Hi guys! Yes, Keisha's back up and on the run, again ;) So, I kinda started reading Jaley storys again and found that there are no real dark jalex storys out there, except of course Max's revenge, that was a masterpiece. I deceided to have my own fun with Justin and Alex, here's kind the preview. Tell me what you think and don't forget to click the nice blue review button down there ;)

Alex gets taught a lesson

Justin Russo growled when he saw his sociology project fly out of the window. Since projects normally don't fly out of windows, at least Justin's projects don't he knew that Alex must've had a hand in this somehow.

Oh this time he was going to kill her, literally. His project was due tomorrow and even he couldn't re-make it in less than 24 hours. He might be a wizard, but he's no Alex he doesn't use his magic for fun or for better grades. That only leaves him the option to re-do the whole project or to hand in a new project that he simply did not have the time to make. Alex was going to die… Literally, Justin was going to kill her.

Alex Russo meanwhile sat in her room, coloring her nails completely unaware of the emotional turmoil going on in her brother. She was congratulating herself for the brilliant idea of the flying project and laughed to herself softly. It was just so much fun to play pranks of her dork of a brother. He was such an easy target. Sometimes she wondered why he didn't see most of her pranks coming, since he was the better wizard…

Little did she know that Justin was planning his revenge already, and that revenge would not be pretty…

So guys, don't forget to review, no reviews means no more chapters ;D Anyways I'm off for now. Bye bye