Randy sat in the waiting room along with the other patients of the hospital; his arm was still in a sling after being dislocated yet again. He knew what exercises he was meant to do but the company made sure he was to go to a physio, which just made him agitated. He sat there in pain, not wanting to go and see yet another doctor because of his weak shoulder. Being a WWE superstar also meant that he was stared at wherever he went, there were other people in the waiting room looking over too him and whispering to each other, he didn't mind but he just wanted to leave already.
"Randy Orton?" A nurse walked out with a clip board and looked around the room.
Randy stood up and began to follow her down the hall.
"You will be seeing Dr. Paton today Mr. Orton." She stopped him in front of room number 24b.
He was sick of coming to see these old grumpy doctors who just told him the same thing over and over again; basically throwing drugs at him to make the pain go away until the next visit.
"Just go in and wait, the doctor won't be long." The nurse smiled at him. "If you need anything just give me a call." She giggled. Randy just sighed and proceeded into the room taking a seat in front of the doctor's desk. He looked around the room and something caught his eye, it was a picture of a little boy, probably 6 or so years old. Randy rolled his eyes.
"Probably his grandson or something." He laughed
"Actually that's my little brother."
Randy turned to the door, it wasn't an old man at all; it was a young lady who couldn't be much younger then himself, long brown and blonde hair, ocean blue eyes and a slight Australian accent.
"Sorry, I'm just use to all the older doctors around here, I just assumed." Randy rubbed the back of his head with his good hand.
She just laughed. "I know, I'm still getting use to it." She went behind her desk and sat down. "So Mr. uh"
"Orton?" Randy was slightly confused that she had never heard of his name before.
"Sorry, I'm not good with names." She smiled. "Well I'm Dr. Paton, but you can call me Ryder."
"Ryder? That's an interesting name."
"You're telling me, try going though school with a name like that" She sighed.
Randy just smiled. "Well my names Randy, I know how it feels." He laughed.
She giggled. "So what happened to you?"
"Well I was in a match-" he stopped; she didn't have any clue who he was, it was a relief not to be told that it's dangerous and he should give it up. He decided to keep it that way. "Someone pushed me down a flight of stairs and well I didn't quite land right."
"That's horrible! Seriously some people just don't have any heart do they." She shook her head. "We'll it's a good thing you came to me, I should have you fixed in no time." She looked up and him and smiled. "Can I get you to take your sling off and lay face down on the bed over there?"
"Not a problem." He slid the sling over his head and walked over to the bed, holding his arm tight against his chest to stop it from hurting.
"Did the paramedics relocate it for you? Cause it doesn't seem like it's sitting right." She stopped him before he lay down letting him sit on the edge of the bed.
"They did but it never stops hurting I've just been given a tone of medication to take for the pain, the other doctors wouldn't do anything about it." He winced as she turned his forearm over trying to straighten his arm out.
"You're kidding! That's the worst thing they could have been doing for you. Especially because it hasn't been put back right the muscles have been trying to heal themselves because of the pain killers and it looks like they already have started so it will be slightly more painful to relocate it properly this time. She said as she pulled his arm dislocating it again and then pushing it back into position.
"FUCK!" Randy yelled as he bit on his hand to take away the pain.
"I am so sorry! I had to do it while you were distracted though or else it would have hurt a whole lot more I promise. On the bright side it will feel a lot better when I'm done with you." She smiled innocently.
"Its fine just tell me what you are doing from now on." He let go of his hand. "But I must say already it feels like a lot of pressure has been taken off."
"That's great, if you could please take your shirt off lie down now that would be great, this part may hurt a bit from tenderness but it won't be anything compared to that." She smiled as he took his shirt off and lay down.
She began to rub her hands in circles over his bad shoulder, relaxing all the muscles that had been so tense from not being placed right. Randy felt like he was in heaven.
"What made you move over here to the States?" Randy asked as he continued to enjoy the massage she was delivering.
"Well, my brother really. It's a long and complicated story but its better that he's here and not back home. Even though I do miss my family and friends." She sighed.
"How long ago did you move?"
"It's actually only been a few weeks. I was so lucky to find this job, it sucks sometimes though because I don't have my friends to talk to or come visit me all the time. Obviously you've seen how many people work at this hospital; none of them are even close to my age." They both laughed.
"Well look I'm going to be in town for a while, if you ever need company just ask." Randy turned his face toward her and smiled.
"I couldn't ask you to do that; you have your own friends. It's fine really, but thank you." She smiled.
"My friends all work around the country 365 days a year. Since I grounded back here I'd love the company."
"Okay, well I'd like that, thanks Randy." She smiled, making her first friend since she moved here. "So what do you do for a career that requires you to travel so much?
Randy was stumped he couldn't think of something that would cause so much travelling. Then a light switched on in his brain.
"Pilot." He smiled nervously hoping she would believe him.
"That's amazing! It would suck to be away from home so long though, doesn't it?" she asked as she rubbed soothing oil against his shoulder.
"It does, but I don't really have anything here worth coming back for, I see my parents every now and then but I don't have any siblings or other family."
"Ah well then it seems like the perfect career for you then, if you love it." She smiled and tapped his back. "Okay, you can sit up now. Do you want the good or bad news first?"
He sat up and rolled his shoulder. "This is amazing; I can't feel any pain at all! What better news is there than that?"
She laughed. "Well that was the good news, the bad news is that because it was so damaged from the fall and it not being put back right, you won't be able to return to work for at least another 2 weeks."
"But there isn't any pain." His happiness quickly faded.
" For now, but in a few days time it will hurt again, tomorrow you will feel stiff, and then in 2 days it will hurt again, but if you keep coming back to see me it will heal possibly quicker." She handed him his shirt.
"Okay, well I'll defiantly be coming back then." He laughed putting his shirt over his head. He went to pick his sling up but Ryder took it off of him.
"You won't need this anymore; when it starts to hurt again it will hurt more when you bend your arm."
"You are some sort of miracle worker." Randy smiled and hugged Ryder.
"I try" She laughed. "It will be best if you come a couple times a week down here, and hopefully we can fix you sooner rather than later."
"Defiantly." He smiled and took a pen and a piece of paper off of her desk. He scribbled down his number. "I was being serious; if you ever need company just give me a call."
She took the paper off him. "I defiantly will, thanks." Ryder smiled as he left the room.