I really wanted to try something like this, and I'm not sure how well it turned out. Either way, I enjoyed writing it! :D

Naruto woke up in the middle of nowhere with a bad headache and a dim memory of training with Saskue and Sakura before a bright light hit them. He opened his eyes and jumped to his feet when he heard unfamiliar voices. He was greeted by the sight of four strangers talking to his friends.

"A little late on waking up, Dobe." Saskue said. Naruto scowled.

"I took most of the hit, Teme! And who are they?" He yelled, gesturing to the new people. One of them looked really old, with a long white beard, another had long blond hair, which looked even gayer than Neji's, one was short and really hairy, and the fourth looked somewhat normal, if excessively dirty, which was saying something considering that he was a ninja. Sakura sighed, jerking him out of his thoughts.

"This is Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli, and Aragorn." She said, pointing to each one in turn. Naruto frowned at them.

"They look weird." He said. Sakura immediately bashed his head.

"Ow! Sakura-chan! I just meant they don't look like ninja!" He cried.

"Then say that!" She said, unrelenting.

"Hn. Be quiet." Saskue grunted. The two of them then noticed the strange looks they were getting.

"Um, as I was saying, I cannot help you get back to your world yet. I do not have the skills. I am very sorry. I may know someone who can, but I cannot take you to him yet, and it is too dangerous to take you with us." Gandalf said gravely. Naruto's ears perked up at the word 'dangerous.'

"Oi, dangerous? We live for danger, dattebayo!" He yelled. Sakura hit him again and Saskue just rolled his eyes.

"Shut up, can't you see that they don't need us?" She yelled at him. He rubbed his head.

"Sorry Sakura-chan, I just thought they might appreciate three highly trained ninja." He said sarcastically.

"I'm sorry, what are ninja?" Aragorn asked.

"We are, dattebayo!" Naruto yelled. Sakura hit him again before explaining.

"Ninja are highly trained fighters who are hired out to do various jobs, anything from assassinations to catching cats." She stated, all of them wincing at the memory of the demon cat known as Tora. The three ninja watched as Aragorn spoke to the others in a strange language. The others appeared to agree.

"What are they saying?" Naruto whispered, at least to him it was whispering.

"Dobe. How would we know?" Saskue didn't bother with whispering. The two were stopped from engaging in one of their infamous fights by Gandalf clearing his throat.

"I would like to accept young Naruto's offer to travel with us." He said. Naruto grinned.

"Awesome! We'll protect you old man, dattebayo!" He yelled. Gandalf laughed.

"I'm afraid that I do not need protection, merely assistance in a battle." He corrected. Naruto shrugged.

"Eh, same thing. Either way, Team Seven is ready for this mission!" He yelled. The other two rolled their eyes but nodded at Gandalf all the same. The non-ninjas led them to where they had left their horses when they had heard a thump.

"Milady, you may take my horse, I can run." Aragorn offered. Sakura shook her head.

"No thanks, I've never ridden a horse, and I can run just fine." She replied with a sweet smile. Aragorn looked her up and down critically. Perhaps her clothes were an indicator of her difference to other women in his acquaintance. However, all four were shocked when the three ninja easily kept up with their horses at a trot. In fact, they almost appeared to be bored. Saskue shouted something to the others that Aragorn couldn't hear over the pounding horse's hooves, then shot ahead of the horses, much to Aragorn's surprise. He spurred his horse into a gallop and Naruto easily kept up with him, leaving Sakura with the other three, who soon sped their horses as well. Going like this, they soon met the dark-haired ninja standing on a rock that gave a clear view to Edoras, home of the horse-lords. They pulled their horses to a stop, the ninja stopping beside them.

"That's it?" Naruto asked, obviously not impressed. Aragorn nodded.

"Yes. That is Edoras, home of the horse-lords." He reiterated his thoughts. Naruto looked thoughtful.

"Do they have any ramen there?" He questioned.

"Is all you ever think about your stomach?" Sakura yelled. Aragorn furrowed his brow.

"What is ramen?" He asked, carefully testing the foreign word. Naruto looked horrified while the other two merely rolled their eyes.

"Here we go again." Saskue muttered before Naruto started yelling about the horrors of never having been fed ramen.

"Er, we should probably keep moving." Aragorn suggested. Both of the ninjas looked sheepish and they soon started moving again, Naruto still muttering about ramen. Before long they were standing in front of a door that was blocked by a guard insisting that they give up their weapons.

"Fine. But I don't have to like it." Sakura finally grumbled after a very long, drawn-out argument. Everyone but the other two ninja had already surrendered their weapons, only Gandalf had been allowed to keep his staff. Sakura started unloading her weapons, grumbling the whole time she was setting them on a small table that was provided.

"Don't touch anything, especially the needles. Those are poisoned." She instructed the guard, still unloading a few more knifes. No one replied, they were all too shocked at the enormous pile of weapons lying on the groaning table. The remaining two ninjas eyed the table warily.

"Uh, you know, I think Saskue and I will just stay out here. I think the table will thank us." Naruto spoke up. Saskue grunted in what everyone assumed was agreement and it was decided. The other five walked through the somewhat impressive doorway, Gandalf leaning heavily on his staff, while Naruto and Saskue stayed behind. Naruto immediately jumped up to sit on the railing, swinging his legs. Saskue leaned against the building, looking over the fields beyond the city rather moodily, as per usual, while the guards tried to look official, all while wondering what kind of weapons the two boys had with them.