Summary: What happens when Cal's bodyguard, Spicer Lovejoy unexpectedly falls in love with rich, first class Titanic passenger, Victoria Sullivan—and the cruel, mean Cal disapproves? What lengths will Cal go through to ruin Lovejoy's love and happiness with Victoria? Will Cal's mean and cruel nature cause the relationship of Victoria and Lovejoy to end in horrific tragedy? This story is inspired from and based on Rihanna's song "We Found Love".

~ Love In A Hopeless Place ~

"You almost feel ashamed, that someone could feel that important,

that without them, you feel like nothing.

No one will ever understand how much it hurts.

You feel hopeless, like nothing can save you, and

when its over and its gone, you almost wish that

you could have all that bad stuff back…..

so you can have the good."

~'We Found Love' ~ Rihanna

Lovejoy was finally relieved that he had been relived for the night from doing his job as Cal's bodyguard. As he walked down to the bar area of Titanic, he sat down at the bar and sighed as he ordered a Brandy from the bartender. As the bartender gave him the drink, Lovejoy stared down into the drink endlessly. His mind wandering with thoughts of what he'd do after the ship docked in New York, sure he'd go on to continue working with Cal as his bodyguard and financial assistant, but still, Lovejoy wanted more from his life, although he'd never tell Cal that—Cal was his boss, but at times, very rare times, Cal was his friend –or at least that how Lovejoy pictured it in his mind. However, even though knowing that, Lovejoy knew he couldn't really share his thoughts and feelings with Cal, mostly because Cal would've heard them and thought they were absolutely ridiculous. In Cal's mind, Lovejoy's sole and only purpose was to serve him, as Cal's bodyguard and assistant, that was it. Any life that Lovejoy wanted or wished to have outside of that, made absolutely no sense to Cal. As Lovejoy was sitting there, continuing to stare down endlessly into his drink, a tall, slender woman came and sat next beside him at the bar. She was fairly beautiful and resembled actress Halle Berry, practically to a "t", with her smooth, highly lightened skin, long, back length, silky, brown hair, bright, hazel eyes, an hourglass figure that would make any other woman jealous, full smooth lips. She looked to be in her early thirties, she had on a beautiful, lavender, floor length dress on that truly exhibited first class. Her name was Victoria. Victoria looked at Lovejoy as he continued to stare down into his glass with endless, quiet thinking. She smiled and scoffed.

"You look like you've had one hard day." Victoria said in an Irish accent.

Lovejoy looked at her and practically froze as he stared at her. It was as if he were struck and frozen instantly by her beauty. He stared at her in almost awe. He quickly managed to have the mental strength to look away as he shook his head slightly and shrugged and continued back to staring down into his glass.

"Um, well, no, hard is not the most—appropriate word." Lovejoy said with a brief smile. "I'd say, difficult, challenging, annoying."

Victoria laughed. Lovejoy looked at her and then looked away with a curious look. He wanted to start up a conversation, but he wasn't the one to start conversations with people. He was usually the silent one, the one who was always silent and reserved, it was all thanks to his bodyguard training. Victoria tapped him on the shoulder and smiled. He looked at her and saw she had her hand extended to him.

"I'm Victoria, Lewis Sullivan," Victoria said with a smile. "Your name?"

Lovejoy shook her hand and felt and instant warmth from it. He nodded with a brief smile.

"I'm Spicer Lovejoy," Lovejoy said lightly. "Victoria, pretty name, nice to meet you."

Victoria laughed and shrugged as she picked up the glass of wine that the bartender gave to her.

"Spicer Lovejoy," Victoria said with a smile. "That's unique in itself."

Lovejoy laughed briefly.

"My mother gave me my first name." Lovejoy replied. "Why, I don't know, she said I'm named after my father. He passed before I was born, so its supposed to be in tribute to him."

Victoria's smile faded and her face instantly formed into a look of sympathy.

"Oh what a tragedy, I'm sorry." Victoria said sincerely.

Lovejoy nodded with a serious expression.

"Me too, I heard he was a great man, I never got to meet him." Lovejoy said.

Lovejoy glanced at her with an eyebrow raised.

"So are you in first class? Second? Third?" Lovejoy asked. "Are you um—"

Lovejoy stopped and looked down into his glass of half empty Brandy and frowned slightly.

"Are you on here alone?" Lovejoy asked almost quietly.

He immediately regretted asking that question as soon as the words came out his mouth.

"Like that didn't completely sound like a flirtatious question." Lovejoy thought to himself.

Victoria stared at him with a serious expression, but also with a look as if he had just asked her if she'd like to go to bed with him. Victoria looked down at her glass and blinked repeatedly.

