Thanks for your comments/reviews since my last update, and also, a shout-out to those who have added the story to your alert list, c2, or favourite list, it's almost as good as a review, 'ya know!
Posted July 26, 2012.
The howlers started not even a day later. Perhaps they did have a reason to be angry, but once again, the people of Wizarding Britain were directing their anger to the wrong place. At least that's what Jason thought, as he directed another stack of the offensive mail into the fireplace with his wand. Bill was already manipulating the wards to include a redirect to anything that might be harmful—something they all realized should have been done sometime ago.
Among the howlers, naturally, there came other letters, many of them from friends. All were gravely concerned about the decision he'd made. At this point, Jason had not come to a final decision on who exactly he would invite to join him in Canada, so no replies were sent back. Jason wanted to be sure those he invited over actually deserved to be rescued. Who had stood up and supported him, even in the darkest of times? Those were the allies he needed—not people more interested in riding the coat-tails of his fame. The Ginny's of the world could go rot in Hell, for all he cared.
On January 18, Jason received a reply from Tom.
Harry—Or Jason, so you are being called these days,
Let me open by congratulating you on accomplishing something that I myself have failed to do on numerous occasions. The Muggle-loving fool must have truly been shocked, to be dispatched by the very golden boy he so cherished. You are truly my equal, Jason. It is a pity you do not wish to join me. You do remember what I told you at the end of your first year? You and I could do great things together.
However, your declaration in the Daily Prophet a few days ago have more than proven your opinion on matters, and while we may not agree on a good many things, your decision not to interfere with my plans for Wizarding Britain has caused me to reconsider my position with regard to you and yours.
Naturally, I do have two questions, the first of which, and perhaps the most important being, what of those who openly support you. Will you come running to their defence the second they come under fire? Or will you truly turn your back on them?
Secondly, what happens when I move beyond Britain's borders, such as I have already done in Bulgaria? Will you still refuse to raise your wand against me? Or will you break your word?
Perhaps, if you are willing, we might enter into an unbreakable vow, a permanent and binding agreement. There would be a set of terms, set out to protect both our interests. I suggest a neutral location, offering the same faith which you have shown me in returning my locket.
Tom M. Riddle
Jason simply stared at the single page of parchment, stunned. He'd never expected any sort of response from the Dark Lord, but this? This was beyond anything he could imagine.
"Is this for real?"
Bill had to read the letter several times, he was so shocked.
"A question I'm still asking myself," said Jason, shaking his head. "Who knew the man could be reasonable?"
"Well, you did strip Dumbledore of his magic, mate," said Ron. They were gathered at the dining room table, as Jason shared the letter.
"You still haven't finished your list yet. I'd wait until then, if I were you."
"I know, Hermione. But what do I say to him in the meantime? I mean, I'm nearly there as far as a list is concerned, but I don't want to make any sort of agreement and regret it later. He's asking for an unbreakable vow."
"What's an unbreakable vow?" Mace asked.
"If a person breaks the agreement, they die. It's that simple," answered Bill.
"Someone has to perform the binding," said Hermione, "It takes three people."
"I need to talk to Sandra, get her input on this before I agree to it. I guess the worst thing I'm concerned about, is him coming over here."
"Yeah, no doubts there," Ron agreed.
January 31, 2000
Gringotts, Diagon Alley
Jason was beyond nervous, as he and Sandra waited inside the conference room they had secured for the meeting. It was sparse, save for the single goblin who waited at the door. It was just before 10 am, the time of the scheduled meeting.
There had been debate as to who was to join Jason at the meeting, but it was decided this was best done with the minimum of people present, in the event things turned ugly. Jason agreed, insisting that Mace and everyone else stayed behind at the house, protected by its formidable wards. Mace wasn't happy with the decision, but equally understood. It didn't help his own concern, however, knowing what Jason was about to face.
At precisely 10 am, the doors opened, and Jason held his breath. He already knew what Voldemort looked like, having faced him twice already, but it was still terrifying. The numerous rituals he'd gone through, never mind the rebirthing ritual likely contributed to the wizard's appearance.
