The morning African sun rose, casting its warm light across the once again green savannah. The Pride Lands had been completely restored during the rainy season and returned to their former glory. For the past few months, the Pride, under the leadership of the new King and Queen, had worked hard to help their ravaged land heal and for the kingdom to be reborn. None of that would have been possible without the support of the Royal Guardian.

Yes, the Royal Guardian. Sitting at his desk in his cave, the former Captain Harry Van Owen was busy writing in his diary, recording his progress in adapting to his new life, just like his late brother Richard once did. Unbeknownst to his long departed men, Harry hadn't died in his fall from the Zeppelin. It had been Simba who'd grabbed him in mid-air and pulled him to safety on the top of Pride Rock, badly wounded, but still alive.

Once the fire had died down, the lions had brought him back to the Allies' abandoned base, which had miraculously survived the inferno with only minor damage, as had all of its supplies. Harry had regained consciousness the next day, only to discover the Zeppelin was gone and his men with it.

Doing self-surgery, he was able to remove Fritzer's bullet and treat his wounds using the Zeppelin's medical supplies. After several weeks of recuperation, with his lion friends vigilantly watching over him, he'd eventually made a full recovery. Then, it was time to consider his situation.

It was clear that he was never getting off the plateau anymore. His men had left without him, thinking he was dead. And if they kept their pledge, never to reveal the existence of the plateau to the world, then no one was ever going to find him. To the rest of the world, he was dead and gone, and here to stay. At least the discovery of Fritzer's charred remains out on the savannah had given him some comfort, knowing his men had made it off safely.

With no other alternative, Harry had set about to adapting to his new life. Luck was with him, for all of the Zeppelin's supplies his men had left behind were still here. He had plenty of weapons, tools, clothes, even the ship's furniture and library. And he had his men's already finished base, which would now serve as his new home. So, like a 20th century Crusoe, he set about his task, seeking ways to live.

The first and foremost problem had been food. With the savannah completely laid to waste by the fire, Harry had been forced to share the Zeppelin's remaining food stores with the Pride until the rains returned. Once the grass started growing again, the first signs of returning herds had soon appeared. Now, six months later, the Pride Lands were a green lush, chockfull of animals for hunting.

Whilst taking inventory of his provisions, Harry had found several sacks of seeds amongst the Zeppelin's cargo. Once he had access to enough water again, he'd ploughed himself a field and planted his first crop. Before long, he was growing his own wheat, barley, potatoes, and corn. These and all the kills he brought back from his morning hunts would provide him with a rich sustenance to last him for a long time to come.

Now that he had guns, he would regularly join the hunting party, each time bringing back enough meat for a feast, but always making sure to follow the law of the Kings of the Past, only killing to eat and thus dutifully preserving the Circle of Life as a loyal Pride Lander. By continuing Richard's work, he had at last found his life's true call.

"...Have long since given up any attempts of getting of the plateau," he wrote, "Indeed, my presence here has given me a far greater purpose than I ever had dreamed possible in my previous life. In fact, it seems I'm going to be the Royal Guardian to a new Prince or Princess any day now..."

Setting the diary aside, he got up from his desk and went outside to check on the rest of the Pride – his Pride. He was still finding it hard to believe that he, a human being, was now actually considered a member of a pride of lions. Not bad for Harry Van Owen! Maybe he could continue fulfilling his role as Royal Guardian for years, until old age, disease or an enemy's claws found him. But whatever happened, his work – Richard's work – would live on forever. And that was a fine legacy for him.

On his way up the footpath, he was greeted by Mheetu, Captain of the Lion Guard – an army force tasked with the protection of the royal family, set up by him and Harry. These loyal lions would ensure no future would-be Scar would ever get a chance to steal the throne again, keeping the Pride Lands free and safe. And today, the greatest gift from the Kings of the Past had finally arrived.

"Come on, Harry!" said Mheetu, jumping with excitement, "Nala's going into labour! The new heir to the throne is coming!"

Harry followed the young lion up to the den, struggling to keep up because of the slight hint of a limp that still hindered his walking. He would continue to experience some discomfort for a while, until the injuries from his fall completely healed.

The whole Pride was gathered outside the den, anxious for the new royal cub to arrive. Several of the lionesses were whispering excitedly to one another. Everyone had been ordered out of the den except for the King, as per the lions' custom. Harry had wanted to be present, in case any professional medical expertise was required, but the sacred protocol was clear. A lioness had to bring her cubs into this world on her own.

