(Dr. Fraken Stein/OC, Giriko/Justin Law) If there was ever a link you never wanted to break, that would be her. It's been nearly twelve years since she'd set foot on Shibusen territory, but she does it with something in tow that changes the tides of war. But is she too late? GUY ON GUY IMPLIED


Stein made a face and she sighed.

Kami leaned back and smiled at him. "You're always bored, aren't you?"

Stein shrugged and looked into those almost orange eyes of her's. He traced the lines her blond hair made on the backdrop. She was so elegant in her own way. But it was also giving off the feelings of strong and combat-ready girl.

He shrugged again and looked to his left.

Spirit was cooing his daughter back to sleep in his arms. His red hair was pulled back so his daughter could see his face.

"How long do you plan on being gone?"

She shrugged. "Long enough. Maka's getting big and there's something I want to do before she get's too tall." Kami reached across the table and touched Stein's hand. "You need to find yourself someone, too."

Sid burst out laughing. "Stein? Find love? Not many girls like his attitude." He waved his hand. "No offense."

Stein shook his head. "None taken." His eyes were sad before he suddenly sat up.

Turning, he looked at a small boy.

His stark blue eyes seemed to pierce the air. He had dirt on his face and cloths. The gloves on his hands were caked with mud. His blond hair was trimmed short. He looked intent until his face softened and he smiled. "Hiya, mister!" he said, lifting his arm and waving with a caked glove.

Stein smiled. Something about the boy felt wrong. "What's up, little man?"

"You guys are here to try to free the witch, aren't you?"

Stein blinked. How did the boy know what Death had sent them here for? Nobody knew. Not even the other Death Scythes. "How did-?"

He reached over and grabbed Stein's wrist and gently pulled. "C'mon. I know where she is." He smiled big and when Stein looked down at his gloved hands, he saw the boy was barefoot. There was dirt under his toenails and it looked like he had a broken ankle.

Stein knelt before the boy. "Tell me, can you sense her?"

He nodded. "She's calling out to someone. I don't know who she wants." He looked towards the outskirts of town. "But I would think he could hear her." He was pointing at Spirit's back. "She's trying to call to us."

Stein looked at Spirit and then turned back to the boy. "If you lead us there, do you promise to go home?"

The boy looked sad. "Yes."

Stein patted his head.

Suddenly, an eruption of witch power came from where the boy had looked. It ripped the air, shredding flowers and pots and windows as it swept by.

Stein pulled the boy in the keep him from being blown away.

He felt it then.

The boy was a weapon. But there was a spark of madness inside his soul already.


He sat up and rubbed his forehead. "That dream again."

"What dream?"

He turned and smacked Spirit with the nearest hard object, which was a vase, and it burst all over his head. "Get outta my room."