The man who stepped into the room, however, was nothing like the monster Jason remembered. If anything, he looked like—Tom Riddle. He brought one other individual with him: Severus Snape.
"Professor. Tom," Jason greeted evenly.
"Black," Snape answered, with an incline of the head.
"Harry. Or Jason, should I say," said Tom, as they approached the conference table.
"I... This is my solicitor, Sandra Fraser," said Jason.
"Indeed. I would have thought you would have brought one of your friends along," said Tom.
"No. Forgive me if I don't exactly trust you. Olive branches were offered on both sides, but there is no peace treaty in place, am I right?"
"That is a fair assessment, I agree. Then perhaps, we should get down to business."
"My requirements are quite simple," said Jason, "I now call Canada my home. It's off limits, along with any witch or wizard who lives within its borders."
"Ah. Now I see why you have not mentioned anything about those who you may consider a friend."
"I have already been in contact with those individuals, and I am considering others."
"They are being invited to move themselves and their families to Canada," Sandra picked up, "Better than you and your forces trying to convert them to your way of thinking, or killing them outright."
"It might be a fair assessment. If Canada wishes to continue to pollute their blood with filth, then so be it. And in return, you, Jason Black, shall not interfere in any way, shape, or form, with regard to how I decide to rule Britain and the rest of the Wizarding world. One final point. There is a prophecy about you and I that I am sure you are by now aware."
"I'm aware of it, and I choose to ignore it. Beside the point, who says it wasn't already fulfilled when you attacked me when I was a baby?"
"If I might ask, what does the prophecy say in its entirety?"
Jason only gave a nod, then recited the prophecy, word for word. Tom leaned back in his chair, and thought about each point of it. Then he leaned forward again.
"It seems that, perhaps you may be right," Tom agreed.
"Dumbledore, of course, would have refuted that from here until doom's day, but that's irrelevant. What I think, it's been fulfilled already, so the both of us can just get on with our lives and be done with it."
"It seems we have an agreement, gentlemen."
"I agree to the terms," said Jason.
"And I agree to the terms," said Tom, "Severus, if you will take out your wand."
Snape drew his wand.
"You will join hands."
Jason and Tom joined hands as directed. Snape placed the tip of his wand on their joined hands.
Snape began.
"Do you, Jason Black, swear to not interfere in the Dark Lord's plans as they pertain to the Wizarding world, with the exception of Canada, from this point forward?"
"I do," answered Jason.
A thin tongue of brilliant flame issued from the wand and wound itself around their hands like a red-hot wire.
"Do you, Tom Riddle, swear that you will not attempt to interfere with the Canadian Wizarding world and all of those within it, including Jason Black, nee Harry Potter?"
"I do," answered Tom, evenly.
A second tongue of brilliant flame now wound its way around the hands, joining the first. They remained that way for several seconds, after which, the bands dissipated. Jason gave Tom's hand a shake (startling him), and they separated.
"If I might ask something?"
"What's on your mind?" asked Jason.
"What was the final straw? What turned you against the world you so wished to defend against me?"
"Ginny Weasley. When you liberate Azkaban of your loyal followers, be sure to say hello to her for me. She'll be moved there sometime in May, I believe. Life term and all that."
"And what, exactly, did the blood traitor do that garnered your wrath?"
"Line theft."
Tom blinked.
"And the child she is carrying?"
"Mace and I plan on raising it once it's delivered. Naturally, he or she is protected under the agreement we just made."
"Wouldn't dream of interfering."
Harry gave a genuine smile for the first time.
"I wish Dumbledore could see us, y'know. He'd likely have a heart attack, seeing us in the same room, having a civil conversation."
That actually got a laugh out of Voldemort.
"It's ironic that you should say that. When I received your missive a few weeks ago, the exact same thought crossed my mind."
"If that is everything, perhaps we should get going," said Sandra, glancing at her watch.
"Yes, indeed. I have much to discuss with-"
"Your inner circle, I know," Jason finished, "Say hello to Nagini for me."
