A/N: I bet you were all thinking, 'What the hell!? That's the ending!? This sucks!'
Well rest assured, that last chapter wasn't the COMPLETE end. This is it folks. The grand finale, fin, the frosting on the cake, etc.
Please enjoy the fruits of my hard, long labor.
I slowly opened my eyes, bracing for another blow- but all I saw was white. White as far as the eye could see.
Where was I? Was I dead? I felt nothing, like floating on water. All of my pain was gone, and I was no longer tied up.
I looked around, frantically searching for something- anything. I was trapped in an oblivion of peace. It was wrapping itself around me, enveloping me in an eden that I would never want to leave.
Then I heard a voice behind me.
"Sora..." it was Roxas. I would know that voice anywhere. What was he doing here? Was this a dream?
He came over to me and caressed my face, then hugged me. Warm and formidable- his hugs were the culmination of all the blankness around me. All of the feelings that this whiteness gave me, were conveyed in this single act.
He pulled away and looked me deep in the eyes.
"Sora, do you know where you are?" he asked.
"No..." my voice echoed. Then I noticed that my lips hadn't moved- neither had his.
"... You are in heaven, sweetie..." he told me, hugging me yet again. "You don't have to worry anymore..." he whispered in my ear.
I was shocked, but not shocked at the same time. It was what I had been expecting- but it was still weird to hear it. I had anticipated Heaven to be full of clouds and angels and happiness- not this white blankness.
"This isn't actual heaven, you know." he said, probably overhearing my thoughts.
"Then what is this place?"
"It's the place where you go to for your broken heart to mend, and your sorrows to cease. It is a place of healing- and the place where you become an angel."
I thought about this for a minute, taking it all in. I wondered, "...Roxas?"
"Are you an angel?"
He didn't answer at first, but then he gently stroked my hair and said, "Yes, Sora... I am an angel."
I was silent.
He continued stroking my hair, until I spoke, "Am I an angel too?"
"You are now..." he whispered, and grabbed my hand. "Let's go." he said.
I followed him as he led me through the infinite whiteness, until we came to two giant golden doors. They were gates- gilded and pearlescent, with a glimmer of radiance that made them beautiful yet intimidating.
"The gates of heaven..." I breathed.
"Yes Sora, and now you can be at peace forever." Roxas said, squeezing my hand.
"C'mon, lets go." he spoke softly as he led me through the gates
There was only one last thing that Roxas said to me as the gates parted;
"You were so brave..."