"Look, I know you're my baby girl and all, and I know you'd never do something like that," she mumbled under her breath, "I hope," she continued with her speech, "but, I know about pregnancy, babies, morning sickness." She looked at my stomach. "Ashes, if you're pregnant, you have to let me know. I won't tell your daddy unless you want me too. I need to know if you're going to need prenatal vitamins and more sponsors. I can have your father do sympathetic stories about you. Ashes, I have to know everything about you right now. Everything about you and Axle."
I looked at her, "How do you know so much just by looking at me?"
Katniss chuckled, "Honey, when I had you I was training to be a mentor. After I lost one of my favorite Hunger Games persons, I was in hysterics. I was determined to win."
And she continued with the story.
The story that would help me tell her everything.
"Katniss, dinner!" Peeta called from the house. He brushed back a strand of blond hair and blinked his blue eyes.
She looked up, and sneered. "I can't!" she called back. "Not now! I'm training!" "Reaping isn't for seven months." He yelled as he jumped off the steps and bounded towards Katniss. They'd gotten married, officially a few months back. It took a lot of convincing from Peeta, but eventually, she'd agreed. She was happy, until the Hunger Games returned for another year of hatred and death and killings.
"Watch your step." She pointed at the ground.
He looked down, and saw small pools of rust colored chunky vomit.
"Whoa." He said as he walked to his wife. "Are you okay?" "Yeah, I've just felt sick lately." He narrowed his eyes, "When?" "All day." She admitted. "It sucks, especially since I'm training. I'm figuring it's one of the eggs that we ate from that carton that didn't have a date on it." He bit his bottom lip, "Katniss, if it was one of the eggs, I would've gotten sick first. I have a weaker stomach than you." She growled, "I'm fine, Peeta." Peeta stepped back and coughed, "Uh." "What?" Katniss asked. "What?" "You know…you got drunk off of Haymitch's liquor a month ago after you found out…uh, Rue's father passed away."
"Why are you bringing it up?" "We had sex." "And…" she wasn't catching on to what he was hinting on.
"And I think you weren't on your pills that you bought." She brought a hand up to her mouth after a minute, finally catching on.
"And you think I'm…" she bawled the next word as she threw herself on the ground, "pregnant." Peeta nodded.
"That was your first time?" I asked.
She nodded and cupped my chin in her hands, "Yep. With you. And I hated the idea of being pregnant and bringing a baby into a world with the Hunger Games. After the revolution failed, and I was no longer the pretty mockingjay, I told your father I would never have children. You were a mistake." She batted at a stray tear that was trickling down her cheeks, "Whenever you were born, your father wrote down three names. Delilah, Evergreen, and Ashes." He told me to circle the ones he hated. And I circled Delilah, leaving Evergreen and Ashes. He chose finally then. I didn't even hold you for your first hour on Earth. Peeta cut the umbilical cord, and your second hour, I had to hold you. Your father never left me alone with you, afraid that I would kill you. I hated you, practically. Peeta was so…sweet though. He didn't make me love you. And eventually, I loved you so much. I was glad you were there, in my arms, safe. Haymitch mentored for two years, and whenever you turned two, we sent you to Gale and Madge's house. You and Axle were by then, best friends. He was a year older than you, but it was the sweetest thing." She laughed. "He would pull out a chair for you and…and just hug you as soon as he saw you."
This had me in tears. Axle was still that way with me. Pulling out chairs.
"Mom," I whispered, "I'm pregnant."
I confirmed it. I confirmed I was pregnant. I was having a baby.
I let out a deep sigh. It felt as if an enormous weight had been lifted off of me.
I was pregnant. I was pregnant. I was pregnant. I was pregnant.
"Okay." My mother said. She looked down at my stomach and picked at the end of my shirt. "May I?"
I nodded.
She pulled it up, exposing the small elevated surface. A baby bump was there.
"Okay." She said again. She laid a hand on the skin, feeling over, making sure it was real.
"Baby's father…" I choked out.
"Axle?" she guessed.
I nodded and then laughed, as tears fell freely from my eyes.
"Mom, I'm-I can't come out. He has to win. I can't come back with a baby."
"Honey." My mother said. "You're going to be fighting for two. Your baby and yourself. Axle's decision is whether or not to protect you. I'm leaning on he's protecting you. He knows about the baby, right?"
I nodded. "Yeah, he thinks that I can just win it."
"You can. Anything's possible, Ashes." She took her hand off of my belly and pulled the shirt down. She stood from my bed, "Whenever training ends and the boys come home, you need to talk to Axle. Talk about the games. Everything. And I might have something that can help both of you."
I nodded and looked over at the clock. Training would end in five minutes.
"Ash, you know interviews tomorrow at seven. Maybe you should watch some of the past interviews. Your father's?"
I bit my bottom lip and stood up, "Sure. Now?"
"No. Whenever Axle gets home, I'll send him in with them. Your father's may help Axle more than it'll help you. 'Course, your father's little trick helped both me and him."
I rose an eyebrow, "You mean the…thing in the second interview?" I teased her.
She giggled, "Yeah…it might help you and your baby daddy."
A/N: not Katniss knows. And I'm posting another chapter today because I felt the love ! Thanks so much guys! ((: it really makes my day. I went to Pizza Hut today with my friend and my parents. It got a little wild. Let's just say…I'm probably the most crazy girl there. I was the loudest , lol! (: -Haley xo.