
Chapter 3: An Unexpected Visitor




As her last student stepped out of the dojo for the day, Kaoru let out a peaceful sigh. Still dressed in her practice attire, she put her wooden sword back in its place on the wall and opened the door to the yard. This was where her redheads often spent their afternoons—when they weren't inside watching the lesson, that is.

The two of them were playing catch with the ball that Kenshin had bought for his son's seventh birthday, exchanging mild banter as each one tried to surprise the other with the next pass.

The rurouni smiled at her in greeting as he sent the ball high into the air with an underhanded throw, and Kaoru walked over to stand beside him, watching her son catch the ball with both hands. "Who's winning?"

Her husband shrugged. "I haven't been keeping track." He turned to extend the question to his son. "Kenji?"

"I am!" was the confident reply, and both parents laughed. The young boy grinned and threw the ball straight at Kenshin with as much speed as he could— but before the older man could catch it, Kaoru snatched it out of the air.


Kenji waved his arms enthusiastically. "Over here, Mom!"

The game of catch soon morphed into Keep-Away-From-Dad, and Kenshin enjoyed every ounce of simple happiness as his wife and son teamed up and strategized against him. Kenji was proving to be a worthy opponent, too; he was doing his best to thwart his father's ability to predict moves. Occasionally the boy would put all his weight off to the side and into his good arm, and if Kenshin went for it, he would move the ball to his weak hand and throw it the other direction. The game led the three of them across the yard and back again— running, jumping, and panting as they went. Kenji had a wide, excited smile on his face, and Kenshin took pride in knowing he had helped to put it there.

His wife was in possession of the ball now, and she squeaked as he began to chase her. Knowing she could never outrun him, Kaoru sent the ball sailing over her husband's head, and her son ran to catch it, trying to get there before his father could. But Kenshin had other ideas. Grinning, the rurouni ignored the ball and lunged straight for Kenji instead.

"Wha—? Dad!" The two of them tumbled to the grass in what soon became a friendly wrestling match.

Kaoru shook her head at the sight of long red hair tangling together, small limbs flailing wildly as Kenji attempted to pin his laughing father down. Her boys really were two of a kind… and they never failed to brighten her day with their silliness.

But suddenly her husband's body went completely slack, and only a split second later, Kenji's did too. Both were staring at the dojo's outer gate, and Kenshin had a look of utter disbelief in his face.

In that moment, the rurouni noticed several things. First, it was time to teach Kenji about ki; he must have inherited quite a bit of talent, as he had sensed the new presence almost as soon as his father had. Second, the ki he was sensing held an element of danger—not exactly hostile, but with a feeling of wildness to it. But third, and most importantly: I know that man.

It couldn't be.

But his wife's shout confirmed it.







The rooster-head returns!

I keep thinking I'm going to write these chapters from Kenji's perspective, but it never turns out that way. It's hard to write from the point of view of someone who doesn't know very much... I keep coming back to Kenshin's view because he's good at observing and putting things together.

Hopefully the later chapters will be in Kenji's eyes, though. When he starts forming strong opinions about swordsmanship, it should be easier (and more interesting) to switch over.

Reviews are always appreciated. :)