A/N: Since the last time I worked on this fanfic, it was really long ago; several years...I think. I apologize for it's terrible quality and now I present to you, a new and improved 'Riptide'.

Chapter I

"Lulu," I began. Swallowing hard, I tried to gaze at the beautiful woman sitting beside me, however, I could not keep eye contact. My nervousness was becoming an impairment. Since I'd rescued her eggs from the Gerudo Pirates, I had tried time and time again to tell her the truth about who I really was, that I wasn't the real Mikau. Continuing, I said, my voice slightly nervous, "I'm not who you think I am." I cast my gaze out toward the horizon where the sun was beginning to rise. I was expectant of her to go off on a tantrum. The island-like sea turtle was nowhere to be found in case I needed to escape from a furious band of Zoras. Just my luck, I sighed inwardly.

"I know."

I rose to my feet and stood there, astonished at the young Zora's curt reply. She seemed to know of my secret. Now, I could barely look at the Zora princess. Her ocean blue eyes met mine, twinkling like sapphires. Lulu didn't seem to look upset nor even disappointed. "Despite the fact you wear his skin, I know you aren't the real Mikau. Two weeks ago, I discovered his grave on the western shore. M-Mikau is dead." Her voice quivered. Steadying her voice, she continued, if rather quickly, "You may have his same pallid face and his unique tattoos, b-but I know better. The Mikau I knew was an upbeat and lively guy. You...you're taciturn, almost mute. It...it scares me even." She paused to catch her breath. Her face hid a frown.

"When I had first stumbled upon his grave, I refused to accept his death. He lived such an ephemeral existence, one that ended too soon." The lead singer of the Indigo-go's choked on her words. She regained her postured and said, "Not too much later by a day, I saw you taking a mask off, reverting back to your human self. I was furious when I found out you were a fake. I wanted to tell everyone you were an imposter. But against my better judgment, I stayed silent. I locked myself in my room all day last week. I'd been grieving and fuming at the same time." She gave a small giggle and said, "I was kind of freaked out at the time. But I have finally accepted Mikau's death." She fell silent for a few moments. The water swirled around her feet as I returned to a sitting position. Then she said, "I am not angry anymore. I should be thanking you for saving my children. But without a father to grow up with, they will be too naïve. My brood needs a father figure to grow up normally. I'd like you to take this task for me. Just until my children know better. A few years at best." She let a hopeful smile take refuge on her face.

The spiral shaped fish bone I'd been fidgeting with clattered to the ground beside me before tumbling into the sea. My abyss black eyes met hers once again. Placing my hands on where the edges of the mask should be, I said, "I guess I should do this as my real self." I tugged. The skin moved, but there was no mask to give way. Just the smooth amphibious skin. Again, I tugged. I winced in pain as I pulled harder. "Oh shit," I muttered as I gave up. Lulu glanced at me in confusion. Putting my arms to my side, I elaborated, "Unfortunately, I do believe I'm not wearing a mask anymore. I...I think I'm stuck in this body. Like...a curse."

Nodding, Lulu replied, "I will send for a shaman at once. He or she may have the ability to determine whether you can become human again or not. For now, let go of whatever aggression you may have. I personally like to take a swim when I am distressed. I will send Japas or Evan when the Zora shaman arrives. Until then, I will see you later." She dismissed herself and left me to my own devices.


The possibility of staying a Zora for the rest of my life burdened my shoulders. I sat on the rim of a tidal pool teaming with marine life. Gritty and irritating sand clung to my scales. Raising my hand-like flipper out of the pool, I hefted the fish-bone guitar into my hands. Strumming softly, I strung a few chords into an esoteric melody. As my fingers left the sinewy strings, the ocean breeze rolled inland.

Despite I had never played many instruments as a human, I seemed to know exactly what to do with the fish-bone guitar. It was as if I absorbed Mikau's soul and he was guiding me from beyond the veil, teaching me music. Ever since I'd first worn his mask, his memories of learning and practicing music were imprinted in my mind.

Closing my double lidded eyes, I listened. Sounds from all fronts seemed to compete for my attention. The flapping of wings and the bickering of gulls stormed my head. Though Lulu had sent me out here to blow off some steam, I felt relaxed. I wasn't tense nor did I feel upset. There was no doubt I feared what the future held in store for me, but I couldn't help but enjoy the warm, salty breeze and the gentle crashing of the cresting waves. The intangible rays of sunlight warmed my coldblooded body. Still, the Triforce of Courage faintly glowed on the back of my left hand.

