Ok so, in my imaginary world of TVD the witches would not allow such an unnatural balance to be created way back in the day (but they kept their weapon a secret), and also in my imaginary TVD world there is a woman who would always chose Damon as there is Elena who will always chose Stefan. I like to try and keep my stories as true to the current happenings of their inspiration as I can so bare with me =)

Over 1000 years ago

Pregnancy was a burden the witch thought she no longer stood to bear. Having had her seven children, lost one to disease when it was just a babe and one to the horror of the supernatural when he was too young to know a teenagers life. She was too old, to tired and to concerned about her remaining children to give the life growing inside her its rightful place in her heart. Trouble was brewing between her family and the werefolk, and it was not something that nature and her craft could protect her loved ones from.

Her husband would have her make her family immortal; make them faster, stronger and more invincible than their enemies. Her people could not condone such an unnatural disruption of the balance. This bairn should not be born in such tenuous times. A friend has warned her of the evil that may be born of her magic, but what mother would not protect her children should she be able? What mother would not sacrifice her life and that of her unborn child so that her elder children may thrive? She would sacrifice her power, her love, and her soul to keep those she loves from harm. What is losing three children when five may live?

Her body convulsed with pain as she added the last ingredient to the potion she had made, the blood of the Tatia Petrova. As her husband slowly entered the room and took the mixture from her hands he gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze. He believed they were doing what was best, his pride and honour could not stand for the injustice of a species strength and skill surpassing his own and that of his blood. She believed in him.

After he had left the room to deliver her mixture to her children she hurried to Ayanna's, this child inside her was ready too soon, it would not survive its birthing and after what she had just done for her existing children, she did not want it to. Ayanna would deliver it, it would die and she could bury it to rest in her mother earth as a true witch should. She could feel the power of her child, could sense its burgeoning magic, where Rebekah had not been gifted with her mother abilities this child, if it would have lived, would have surpassed what the world currently has experienced.

Ayanna looked up at her with a depth of betrayal in her eyes so keen the witch took an unnoticed step back. To attempt something so unnatural that it would disrupt the balance of nature has made her an outcast, disappointment dripped off Ayanna in waves. "It is time, this bairn comes too soon," she whispered as explanation for her intrusion.

Ayanna waved to the pile of skins and cloth that was where she slept, and gestured the witch to lie there. She wet a cloth and placed it on her patient's forehead, palpating her stomach to check the advancement of her birthing. She knew the gestation of this child had not been long, the witch was barely showing signs that she was with child. Ayanna was not sorry, for she did not want another bairn to be born to this family with its contempt for the rules of nature. She was unsure what the future would hold, but the magic practised tonight would have a lasting effect she knew.

The witch covered her mouth to muffle the scream of pain that escaped her as her child tried to rip it's way free of her body. She twisted and turned, her hands in fists at her side and her face was drenched with sweat.

It took two hours for the child to emerge, it was too small and its face was blue. It looked to be strangled by the cord attached for nourishment, there was no hope.

The witch passed the afterbirth, cleaned herself up, and returned to her family. She left the dead with Ayanna too destroyed to touch it or to gaze upon it. Yet another child she had lost. She would not mourn its passing, but look to the future of those who survived.

Ayanna waited for Esther to leave, carefully concealing the child from its mother, it was best for her to believe this child was lost. Ayanna could not bear for this child to suffer the fate of its family. It was blue and it was sick, it was uncommonly small, and its pulse was weak and yet, it was alive, it was fighting and there was hope.

Ayanna could see that this child would be the key, this child was of her brethren, and my did this child have power.

Alexandra Mikaelson would be given the chance to right the wrongs of her family.