Disclaimer: I own nothing related to Stargate: SG-1 or any of its affiliates, characters, or plot lines. I am merely playing in their sandbox. Any original characters and settings, however, are my fault. Any similarity to any person, real or fictional, is purely coincidental and not the intent of the author.

Author's Note: Some time back, my husband challenged me to write a multi-chapter story that did not include a romantic relationship for the main character. As I've always been fascinated with the character of Daniel Jackson, I figured this would be a fun opportunity to explore that challenge. Then, over a late-night IM chat with one of my betas, this story was born. Special thanks to Ani-maniac494 for brainstorming help and to both Ani-maniac494 and theicemenace for beta-ing. Contains spoilers for anything up to and including Season 7. This is set just after "Homecoming" and Daniel's return to the SGC. A quick note on pronunciation: the name "Jovannah" is pronounced "Yo vah' nah." As always, enjoy! ~lg


Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice,
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

~Robert Frost, 1920~


The garden smelled of hyacinths. The heady, sweet aroma drifted on the breeze, swirling around Daniel as he strolled down the stone path and enjoyed the cool of the evening. He fingered a bush of white flowers, the source of the hyacinth-like fragrance, as he mulled over all that he'd learned while here.

Winter on P2X-227 was different from anything he'd experienced in recent years. Most of the time, winter meant cold weather, snow, rain, or some other variety of precipitation. On this world, called Evonnia by its residents, winter meant sandstorms and high temperatures in the tropical region. Well, at the winter palace, it did. He hadn't been privileged enough to visit the regular palace since the SGC's arrival on Evonnia.

Just over two months ago, SG-3 came across Evonnia on one of their regularly scheduled missions. The ruler, Jovannah, welcomed them with open arms and immediately began negotiating for trade. It seemed that Earth offered something of great value to her: information about the galaxy. Daniel thought the negotiations went a little too easily, but General Hammond and the President were ecstatic. Evonnia offered a very unique look at a blending of cultures from human history, something Daniel himself was thrilled to study, as well as a potential location for an off world base. In addition, some desert ruins had Earth's archeology department—those who had security clearance—excited about the chance to study this culture. Jovannah happily allowed men and women from the SGC to arrive, bringing their equipment with them to unearth the ruins in the desert.

Of course, that drew Daniel Jackson. He'd been fascinated to learn of the multi-cultural aspects of Evonnia. Many of the names stemmed from Slavic languages, but a lot of their customs were very Arabic. The ruins showed the expected signs of former Goa'uld habitation, but the culture had blended so seamlessly that Daniel worked for two weeks straight in scorching temperatures just trying to figure it out. He'd acquired quite the tan in his time on the dig, as well. But it had been worth it. From what he could ascertain, the people on Evonnia had been brought from Earth by two different Goa'uld. One favored the Slavic peoples—hence the influence on names, languages, and such—while the other preferred the desert dwellers from the Middle East. Only in recent years—recent being the last two hundred or so years—had the two peoples learned to work together and become one culture.

Though, now that he thought about it, he was ready to go home. Two weeks on a dig was a miniscule amount of time for any good archaeological survey, but he figured he needed to settle in to Earth rather than Evonnia. Daniel sighed and let the flowers drop from his hand. He'd thoroughly enjoyed the discoveries he'd made as well as the time away from the overwhelming reality of his life. It let him put things into perspective and reconnect with his roots after returning from a year as an ascended being.

Which brought to mind the reason why he'd come to Evonnia in the first place. He had become accustomed to life on Earth, to the reality of his job with the SGC and to the missing gaps in his memory. He'd told Jack that he remembered most of what had happened before his death, but that had been a stretch. He remembered his friend and family relationships, but the specifics of a lot of his missions with SG-1 were still missing. In addition, his team was hovering. Daniel supposed he understood. They'd thought they'd lost him for good only to have him return, but two weeks of not even being able to use the bathroom without one of them waiting outside the door got old very quickly.