I ought to have been freaking out or have become enraged, but I hadn't. I had no urge to panic. I was as calm as the sea I gazed upon. However, fathering a cluster of Zora juveniles that weren't technically mine seemed rather absurd. Should the outcome result in is form permanently, I'd have to get used to the different anatomy and familiarize myself with their foreign culture and customs. But the idea of consuming raw fish repulsed me. Not to mention I'd have to learn to sleep in water like a fish like the beings that dwelt within Zora's Domain. Stuck in a body that cannot be without water for mere hours. That thought brought back the thought that I'd never see Saria, Navi nor any of my other friends again. Each of their faces flashed before my very eyes. The thought very nearly brought tears to my eyes.

A heavy snort and a low whiny pulled me from the disillusioned state I'd wandered into. Opening my eyes, I saw a carefully groomed mare trot towards me. Epona's caramel fur had been neatly brushed; Cremia and Romani were taking care of Epona well. Placing my hand on her side, I noticed how different her fur felt against my webbed hand. It seemed...rougher to the touch. Epona neighed softly and nuzzled my cheek.

"I missed you too Epona," I said looking into her eyes wrought of molten chocolate. I could see intelligence brimming in the almond shaped pools of chocolate. I sighed and whispered, "I don't think I'll be able to ride you anymore." I gave a strained huff and patted her leg. "I might be stuck like this forever. But I can still visit you every now and then. If I can even leave the Great Bay." I stood up and started walking down the beach, the last moments of my old life. As Epona and I walked, I stumbled across a flat piece of driftwood. It looked as if it once belonged to the hull of a red ship.

Taking a sharp seashell, I etched onto the plank of driftwood. Placing the message in one of Epona's saddlebags, I directed her, "Please take this to Princess Zelda of Hyrule. She will know what to do. I know you know the way back home. Good bye, partner..." The plank contained the message still fresh in my mind:

To whom it may concern,

You may know me as the Hero of Time or the Savior

of Termina. The man clad in green. Whilst the darkness

is sealed away, I shall not return. Do not grieve for me.

Ere am I indisposed, I am far from Death's Door

Forget and move on. It is the last memory of

the Hero

I watched Epona trot away. As she neared the gate, she powerfully leaped with all grace a horse could. In the distance, I could see her cantering toward the land of Hyrule. "I'll miss her," I murmured. A single tear fell from my eyes, only to be evaporated in the harsh sunlight.

"Yo Mikau," said a dreamy pensive voice that sounded like he wasn't all there. He clapped me on the back gently.

"Japas," I acknowledged.

Rolling to my feet, I looked at the talented bassist. Smiling, the tall (but not taller than myself) Zora said, "Heya man. Lulu is looking for ya. Don't keep that pretty girl waitin. She be an impatient gal. She's a pretteh lil thing. Never make a lady wait." I nodded and followed Japas back to the hall being silent the entire time.


"Good, you've returned," stated Lulu as she noticed me walking up the coral steps. Entering her room, a wrinkly elderly Zora looked at me. Milky, opaque eyes met mine. I then realized that she'd lost her eyesight. She barely seemed able to walk without the help from another.

Before I was able to move, her hand shot out and grabbed me. Pulling my body toward the bed, she placed her hand upon my forehead. She answered my unspoken question, "I am searching for residual magical energies. It would be possible to unravel the spell or hex if there are any sparks left." I simply nodded and waited. Her slick hands probed my face. Soon, a deliberate sigh reached my ears. "I'm afraid that this spell cannot be undone. Young hero, you are cursed to be in this form for eternity." She bit her lip and said cryptically, "Souls two, fused. One born of land, the other born from the sea. Paths intertwined become one. Damage has been wrought, nary a cure can be done." She then passed out quite promptly.

Lulu looked at me sympathetically before calling the royal guards to escort the shaman to a separate room to recuperate.

"Dammit," I muttered, defeated.

Placing her hand on my shoulder, Lulu said, "I'm sorry Link. I hoped you'd been able to return to your original form. But to make sure no one else suspects you, I have to call you Mikau. On the bright side, you can still breath underwater." Pointing to an amorphous mass in a pool of water, she said, "Those are our children. To keep them safe, you'll have to sleep with me." My gaze shifted from the tadpole-like Zoras that swam and chased each other in the pool to the female, raising a questionable look. Lulu blushed deeply, realizing her mistake in word choice. The rosy hue contrasted with her bluish skin. "I-I meant to say sleep in the same bed with me."

Since I'd been trapped in this form, I laughed for the first time. I wasn't used to the gurgle that accompanied my soft laughter. Lulu began to laugh with me, embracing me. We fell to the gelatinous bed, still hugging. I was surprised how the bed rippled, absorbing the shock as I landed on my back with Lulu atop of me. Whatever the gel was made from, the ever so slight movement seemed to replicate the current of the ocean. Soon, we turned in as daybreak turned to morning. My last thought before falling asleep was the awe that Zoras still sleep in human-like beds.

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter