The gang was all together at Tori's house for a sleepover under the watchful eye of her policeman father. Beck and Jade managed to stop bickering enough for them to all to watch a horror movie on Netflix, which of course, was chosen by Jade. No one had the energy to argue with her, let alone the guts. It was the first time they were all hanging out together in peace since Beck and Jade ended their relationship, and no one wanted to take it for granted. Jade sat between Tori and Andre on the couch on the left, while Beck sat between Robbie and Cat on the couch to the right. Trina, Tori's older sister, was tucked within a sleeping bag and soundly sleeping without knowledge of the fact Robbie had tucked in Rex beside her. Robbie was beginning to nod off, and Andre had his head leaned back against the back of the couch, trying but not succeeding to fight off his drowsiness.

Cat Valentine watched as the characters on the screen ran for their lives as some guy with a chainsaw chased after them. Cat brought her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around them, and resting her chin between them. She looked around Tori's living room, which was dark with the exception of the occasional flashes of light from the movie that was playing. Through the glitches of light, Cat could see Jade watching the movie with a sinister smile on her face, and Tori, who would twitch in fear.

"Watch out!" Tori exclaimed, causing Andre and Robbie to shoot up, both of them rubbing their eyes and gaining consciousness.

Cat let out a giggle, then looked down at her feet, which were a little cold since she had forgotten to bring socks. With a scrunch of her nose, she wiggled her toes and giggled once more.

"Cat, will you shut up?" Jade snapped. Cat suddenly felt uneasy, and felt that familiar sting behind her eyes which usually preceded crying.

"Hey, lay off. She wasn't doing anything," the voice beside her said, and Cat looked up at Beck, a pout plastered upon her lips, and he simply smiled at her.

"I'm trying to watch a movie," Jade said, and Cat turned her head to look at Jade, who was glaring at her. Cat made some sort of noise that sounded like a squeak and hid her face in her hands.

"Yeah, well you're not the only one in the room, so get over yourself," Beck practically mumbled.

"Excuse me?" Jade's voice rose. Cat ducked her head between her knees, trying to cover her ears as she kept her face in her hands.

"Guys, come on, not now," Tori pleaded, trying to somehow mediate the situation. Cat squeezed her eyes shut, silently wishing that all the "bad" would go away.

"Why not now, Tori? You're not the boss of us, you do not control me, so don't even try to," Cat could hear Jade say. She could only imagine the look on Jade's face, which seemed permanently stuck on a scowl.

Cat couldn't hear Tori's reply very well, but she felt the weight beside her disappear, and slowly lifted her head up to see that Beck was now standing up and pointing an accusing finger at Jade.

"Why do you always have to make people feel bad, Jade?" he asked. Cat couldn't tell if he was angry, or if he was just tired of it.

Jade had ignored Beck's remark and was focusing her bitterness towards Tori. Andre was standing up now too, trying to pull the girls away from each other to avoid any physical contact between them. Cat felt something stir inside of her which pushed her to stand up and scream, "Stop! Stop fighting!" Beck, who had started to take steps toward the other trio, turned around and looked at Cat. Cat was breathing heavily, and tears were forming in her eyes. "Jade, why do you have to be so mean? We were all having a good time and you and Beck always have to ruin it with your fighting and it makes me feel really bad!"

Everyone had their eyes on the pint-sized girl with the red-velvet hair, wondering how that outburst came about. She plopped back onto the couch in a huff, her arms crossed over her chest, and she muttered, "I'm sorry," and then continued watching the movie. No one said another word and they all took their seats once again. There was an awkward tension that filled the room, and after about 20 minutes of silence, Cat's phone started to ring. At first, she didn't know it was her phone and she glanced around at everyone, then once she realized the sound was coming from her pocket, she broke out into a fit of laughter. "Oh! It's me-heee-heee-hee!"

Tori grabbed the remote and pressed pause, allowing Cat to answer her phone.

"Helloooo?" Cat sang into her pear-shaped phone. "Hi mom! Guys, say hi to my mom!" Cat held out her phone as everyone said "Hi Cat's mom!"

Cat brought her phone back to her ear with a bright smile on her face that replaced her previous pout. Everyone else took this time to get up and stretch. Robbie and Jade raced each other to the nearest bathroom, Jade of course winning, making Robbie take the trip upstairs. Tori and Andre went into the kitchen to get everyone some drinks and snacks, leaving Beck and Cat in the living room.

"So what's up, Mommy?"

"Sweetie, I don't know how to tell you this,"

"Tell me what?" Cat laughed softly, but something inside her was hurting. She could sense something was wrong by the tone of her mom's voice. She could hear her mother take a deep, shaky breath on the other line. Cat's eyebrows furrowed, and she looked over at Beck who must have sensed the same thing, because his eyes looked worried. "What is it, mom?" she pressed on, her voice still soft.

"It's your father, he," a long pause, "there was a terrible accident, and-" Cat's eyes widened as her mother spoke the last words of the sentence, "he didn't make it."