With a sigh, Daniel shook his head. That was an exaggeration, of course, but it felt that way sometimes. As a result, he'd jumped at the opportunity to come to Evonnia. Jack hadn't liked it, but Sam seemed to understand. Teal'c just acquiesced with that graceful bow of his. Daniel had enjoyed the last two weeks of working without a constant shadow in spite of the curious comments and glances he got from the other archaeologists, but he now decided it was time to go home. Who cared if he was a week early? His team would love that.

A smile turned up the corners of his mouth as he looked over the vista before him. He'd stopped at this city, the halfway point between the dig site and the Stargate, for the evening. Jovannah had insisted he stay in the winter palace, and he figured it couldn't hurt. He'd somehow packed his black BDUs for this trip, an oversight on his part, and he did not relish the thought of trudging through the heat of the day tomorrow in these heat-attracting clothes. Still, right now, he figured it couldn't hurt to wear them. Besides, he was clean, cool, and shaved for the first time in two weeks. He'd done his best to clean up daily at the dig site, but the sand and dirt got into everything.

The winter palace was beautiful. Daniel shoved his hands in his pockets and took another deep breath of the scented air. It was cooler here, the breezes coming off of the Gorane Sea breaking the heat. The palace had been constructed at the top of a cliff, the whitewashed stone walls protecting against an unlikely invasion. The garden overlooked the inland sea, open to its incredible panoramas and the occasional storm. From this one spot, he could watch both the sunrise and sunset on opposite sides of the sea. Plant life abounded, the result of some careful watering by servants and a pretty ingenious aqueduct system. Here and there, stone pedestals held silver braziers that were lit at night, some sort of fuel feeding up from the base and brightening the garden in their orange glow. The plants were spaced evenly with tiny red rocks filling in the area between them and the white stone paths. It reminded Daniel of a rock garden back on Earth.

"Dignitary?" The soft voice of one of the servant girls pulled him out of his thoughts.

Daniel turned, uncomfortable with how the people here automatically assumed he was some sort of nobility. "Yes?"

"The Malikah wishes to speak with you inside." The girl came into view, her hair covered in a brown handkerchief tied under her bun. Her dress, while clean, was the same drab color broken only by a bright white apron. She kept her head down and her hands tucked beneath her apron as she approached.

"Okay." Daniel gave the view across the Gorane Sea one final glance. "Lead the way."

The girl nodded once and turned to lead him inside. As they walked, he frowned. What could Jovannah want now? The woman, called the Malikah of Evonnia, was an enigma. Her green eyes weren't as innocent as she pretended. She had a rich voice that could easily seduce a man if he wasn't careful. And she favored low-cut, revealing tops that left Daniel wondering if she wanted him to look at her or her body. Tonight at dinner, she'd worn a taupe-colored sleeveless gown that had a V-neck almost to her navel and left very little to the imagination in regards to the rest of her. Blond hair that fell in messy waves and curls around her shoulders, a necklace comprised of gold wires studded here and there with precious stones, and thick eye makeup had completed the look. She'd spent much of the meal with her head propped in her hand, quizzing Daniel about the discoveries he'd made at the dig. It surprised him that she wanted to know so much about archeology, but he'd indulged her curiosity instead of offending the planetary ruler.

However, once he'd been allowed to escape outside, he had done so. While most men would find Jovannah irresistible, Daniel had only been reminded of a spoiled rich kid. Not that he hated her or anything, but he'd felt a strange instinct to run away instead of sticking around. He'd quelled it in the interest of interplanetary relations, but he'd be happy when he left in the morning.

The winter palace boasted a rather unique cooling system inside, as well as bright lights that kept the place as brilliant as daytime. Daniel smiled as the cool air hit him in the face, relishing the feel even as he followed the servant girl. He was unprepared for the strong arm that grabbed him from behind and the sharp prick in his neck.

