"Juliet Oliver! We do not play with our food." Tori told the young girl who was about to fling mashed potato's at her sister.
"I sworry Auntie Twori." the two year old said, plopping the mashed potatos back on her plate.
"Apoligize to your sister."
"Bwut I didn't eben hit her!" Juliet exclaimed.
"Juliet. Apoligize." Tori said in a stern voice.
"I sworry Sissy." Juliet muttered.
Ophelia smiled and nodded that she was okay. There was a knock on the door, and Tori went to open it revealing the twins father, Beck Oliver.
"Daddy!" Juliet yelled, running towards his legs and grabbing them in a death grip.
"Hi sweetheart." Beck said, pulling her off his legs and spinning her in a circle.
"They let you off early." Tori observed, refering to Beck's job at the local music store.
"Yeah, They closed early. Some movie was holding adutions there and We all needed to be cleared out." He told her, plopping Juliet back in her seat and picking up Ophelia in his arms. "Hi Baby Girl." He tapped her on the nose, causing her to giggle. Beck looked back at Tori and raised an eyebrow, "She say anything today?"
"Silent as always. Shouldn't she have spoken her first word by now Beck? Arn't you a bit worried? Maybe the car crash had some sort of-"
"Ophelia is fine. She'll speak when she's ready." Beck didn't like talking about the car crash. It just reminded him of all the horrible memories that went along with it.
The wound would never heal, His fiancee, The twins mother, her life was robbed in that car crash. That single moment put her in a coma for almost a year and half. Only two months ago had it been offically over,When Jade was offically declared dead.
The girls would never know their mother, Would never know how much she loved them. All they had was him, Beck. A single father.
Of course, Cat and Tori helped all they could, They watched Ophelia and Juliet while Beck was at work so he wouldn't have to pay for daycare.
Sometimes Beck felt truly alone, But he was never alone.
I know, I know what your thinking, 'Beck was never alone because Jade was always with him in spirt.'
Except, She was. Everynight when Beck closed his eyes, Jade was there. Instructing him, loving him, giving him all the time and experiances they missed out on. She would tell him stories to tell their daughters, or special messages. And the next night when Beck put the girls to sleep he would relay the messages and stories, Telling the girls their mother was never far from their hearts.
He heard the door open and a giggly red head appeared in the small kitchen along with her curly haired boyfriend.
"Aunt Cat and Uncle Robbie are here!" Cat cried.
"Uncwa Wobbie!" Juliet cried, flinging mashed potatos at him.
"Juliet!" Tori scolded, as Robbie doged the goop.
"Hey there J!" Robbie said, scooping her up in a hug.
"How's Ophelia? Has she said anything yet?" Cat asked, going to stand next to Beck and Tori.
"NO! She hasn't said anything yet! She's fine!" Beck cried.
"Daddy? Are you okay?" Juliet asked, from Robbie's arms.
"Yeah...I'm fine." Beck said, running his fingers through his hair.
"Do you need some air Beck? Robbie and I can take the girls." Cat said reasurringly.
"Yeah...Just Yeah."
"Alright, Come on. Me Tori and Robbie will take you to the park!" Cat told the girls, clapping her hands.
"Yay!" Juliet cried, running out of the house to Robbie's car.
Ophelia stood up and followed her sister out, but not before stopping to give her father a hug.
Once everyone had cleared out of the tiny house Beck lived in he dropped to his knees and looked up at the sky.
"Please Jade...I can't do this."
"Beck, Don't give up on her." Jade responded, sitting down beside him.
"It's been two years. She should've said something by now." He told her.
"Trust. Tell the girls i love them." She was fading away now.
"Jade!" He cried, reaching for her, but she was gone.