"I will do that."
"If I might have a word with Mr. Black before we return."
"Very well, Severus, return to the manor when you are finished, I'm sure you know the way. Good bye, Jason Black." With that, the Dark Lord rose, and swept out of the room.
Snape simply stared at Jason a moment.
"Why on this good earth have you done something so utterly foolish?" He finally snapped.
"To be rid of a problem, sir," Jason simply answered, "That offer is open to you by the way. Come join me in Canada. He would be bound by his agreement, even concerning you."
"And Wizarding Britain will burn, because of what you have done here today. What part of that are you not understanding?"
"I understand perfectly what I've done, Professor. I'm affording them exactly what they have afforded me. They wanted a saviour, not a leader. Now they have neither. Well... they have a leader, somewhat, he just won't lead them in all that great a direction.
"See, I've done a bit of thinking since I sent the first letter to Tom. England's been a birthing ground for two of the darkest wizards to walk the earth. It's all because of archaic laws and backwards thinking. As long as the purebloods run the show, nothing will change. If that's what they want, then have at it. The entire culture will die out in a few generations.
"The Canadian Wizarding world, meanwhile, will continue to offer a much more progressive world, a place not bound by backwards, archaic laws and a backwards society. That's the one thing I've learned in the months I've lived there. That's what I'm offering people who want a better life."
"It's what Canada has always stood for, Professor," said Sandra, "Even in the Muggle world, they are seen as a strong nation, a place built on principle, welcoming to everyone, no matter their culture or their background. If the British Wizarding public want something better, they need to stand up for themselves and force the change. It won't happen on its own."
"And like I said, Professor, you're on that list. Should you wish to be rid of the war, you know how to reach me."
Snape gave Jason another angry look, then rose and swept from the room.
"Well. That went over much easier than I expected. Best get home," said Jason.
That night, neither Jason nor Mace got a whole lot of sleep. It was the first time Jason felt truly free of the burdens originally heaped on him. There was a prophecy. So what? Tom and Jason both agreed that it was a moot point now. Even if it wasn't, they chose to ignore it. It was that simple. They would stay away from each other, as was the agreement.
There was still an uncertain future ahead, but it looked a hell of a lot brighter than it did days, weeks, and months before. Jason was truly free. He was surrounded by friends and people who loved, cared, and supported him, and most of all, the love of his life. Maybe he did leave Wizarding Britain to burn, but in the end, the world he left behind had only brought it on itself. Jason had a clear conscience, and did not regret that decision. Better to tear down the old, so something new could be built in its place and all that.
May 1, 2000
Upper Canada Hospital for Maladies and Injuries
"Right this way, Mr. Black, Mr. Mace."
The healer indicated they follow her. It was a short walk to an elevator, which deposited them on the fourth floor, and Jason had to work hard to suppress a giggle. Spell damage? Really?
Mace could see Jason was smirking.
"Well... just that, they put her up here on the fourth floor—spell damage."
This time, Jason couldn't help it, and a giggle escaped.
"I think more than a few Muggle ladies might agree with that one," said Mace. That got a scowl from the healer escorting them.
They were led into a private room, guarded by two Aurors. Both of them inclined their heads at the pair as they arrived—even after all that had happened, Jason still had the respect of the Aurors. There were a pair of healers attending to the—mother, while a second was handling an incubator. She noticed them enter, and waved them over.
Jason was shocked at what he found.
"Twins? You're kidding."
"We were pretty much certain by the third trimester. Congratulations, Mr. Black, a boy and a girl."
"Guess that means we both get our wish," said Mace, giving Jason's shoulder a squeeze as they gazed in on the pair of newborns, wrapped snugly in the incubator.
"The girl will be named Lily Jean," said Harry.
"And the boy will be Kaneda James," said Mace.
"Very well. If you will both add your signatures to the form, we can finish up here."
Harry jerked his head toward the bed and scowled.
"I hope you'll be happy. It's... all I wanted," said Ginny.