Instinct took over. He elbowed the guy behind him in the ribs and whirled to face his attacker. But whatever he'd been injected with acted fast. He blinked at the two guards behind him, surprised that they looked identical. On some level, he realized that he was seeing double. But this drug, whatever it was, clouded his mind. He staggered backward, drunkenly raising his hands in loose fists to fight back. Before he could throw a single punch, he tripped over his own feet and fell.

He was unconscious before he hit the floor.


Jovannah, Malikah of Evonnia, smiled as she watched Damek carry his charge into the room she'd prepared. Her Chief Guardsman, the one she entrusted with her safety, deposited Daniel Jackson on the posh bed, leaving his legs draped awkwardly over the side. Jovannah waved him and the servant girl away, making a mental note to reward both of them for bringing her this prize. Once alone, she gently lifted Daniel's feet onto the bed and positioned his arms at his side, running her fingers over the knuckles of his hands.

This man was unlike any she had ever known. Jovannah stared at his face, slack with unconsciousness. His spectacles rested crookedly on his nose. She gently removed them and folded the arms down, placing them on the rich wooden table next to the bed. His face was turned toward her, and she brushed her fingertips over his jawline. He'd shaved that night, much to her delight, and his strong jaw was soft. She knew he had amazing blue eyes, and his hair had spiked in the breeze during his walk in the garden.

She wanted this man at her side. She needed him at her side. Daniel Jackson knew much of her people's history, and he was knowledgeable about various other worlds as well. That wealth of knowledge was hard-earned, however. She recognized the signs of a man who had fought for everything he had. Even in this strange black uniform that hid his form from her, he was easily the most attractive man she'd seen in years.

Settling into a chair across the room, Jovannah watched him sleep. She had first met him when his people began petitioning to bring equipment to the desert ruins. He'd been passionate about learning of her people's past, and that had drawn her. Over the next weeks, she had watched him work tirelessly. He never knew of her presence at the dig site, but Jovannah had seen how he shamelessly worked in the dirt beside men far beneath him. He was always in command, always kind, somewhat wry, and oh-so-irresistible. During those weeks, she had devised her plan to win him to her. His return to his people had come far quicker than she thought, causing her to rush her plan. She had not intended to drug him, merely to woo him. But she could not do that from across the galaxy.

A low moan pulled her out of her thoughts. Jovannah turned back to the bed and smiled. Daniel was stronger than she'd thought. He scowled, likely due to the headache, and lifted a hand to rub his eyes. "Ow."

Jovannah grinned at the dry comment. She stayed in place, partially shadowed by a draped curtain, until he turned her way. Then, she gracefully rose and sauntered over to him, loving how her gown moved over her body. On the bed, Daniel blinked at her, his eyes dropping to her appearance and then back to her face. She smiled. "It is good to see you awake."

"Yeah." He started to sit up.

Jovannah put a hand on his shoulder. "I would recommend remaining in bed for a bit. The drug you were given can have some very nasty side effects."

He dropped down on the pillow. "I'm noticing."

Her smile never wavered as she brushed a hand down his face and onto his shoulder. "Go to sleep, Daniel," she said softly. "I will be here when you wake up."

"Where am I?"

"You are in my palace." She kept her grip on his shoulder firm enough to prevent him from trying to sit up again. "You've been given chambers of your own."

"Chambers?" He blinked again, his eyes rolling around in his head as he tried to clear his vision. "Jovannah, I don't know what you've got in mind, but I need to head back to my world. I've got to go home."

"Shh." She soothed his panic when he tried to sit up again and clutched his head with a soft groan. "You are home."


She let her smile widen. "Sleep, Daniel." She continued to speak softly as he settled back into the pillows. The drug made him compliant for now, and she willingly used it. "Soon, you will no longer be a dignitary but Malik. For now, though, rest. No harm will come to you."

