Hey everyone, TEB18 here with some sad news. I am no longer going to be writing Fan Fiction. I've lost interest in writing and it doesn't really help that I no longer have the time to. I will keep the account open so people can continue to read my work and maybe sometime in the future I will want to write more. I'm having SubjectDeltaBubz take over whatever story he would like to and continue it to whatever end he sees fit, though he says he's going to allow me to oversee what he's doing. The stories that are definitely on the chopping block are 'The Tip of the Iceberg' and most likely 'The Red and White Dragon', unless you convince SDB to take that over. He's still debating on continuing 'The Photographer's Muse', but says he will make a final ending to the 'Massage' series. I'm sorry I have to leave you all hanging like this, but I'd rather the story be incomplete than writing horrible chapter after horrible chapter or give the story to someone who would completely screw it up (no offense to any of you out there). I want to thank all the fans, I wouldn't have gone as long as I did without you all. FlashWally, ShadowJ, Ashley Barbosa, prince zuko, Dakota96, The Nice Witch and everyone else I didn't name. I hope to come back with something new at some point for you all, I can't promise anything.
