When they arrived back home from the short ride on the subway, Sebastian was beginning to freak out. It'd been four times, four times and he still hadn't had an answer from Kurt. He decided that he either really didn't want to marry him or he was doing something wrong.

It was that he was doing something wrong, must be. Kurt did want to marry him. Why would he have stuck with him for six years if he didn't want to get married?

Plus, with the amount of wedding magazines Kurt kept in the wardrobe, it would be stupid to think Kurt didn't want to get married. Kurt lived for weddings.

As he walked into the bathroom, he realised he was sweating more than he should have been. This thing with Kurt had to stop, the talking turning to jokes, the seriousness being mistaken for sarcasm. He had to do something about it and boy was he ready.

Only he wasn't ready at all. Not for rejection. Not for pain. Kurt had somehow become his life and he couldn't lose him over a silly marriage proposal. Wasn't six years together enough without a ceremony and rings?

No, it wasn't. It just wasn't. He wanted to marry Kurt and he had to try one more time. Just once more and that'd be it.

Taking a loud sigh and storming out of the bathroom, he entered the bedroom without Kurt noticing. He began to pace around, thinking about the right thing to say. When nothing came he decided to wing it, he'd taken that improv class during his spare time at Med school. He totally had this. He could do this.

He walked over to the wardrobe and dug around until he found his large winter coat. Sticking his hand into the inside pocket, he pulled out the box and sighed, "I guess it's now or never."

When he walked out of the room he saw Kurt walking over the couch to sit down and settle in for some late night telly. I don't think so, Sebastian thought as he smiled, getting excited already.

"Kurt can I ask you something?" Kurt's head snapped around and locked his eyes onto Sebastian. He smiled and changed direction so he was walking towards Sebastian instead.

"OK. Do you want me to sit down?"

"No, come here. And then make no sudden movements. I'm scared if I don't do this now I never will." Oh god, this is it. He's going to break up with me. Was all Kurt could think, of course why would he expect Sebastian to propose? He hadn't given him any reason to. For all Kurt knew, Sebastian had been seeming off at the talk of marriage because he really didn't want to get married. Maybe he just wanted to break up. The whole 'Sebastian doesn't do relationships' spiel could easily have been coming back in his late twenties.

"OK." He finished walking over to him and stopped, never taking his eyes from Sebastian.

"I love you." Kurt's smile grew but there was still a feeling in his chest that everything was going to go wrong, that what Sebastian was going to say would change everything about their relationship.

"I love you too, Seb."

"No I really love you. Like I really really love you." Sebastian grabbed Kurt by the hand and felt he'd been shaking.

"I really really love you too, Seb." Kurt nodded and all the thoughts about them breaking up fell out of his mind. Wait, if he's not going to break up with me, what is this about?

"I've wanted to do this for a very long time but I've failed." Kurt's smile fell slightly as he looked to Sebastian with a confused look on his face.


"Yeah, four times." Sebastian giggled slightly.

"Right." Kurt nodded and allowed Sebastian to continue.

"Kurt Hummel, you are my soul mate. I know that sounds cheesy but fuck it. You're the love of my life, my best friend. I don't know where either of our lives will take us but I know I'll have you by my side wherever I go. I love you. So, if you'll let me, I'd like to promise to be with you and love you for the rest of our lives," Kurt had dreamed about this moment, of the person he loved asking him this, tears had gathered in his (and Sebastian's) eyes and he was shaking uncontrollably, a smile etched on his face as he listened to Sebastian, "so before I collapse into a hopeless heap of mush, I'd like to ask you a very simple question," he got down on one knee and pulled out the box from behind his back. A huge smile appeared on both their faces as Sebastian opened the box and looked up to Kurt, "Will you marry me?"

"Yes yes yes, Seb, a thousand times yes!" they both jumped up and Kurt allowed Sebastian to wrap his arms around his waist as he jumped into his arms, wrapping his legs around his waist. He cried into his shoulder before kissing his neck then moving to his face.

"Five times will do." laughed Seb, kissing him back.

"Five times yes." he laughed. When he finally was put back on the floor, Sebastian tried to pull the ring out the box but it proved difficult with shaky hands. A laugh from Kurt calmed his breathing as he managed to get it out. He moved his gaze back to Kurt as he got back down on one knee and looked up to him. As Kurt stuck out his left hand, Sebastian kissed the ring finger and prayed it was the right fit before sliding it on.

"It fits." Sebastian sighed before kissing Kurt's hand and stood back up.

"God I love you." Kurt breathed out before resting their foreheads together.

"I love you too, fiancé." Kurt laughed and Sebastian commented, "Sebastian Smythe, the man who took five times to get an answer."

"Kurt Hummel," he laughed back to him, "the man who took five times to realise he was being proposed to."