He fought her soft voice and the pull of sleep, clearly not happy with his circumstances. Finally, realizing that he could not resist, he rolled onto his side, starting to snore within thirty seconds. Jovannah stayed on the edge of his bed, lightly touching his face and running her fingers through his hair. He was so childlike at the moment, though she suspected he'd be much more stubborn and difficult once he awoke.

Pulling herself away from him, she stood and headed for the door. Once there, she turned back and smiled. He fit perfectly in this room, the red drapes contrasting with the blue bedclothes and walls. It was a luxurious set of chambers, fit for a king, with a balcony that offered a stunning view of the sunrise and sunset over the Gorane Sea.

Jovannah's smile stayed in place as she left Daniel to himself. Once in the hallway, she nodded to Damek. "Place a guard at this door. Daniel Jackson is allowed to freely roam the palace grounds. But, if he tries to leave, do what is necessary to stop him. Just remember that any action resulting in injury will be subject to scrutiny."

Damek nodded his agreement, and Jovannah went her way. Her smile returned as she tracked down the servant girl. Her life had changed the day that Daniel Jackson walked into her palace, and she looked forward to returning the favor when he was coherent enough to understand.


His head pounded. Daniel allowed himself a low growl as he blinked and tried to clear his vision. Today was better than last night. He clearly remembered waking to see Jovannah hovering over him, her hands brushing his face and hair. Her words, however, were less clear. She'd spoken in low, seductive tones meant to soothe him, not explain anything. He remembered hearing the word malik, which meant "ruler" or "king." But the context had to be all wrong. Surely she didn't intend for him to stay here and become ruler of this world.

Pushing himself upright, Daniel took a few deep breaths to counteract the nausea. His neck ached where he'd been injected, and he rubbed at it until he felt the bruise forming. Whoever had wielded that needle needed to take lessons in gentleness from Dr. Frasier. Still, he was alive, if a little hung over, and he couldn't complain. Not yet, at least.

Once his head became accustomed to being upright, Daniel looked around. He found his glasses set on the bedside table and slipped them on, bringing everything into focus. His room was opulent and a bit overdone. Shimmery orange-red drapes fluttered in a cool breeze coming through open doors, the contrast with the cool blue walls and rich blue bedding a bit jarring but elegant at the same time. Touches of the same orange-red color dotted the room without overwhelming it. Fire and ice. The phrase reminded him of an old Robert Frost poem.

Figuring he should try to find a way out of this mess, he stood up. For a moment, he wondered if it was such a good idea and then ignored the headache. The room had three doors leading out of it. One opened onto a wide balcony with sheer orange red drapes that covered the door and gave the room privacy at night. This morning, those drapes floated in the breeze from the Gorane Sea, the sunrise a perfect backdrop for the setting. Ignoring that door for a moment, Daniel explored the other three. One led to a bathing chamber complete with this world's version of a toilet, and the other hid a matching sitting room. It was just as big as the bedroom, if not bigger. In here, the orange-red color was more pronounced, though the ice blue walls and rich blue carpet toned it down a bit. This room also had windows and a balcony, but they overlooked the garden rather than the Sea. A sideboard held a variety of breads, cheese, and drink, but Daniel's stomach rebelled at the idea of eating. Instead, he walked straight to the only other door in this room and opened it.

A guard stood outside. The man turned, his face not at all surprised. "Dignitary, it is good to see you awake."

"Yeah." Daniel drew out the word. "Listen, I think there might have been a misunderstanding last night. I wasn't staying in these rooms, and I think someone has the wrong idea. I need to gather my things and head out to the Stargate."

The guard smiled, but it wasn't amused. "I am afraid I cannot allow you to leave."


"The Malikah wishes to speak with you, and she has not yet risen for the day."

"Of course she does." Daniel rubbed a hand over his face. "Any idea when that will be?"

"When she is ready." The guard's smile never wavered. "You are free to roam the palace at your will, but she requests that you remain until she has a chance to speak with you."