They could all hear the moans and growls of Nala, as she struggled to deliver her cubs. Harry had often heard the agonising cries of women in labour during his previous life as a surgeon, usually behind closed doors, through which only midwives were allowed to enter, but this was very different. Nature's law was harsh and the outcome never certain. In Simba's case, Harry had heard, he'd been the only survivor of a litter of three.

Finally, three hours later, the groaning stopped and a faint meowing sound was heard within the den. The new royal cub had arrived! Sure enough, Simba emerged, looking utterly relieved after having spent the best part of the day fretting at his mate's side, but grinning from ear to ear. At long last, he was a father!

"They're two of them," he announced, startling everyone, "A male and a female. The new prince and princess of the Pride Lands!"

There was instant cheering and celebratory roars all around. The Pride wasn't welcoming just one royal heir, but two! Harry briefly pondered on the scary thought that the two siblings might grow up to be hateful rivals like Mufasa and Scar had been, but quickly shrugged it off. No, he thought, Simba and Nala would raise their cubs to love and respect each other, no matter which of the two became heir to the throne.

As the lions entered the den, eager to see the new prince and princess, Harry turned to leave, feeling very out of place in there, but Simba's grunt stopped him.

"Well, Harry? Aren't you coming to see your new wards?"

"Simba, I don't really think it's my place to..." Before he could finish his sentence however, Simba had walked up to him and blocked his path. His face was set and tight.

"Harry, as Royal Guardian of the Pride Lands, it most certainly is your place at our side!" he said indignantly, "You're a member of our Pride now and you should honour your position. It's your duty! What, do you think being human excludes you from equal standing within my family? Now come along!"

Harry followed Simba into the den where Nala was resting with her newborn cubs. The entire Pride was gathered around, admiring the two small golden furballs curled up in Nala's paws.

Simba eagerly returned to his mate's side, lovingly nuzzling her and their children. He gestured at Harry to come closer. The man complied, albeit half-heartedly. The rest of the Pride, including Mheetu, who was now an uncle in his own rights, retained a respectful distance, giving the royal family some privacy.

Harry grew a little tense as Nala turned to look at him as he knelt down in front of her. It wasn't every day that a human being stood so close to a full-grown lioness with young. The cubs' eyes were still closed with a bluish film and it would be several days before they opened proper, but otherwise they were two strong, healthy young lions. The future of the Pride Lands!

Nala nodded her permission to Harry, who gently reached out to pat the cubs. One of them meowed its first cry under his touch and his heart melted. Nala smiled, fully trusting of this human touching her cubs. Like Simba had just told him, he was now another member of their Pride and a part of this family. That was how these two little fellows would grow up to know him as.

"What are their names?"

"This is my daughter Kiara," said Nala proudly, gesturing at the pale-tan-furred female cub, "And my son Kopa." She lovingly licked the male cub, which had his father's golden fur. This was the proudest day of their lives.

Five years ago, Harry had been sent to fight someone else's pointless war, with no real purpose and with absolutely nothing to gain whether he lived or died. But then fate had delivered him to another faraway world, into the midst of a new war, this time to protect those he loved. And now, at last he'd found happiness. His future lay ahead of him here, among these lions that should not exist. Thanks to him, peace had returned to the Pride Lands. The Circle of Life would continue.

Writer's postscript:

Far out in the wastes of the Outlands, a lone, horribly scarred lioness with a missing ear and her hungry cub were sheltering in a cave under a large termite mound, a common feature in these parts of the desert. At least it offered the two exiles some shade from the scorching sun.

The former Queen Zira, who had been left for dead but unbeknownst to anyone survived the fire, had fled the Pride Lands after Scar's death. Although alone and without a single remaining ally besides her scrawny, good-for-nothing runt of a cub, Zira hadn't lost her sense of purpose. She stared down at her growing belly, where her new litter was due any day now.

Scar had left behind nothing but that little dirty runt Nuka, whom she'd deemed unworthy to finish his work. Well, she would create a legacy for him. With the help of a near look-alike rogue lion she'd met and charmed into mating with her before killing him, she now carried Scar's new heirs. The latest members and future leaders of the Outlanders' Pride, the avengers of Scar!

Like peace back in Europe wouldn't last for more than a few decades, the Pride Lands wouldn't know peace forever. Someday, a new, stronger enemy would come along to reshape the future of the Lion's Plateau...


Author's note: At last! After seven and a half years, my first Lion King fanfic is complete! My third story! For all those who followed the story all these years, thank you very much for your feedback and support. Please don't forget to check out the proof-read edition coming out soon! Although I can't promise you yet, I hope to start on the sequel sometime next year. Cheerio!

Sharks Potter
