AN: My brain knows that I shouldn't be starting a new story at this point but my computer seems to have a mind of its own. I have three on-going stories but I think I can handle a fourth one (fingers crossed). Let me know what you think about this first chapter. I can promise you there is going to be Kensi/Deeks in this if you're patient (not too patient because I think this will have three chapters only). Anyway, enjoy the chapter.

Marty Deeks walks inside the bullpen with the usual smile on his face. He's that kind of guy. Mornings don't bother him because the truth is that he likes his job and doesn't mind getting up early every morning to drive there. Sam, however, doesn't seem to be in a very good mood this morning.

Deeks greets him, anyway, figuring that the other man will eventually get over whatever it is that is bothering him. "Good morning!"

Sam nods just to acknowledge his greeting and Deeks notices the frown on his face. "Have you seen Callen?"

He shakes his head and sits on his chair, taking a sip from the coffee. "I just got here. What's going on?"

"He's late. He's never late."

Deeks nods, finally realizing what's going on with Sam and that he's not upset. He's worried about his partner. Knowing Callen, Sam probably has a reason to be worried. The number of people who want him dead is too damn high. He tries to calm him down, though, because chances are he's just running late. They can start freaking out in a few more minutes. "That's true. Maybe there is more traffic than usual…"

Sam seems to agree with him and turns to Deeks, frowning once again. "And where's your partner?"

He has the answer for that one. "Kensi doesn't deal well with Mondays."

It's that simple. She is not a morning person and Mondays are not her favorite day of the week. In fact, he's pretty sure it's her least favorite day out of the entire week. She mentioned a few times before that the weekend should be three days long. However, she usually gets in a better mood after just a few minutes surrounded by the people at work. That's a good thing because Kensi Blye in a bad mood is not something he wants to deal with for more than just a few minutes.

Callen arrives only a minute later and the first thing that comes out of Sam's mouth isn't a question. It's a statement. "You look like someone who didn't sleep…"

Callen shrugs and sits on his chair, a steaming cup of coffee in his hands. "That's because I didn't."

And that's when Sam asks what he really wants to know at the moment while Deeks simply sits there and watches the interaction between the two partners. "Why are you late if you didn't even sleep?"

Another shrug from Callen precedes the answer that doesn't clarify them in any way. "I had things to do."

And that's when Deeks steps in, not being able to stay in silence for any longer and enjoying this far too much. "Oh, you had company last night!"

Callen doesn't answer him so Sam turns to Callen once again with a shocked look on his face. "Did you meet someone?"

The other agent shakes his head with a look of disbelief on his face. "You're taking Deeks word over mine?"

Deeks laughs and spots his partner walking in. "Kensi will settle this."

She yawns and sits on her chair. "What will Kensi settle?"

Sam states the obvious. "You look as sleepy and tired as Callen!"

Kensi shrugs and turns her computer on to start working. "My neighbors were very loud last night and I had trouble sleeping."

Deeks laughs and shakes his head. "Your neighbor is a 72 years old woman who thinks we're dating!"

Sam smirks, knowing they managed to call her on her lie. "She threw a party last night?"

"Actually, she likes to watch TV and has to hear it in a very high volume, seeing as she's a bit deaf. And she thinks we're dating because you showed up at my door with flowers on purpose to make her think that."

Sam seems to buy that and focus on the other situation, also known as Callen's dating (or no dating) life. "Well, what do you think it happened with Callen?"

Kensi takes two seconds to look at Callen and shrugs. "Did you spend the night practicing your Russian?"

Callen shakes his head. "I had trouble sleeping, that's all."

Sam steps in, trying to make Kensi see there is something going on here. "And, even though he didn't sleep, he was late."

Deeks nods, supporting Sam on this one. There's obviously something Callen is not telling them and if there's anyone that can discover what that is, that someone is Kensi. "I believe he had a female friend over that kept him up all night."

Kensi turns to Callen, obviously not as amused with this conversation as the boys. "Callen, did you spend the night with a female friend?"

He sighs and nods. "Yes, I did."

Kensi turns back to her desk and starts checking a few emails. "There you go! Can we leave the guy alone, now?"

Sam frowns, looking at her in disbelief. "Are you defending him?"

Deeks grins and shakes his head, not giving her time to answer Sam. "No, she's trying to make us back off because she's just as likely to get here one morning after a sleepless night with some guy. This way, Callen will have to have her back from now on. She's being smart."

Callen, sensing that this talk is starting to verge the ridiculous, jumps into the conversation. "Don't we have work to do?"

Kensi gets up immediately. "I'm going to check with Eric."

Callen gets up too and follows her upstairs. "I'll go with you. It's risky to stay here all alone with them."

Sam only dares to speak when he's sure they're already too far away to listen to him. "Something's going on."

Deeks nods, understanding what the other agent is talking about. "Something is definitely going on!"

Sam shakes his head, looking around to make sure no one is listening to him. "He gave in way too easily…"

The thing that is bothering him the most is Kensi's lousy excuse. "And there is no way Kensi couldn't sleep because of a loud TV." Hell, he knows for a fact that when she's really tired no amount of noise can keep her up. He's seen her fall asleep while Sam and Callen argued after a particularly tough case.

Sam gets up and stands in front of Deeks desk, staring at the cop. "I question my partner. You question yours."

Deeks nods and gets up. "Done!"

They walk upstairs, figuring that Kensi and Callen are taking too long upstairs. And, when they get there, Eric informs them that they have a new case. However, that doesn't mean they're not going to get to the bottom of this issue.

Something is going on and they won't rest until they find out what it is.

Can I keep writing it? Let me know…