"No!" Jason hissed, "You wanted to destroy everything I had, drive everyone away. You wanted a trophy husband to play house with. Instead, you have nothing."
He turned back to Mace and the incubator.
"How soon can they be brought home?"
"I should think perhaps in a few days. Congratulations again, the pair of you," said the healer.
"Thank you. They don't stay in the room here, right?"
"Oh no, definitely not. They will be placed in a separate room until they're ready to be released."
Jason took one more look at the twin babies wiggling about in the incubator. They were both adorable. Both of them had fair complexions, much like the mother, but those eyes were unmistakable: emerald green, just like his. The hair at this point, he couldn't tell, but he could almost bet that at least one, if not both would have his hair. They had been produced through a crime, but Jason already felt the connection. They were his blood, a continuation of his bloodline, his future. He turned to Mace and grinned.
"Let's get home and tell everyone."
The small party rapidly ballooned into an all-night affair, as the numerous people Jason knew all stopped in to congratulate him in person. The twins set off more of their special fireworks, there was a cake, and lots of other food and drink to go around.
And, just when Jason thought it couldn't be outdone, Mace put the tip of his wand to his throat. "Sonorus."
"Um, could I get everyone's attention for a sec?"
The gathered crowd fell silent, and Mace cancelled the charm.
"Right. So this has been a crazy ride for me and all. I've done a lot of crazy shit... being blasted into space probably still being the craziest. But this past few months has constantly pushed close to that in every way possible.
"Thing is, none of it would have ever been possible without Jason. I wouldn't be alive without his help back in June—nearly a year ago. Jason... I love you with all my heart, and I guess, what I'm wondering..."
Mace dropped to one knee, and pulled out a small box, then held it in front of him, and cracked it open, revealing a simple silver band.
"I guess what I'm asking... Jason Black. Will you bond with me?"
Jason simply stared a moment, completely floored by what Mace had just done. In fact, Mace began to worry that perhaps he'd made a mistake.
"Oh Merlin... YES! With... with all my heart, yes!" Jason answered excitedly, his brain finally catching up. He offered a trembling hand, and allowed Mace to slip the silver band onto his ring finger.
With that heartfelt reply, the gathered crowd broke into cheers and applause. The twins set off more fireworks, while Hermione was gushing like a schoolgirl again. Mrs. Weasley was reduced to a bundle of nerves again, bearing witness to her honorary eighth child going through another rite of passage in his life. Jason was happy, they were all safe, and in her books, that was what truly mattered.
Jason put his wand to his throat. "Sonorus."
"Well. Thanks, everyone for coming, but... I think my partner and I want to call it a night. You're all welcome to carry on without us, just don't blow up the house or the property."
Jason cancelled the charm, and the pair went into the house.
"Merlin, you shocked me tonight," Jason grinned, as they climbed the stairs.
"I've been working on... how to do it... since Christmas," Mace confessed, "Now, tonight... it was perfect."
"How long have you had the ring?"
"Since January. When we found out about Ginny, right? Gotta make an honest man out of you and all that shit."
"Oh. I get it," Jason grinned, "So you thinking about when?"
"September's nice. The first week of September. Might be difficult having Ron and Hermione and Capa here to celebrate our anniversary, but..."
"We would make it work anyway. I like that. Y'know that Mrs. Weasley is gonna go overboard about this, right?"
"Kind of figured that much, she sees you as an eighth son and all, right?"
"Something like that. I can't wait to show them their early Christmas gift."
"You mean the house across the road."
"Yep. Sandra's already got a contractor lined up to start work next month," said Jason, as he undressed. Mace, of course, was doing the same.
They climbed into bed, and Jason quickly found himself in his partner's arms, as had become the tradition. Four years of misery had come to a close that previous June, and now... now, all was right with the world.
AUTHOR NOTES: So there you have it. This is the official end, so gonna put the 'COMPLETE' stamp on it. There may be an epilogue someday, or not. A thank you to everyone who has put this in their favourite lists, and followed the story. That said, a new project is on the way very soon, see my profile for further details.