
I'm what you call "bump in the night" I make grown men wet themselves. I am Nigrum Daemonium or in English "Black Demon". There are many types of our kind. Apparently to mortal folklore my kind is the worst.

We feed off humans by, well its hard to describe, it's like we consume their body into ours.

Lissa my best friend is the healing one of our kind a Lux Daemonium (light demon) well she was until she fell in love with Christian Ozera that's how we turn mortal we fall in love so we can old with our soul mates and have children.

The only mortals that can see us are "The Hunters" they are born with a special tattoo that allows them to see us as we truly are.

I am Rose Hathaway, I one of the few Dark Angels alive and currently being hunted down.