Frustrated, Daniel just stared at the man. The man stared back. Finally, Daniel sighed. "Fine." He walked back into the room and looked around. Now what?


Jovannah received word that Daniel was awake and ready to depart as soon as she appeared for the day. Since she'd been up late the previous evening, she'd given herself the luxury of sleeping until mid-morning. Knowing that he would have questions and likely argue with her reasons for keeping him here, she chose her clothing carefully. She'd seen how he studiously avoided staring at her body the night before and now smiled. Many times, she wore such clothing to distract men. This time, she'd dressed in such a way to test him. And he had passed the test. The gown she chose for today was green, bringing out her eyes. The silky fabric slid over her body and hugged each of her curves, flaring at her hips to drape alluringly down her legs. It had a long slit in the skirt, but that wouldn't be visible except for the occasional moment when she moved just right. While sleeveless, this gown also draped somewhat modestly across her chest, leaving only the hint of what lay below along with a tantalizing showcase of her clavicle. She enhanced it by choosing a necklace that nestled in the hollow of her throat with just a hint of sparkle. Then, with her hair curling around her shoulders, she swept down to Daniel's quarters and entered after a soft knock.

He stood next to the doors leading to the sitting room balcony. Wearing that black uniform of his, he'd crossed his arms and looked quite himself. And angry. Jovannah smiled at the appearance. The childlike expression from the night before was gone, and determination covered his features. This would not be an easy conversation for either of them.

As soon as she entered, he turned to face her. "What is the meaning of this?"

Jovannah kept her hands clasped in front of her. "I assure you, Daniel, there is no cause for alarm. I wished to speak with you further about your discoveries on the archaeological dig."

He blinked at her, this time as he tried to control his irritation. "So you drugged me, put me in a room, took away all my belongings, and placed a guard at my door?"

She smiled. "Please forgive me, Daniel, but I assumed you would wish to be left alone once you awoke. I placed a guard there to prevent others from disturbing you."

"Disturbing me?"


He stared at her, unconvinced that her motives were pure. Jovannah had a moment of panic when she wondered if this was such a good plan. But she refused to second-guess herself, choosing to forge ahead. "Daniel, I sincerely wish to know more about your work, your discoveries, and how it affects my people's history. You see, it is imperative you know all you can about us."

"It is?" Daniel shoved his hands in his pockets, moving his shoulders and rocking back on his heels. "Why?"

"Because we are to be united as one."

"Excuse me?" His voice took on a breathy quality at the announcement. "You think we. . . ." He pointed to himself, then her, and then back to himself. Then, he held up the same hand. "Okay, I think we've gotten off on the wrong foot here. You see, I came to your world to study archeology. To learn about your culture. Not to marry you." He said the last two words with a strange mix of revulsion and anger.

Jovannah refused to become upset by that. It was a shock to any man, and she knew that he'd eventually adapt. "Nevertheless, that is what will happen." She stepped forward, deliberately allowing him a peek of her leg. "You are the one, Daniel," she said, placing a hand on the side of his face. "I cannot allow you to leave me."

"You're a fruitcake," he replied, pulling away from her touch.

She didn't understand what he meant by that, but the derision in his eyes spoke loudly. "Believe what you will." She stayed close to him, invading his space and staring up into his eyes. "You are free to roam any place you wish on the palace grounds. Anything you need, just ask Donat at the door. These servants are your servants as well. But, I warn you. Should you try to leave, you will be forcibly detained and returned to these rooms."

"So, I'm a prisoner?"

"No." She touched his face again. "You are my guest."

"Yeah, some host you've turned out to be."

Jovannah smiled at him again and whirled to leave the room. The conversation could have gone better, but she suspected his resistance had much to do with being from another world. He did not fully understand all that she'd offered him and so chose to fight against her. No matter. He would change his mind eventually. Until then, she resolved to be patient and kind, loving when the need arose and firm when necessary. Her smile widened in satisfaction.

The seduction of Daniel Jackson had begun.