"Uh—um, I—I—I'm first class." Victoria said with slight hesitance in her voice.

Lovejoy looked at her and observed her up and down, her clothes, her small, but exquisite earrings, he scoffed and smiled as he finished off the rest of his drink.

"And um, I'm here with my aunt." Victoria said. "Just taking a vacation."

Lovejoy nodded.

"And you? What class are you on this ship, Mr. Lovejoy?" Victoria said with an eyebrow raised. "Are you here alone?"

Lovejoy looked at her as he sat back in his chair at the bar.

"I'm in first class," Lovejoy replied lightly. "I'm here on work matters though. I'm a bodyguard and a financial assistant to one of the wealthier men of Titanic—Caledon Hockley."

Victoria gasped and slightly smiled as she nodded.

"Yes, I have heard of him," Victoria said brightly. "You work for him? Oh that must be absolutely fun."

Lovejoy looked away from her and laughed briefly.

"Oh you can't imagine, its—SUCH fun." Lovejoy said sarcastically with a brief smile.

"I'm sure," Victoria said with a smile. "So you're a bodyguard, is that fun work?"

Lovejoy nodded.

"I'm a bodyguard and a financial assistant." Lovejoy corrected her. "I used to do a variety of things before I became a bodyguard, but then I narrowed them down to two—accounting and being a bodyguard, but I used to be an undertaker."

Victoria's eyes widened and a look of slightly 'creeped out' look appeared on her face. Lovejoy took notice of it and laughed.

"Yes, that's why I don't do that sort of work anymore." Lovejoy said with a laugh that was shared between them both.

"Well, I just find that being an undertaker is—well—its—creepy for me." Victoria said with a smile.

"That was the same feeling I had as well." Lovejoy said with a smile. "I did it from the time I was eighteen up until I was in my late twenties, it was mostly to help my mother and brothers with money and such, but I always hated it, so when I got into my thirties, I stopped doing it and became an accountant and a bodyguard and I've been doing that ever since."

"Well, you seem to have a fascinating life, Mr. Lovejoy." Victoria said with a smile.

Lovejoy lightly touched her hand, that was sitting on the bar and slightly shook his head.

"You can just call me, Lovejoy." Lovejoy said.

Victoria nodded with a smile.

"Alright, Lovejoy." Victoria said with a warm smile.

"Well, what about you, Victoria?" Lovejoy asked. "What do you do? Are you um—"

"Married?" Victoria said with a flirty smile.

Of course she knew what he was going to ask, because it was what she wanted to ask him from the moment they started their conversation.

Lovejoy raised an eyebrow and smiled briefly and nodded.

"Yes, that." Lovejoy asked in a light voice.

Victoria shook her head and smiled delicately.

"No I'm not married, not being courted by anyone." Victoria said. "I um—"

Victoria stopped and looked away from him with a deep frown, it was a frown that Lovejoy saw, despite her having her head turned away from him. Lovejoy looked at her with a serious expression.

"Oh, hey, um, if I'm asking too many personal questions, I apologize." Lovejoy said lightly. "I was just um—"

Lovejoy looked down at the bar table while blinking repeatedly and slightly frowned himself.

"Um, I'll just leave you alone now. Good night, ms." Lovejoy said as he started to get up from the bar.

Victoria grabbed his arm and looked at him with a serious expression, a guilty expression. So she couldn't tell the truth, she could at least lie to continue talking to him. This was a conversation she was enjoying, mostly because of the vibes she was picking up from Lovejoy from the moment she first spoke to him.

"No, don't go." Victoria said almost quietly.

He looked at her with a bit of confusion. She looked down at the bar and scoffed and smiled.

"I'm sorry, I—I just have a slight headache and I had to stop to let the pain ease up in my head a bit." Victoria replied.

Lovejoy sat back down at the bar and nodded with a slight smile.

"I surely hope I didn't cause the headache, ms." Lovejoy said as he stared at her.

Victoria shook her head with a brief smile.

"No, if anything, talking to you, is making it ease up piece by piece." Victoria said warmly.

Lovejoy looked down at the bar table and smiled briefly, his face slightly blushed at her comment.

"I—I have my own restaurant." Victoria said with assurance. "Its in New York and its very successful, so I could say I'm very, very well off—not wealthy but, well off."

Lovejoy nodded with a surprised look and a smile.

"That's amazing, and great." Lovejoy replied.

Victoria nodded with her own smile, not believing she just sat there and lied right to his face, but she didn't care at that moment, he was handsome, absolutely handsome to her, and he appeared to be very smart, and Victoria liked him. She would have said anything to continue talking with him. In Victoria's mind, she didn't know what would come from just their simple conversation at that bar, so to her, lying was worth it.