"Maybe now you'll shut up a little?" Touya added, smirking.

The notorious Fairy Tail twins, Levin and Touya, were born in x796. Levin inherited his mother's water abilities, and Touya opted to learn ice magic. The two work well together with a powerful water-ice combination. Being identical twins, they look exactly like their father.

"Be nice, kids," came another voice from near the bar. Murin pulled the brim of his hat down over his eyes.

Murin is the younger brother of Asuka. Born in x793, he is the oldest of the new generation of Fairy Tail magicians. In an unexpected turn, he learned Thunder Magic from Laxus Dreyar, since Asuka already knew the guns magic of their parents.

"And put some clothes on, Touya," he added. The younger boy gasped as he realized his shirt and pants were missing.

Aria and Sakura sighed dreamily as Murin leaned back in his chair and placed his boots on the bar counter.

"Murin-san is soo dreamy," Sakura sighed.

"That's one thing we can agree on," Aria agreed, and the girls giggled. Then they glared at each other again.

"I won't let you have Murin-san!" they shouted, and were preparing to charge, when an arm draped itself over Sakura's shoulder.

"Aw, forget about him, Sakura-chan, you have me, don'tcha?" the new boy grinned widely.

"Butt out, Luca!" Sakura mumbled, shrugging his arm off, trying not to blush at his close proximity.

Luca is also a budding dragon slayer born two months before Sakura in x799, learning Iron Dragon Slayer magic from his father. He does have a shy side, however, as he loves to read, but he would never tell anyone. His favorite author is Sakura's mother.

"Hee-hee! He liiiiiikes you, onee-chan," Haru said, promptly convulsing into a fit of giggles. Sakura blushed and shoved Luca off her.

"Aw, that hurts, Sakura-chan!"

"Gi hee! Rejected again, eh little brother?"

"Oh shut up, Ven-nii-chan!"

Ventus or 'Ven' is Luca's older brother. He was born in x796 and never got the hang of Dragon Slayer magic. He uses a mix of his mother's script magic and runes that he learned from Fried.

"Rejection is a manly thing!" bellowed one of the triplets.

"Not so loud, Hoffman," one of his sisters chided.

"I can't believe such a brute is my brother," the other triplet muttered, shaking her head.

"What was that?"

The triplets, Hoffman, Maria, and Julie, were born in x797 and spoiled rotten by their aunts. Hoffman is the exact copy of his father and does his best to protect his sisters. Sweet-tempered Maria is patient and loving, and Julie takes after her mother's condescending attitude. To their mother's dismay, however, all three triplets decided to learn transformation magic, being impressed by the stories their father told them.

"Mira-san, can I hold Ella-chan?" Haru managed to climb up onto one of the bar stools next to Murin and grinned widely up at the veteran barmaid.

"I promise to be reeeally careful!"

Mirajane smiled.

"Alright, Haru. But you have to sit at one of the booths, okay?"

"Okay!" Haru scampered over to the nearest booth, sitting up straight and beaming his 'perfect angel' smile at Mirajane, the one his mother told him no one could resist. She disappeared behind the bar for a few seconds, standing back up with a carefully wrapped bundle in her arms. She walked over to Haru and set the baby in his arms.

Ella was born recently in x807. Being the newest baby of Fairy Tail, she is pampered by nearly everyone in the guild. Haru feels a special connection to her, as she was the first baby born after him.

Little Ella was awake, and smiled a wide, toothless smile at Haru. She giggled and gurgled and waved her little fists and Haru giggled as well.

"You two get along so well," someone commented from behind Haru.

"Lisanna-san!" Haru smiled at the older woman. Lisanna smiled in return and leaned over Haru's shoulder to stroke baby Ella's forehead.

"Um, Auntie Lisanna, how come you don't have any kids?" Hoffman asked, earning a sharp elbow jab from Julie.

"You insensitive fool! Don't ask such personal questions!" she screeched. Haru blinked.

"Julie-nee-chan, what's 'in-sen-suh-tif' mean?" Haru asked innocently. Julie blushed at his innocent (and totally adorable) face.

"Uh…well, I'm not sure. That's just what Mom calls Daddy all the time."

"But actually, I was curious too," Aria stated. Ella's arrival had attracted all the other kids, save for Murin, who continued to snooze in his chair.

"Yeah, Lisanna-san. Don't you want kids of your own?" Sakura added.

"I don't need any kids," Lisanna replied, smiling and ruffling her hair.

"Why not, Lisanna-san?" Haru asked, handing baby Ella back to Mirajane.

"Because I've got all of you!" she replied jovially, gathering as many kids as she could into a giant group hug. There was an ensuing massive tangle of limbs accompanied by laughs and giggles and squeals. The massive hug somehow turned into a giant tickle fight, generating even louder squeals and raucous laughter.

"What's all this noise down here?"


Fairy Tail's fifth official master carefully navigated her way around the giggling pile of children and Lisanna on the floor and made her way to the bar. The children tried to detach themselves quickly from Lisanna, and there was even more chaos than when they fell into the pile in the first place.

"Levin! Get your foot out of my face!"

"GAH, Touya! Where are your pants?"

"Aria, why are you so heavy?"

"Me? You're the one who needs to lay off the cake!"


"Don't worry, Sakura-chan, I still think you're pretty!"



All pairs of eyes snapped up as Haru untangled himself from the mess and ran towards the front entrance of the guild and wrapped his arms around his dad's knee. He grinned up at his father, who beamed back with the same toothy grin.

"Gotcha, Daddy."

THE END. I know, abrupt ending, but this story was mainly about the kids; not their parents. I hope you liked; please review and tell me how I did! I reply to all my reviewers! (Except for anons)

And here is a list of children and their parents! (In case you couldn't figure it out. I think I made it pretty obvious…)

Sakura Dragneel – Natsu and Lucy's daughter born May x799 age 9

Haru Dragneel – Sakura's younger brother born August x803 age 4 (almost 5)

Aria Fullbuster – Gray and Juvia's daughter born June x799 age 9

Levin and Touya Fullbuster – Gray and Juvia's twin sons born February x796 age 12

Luca Redfox – Levy and Gajeel's younger son born March x799 age 9

Ventus Redfox – Luca's older brother born September x795 age 12 (almost 13)

Murin Connell – Alzack and Bisca's son born March x793 age 15

Hoffman, Julie, and Maria Strauss – Elfman and Evergreen's triplets born January x797 age 11

Ella Justine – Mirajane and Fried's baby girl born November x807 not a year old yet