Oh my gosh! Thank you guys for the overwhelming support for this fanfic of mine! Thank you for all the alerts, faves, and reviews! I didn't expect it to be so well-received. Thank you, thank you so much! You've made this authoress happy for days! -insert the widest smile here- You guys are seriously awesome! Keep the reviews coming guys!

AzureKurashin: Thanks! If there is one thing I'm very meticulous for, it would be how I will describe my scenes. I'm trying this writing style and have been practicing for a while. And for Bel having fox ears, let's say I have had the image in my head for quite some time now. I'm happy that you like it! Oh and is this update quick enough?

DiveToWorld: I hope I could keep your interest! And thank you for reviewing this story! I hope to see more of you!

OrangeSkye2772: I know right? I haven't seen much fics about Monster Tamer Tsuna. Very few. There's so much to write for here, so much. And I always wanted to write something very much like Hibarin. I want to get him to talk as much as I can, since Hibari doesn't do much. It's a shame since he's got the voice many fangirls would die for.

Final Syai Lunar Generation: Haha. Tsuna's a real wimp but he's really cute at every thing he does (even if they are epic fails). And funny, I was actually going to make Bel bite Tsuna, not kiss. But it works too (haha). I was also seriously considering writing Bel as a cavity imp who forgot to cut his bangs (blame Fran and his freaking mouth for that) but I like Fox!Bel better. I'll do my best in writing this fic! I'm gonna do it with my dying will! XD

Misaki19: I'm so happy you like this story! And as for Tsuna meeting Hibari, let's say it's not very far away. But for the cheesy goodness, it won't be a while. I think I'm going to follow the canon MTT's timeline. So if you watched it, I'm sure you know what's going to happen next! *wink*

MoonlitBlues: I hope this update is soon enough?

Yeah... cause I wanted to try this at least once. Haha. I always found reading review replies funny and endearing. Is it strange for me too? Anyways, I won't keep you long. Here's the second chapter!

Monster Tamer Tsuna!

CHAPTER TWO: That One Guy with the Wizard's Hat

"Wake up, Tsu-kun," a voice rang out, waking him up from his dream. He grumbled something incoherent before feeling another round of shaking to wake him up. The teen with messy sienna locks opened one eye groggily and gazed up at his mother. She was smiling down gently at him. "Breakfast is ready, come over when you're dressed, okay?" she said as she exited his small room.

Kicking away the orange sheets away from him, Tsuna's mind wandered over to his latest dream. Well, he would have called it a dream except he remembered nothing about it except for a swirl of colors and jumbled voices either speaking too loud or too low for him to understand. All he could remember was that he had been having it for some time now. Maybe it was a nightmare, given that there were only dark colors in his dream. Or maybe it was something more, like a warning. He always got this gut-wrenching feel whenever he had this dream, and alarm bells going off inside him.

This dream was also changing Tsuna's biological clock. While he normally slept 10 in the evening, he now sleeps in earlier than that due to exhaustion. And he now wakes up in time for school, when he was normally running around late everyday without fail.

Shaking away the mildly disturbing thoughts and his overactive imagination, Tsuna trudged over to his small closet and dressed in his usual red long-sleeved shirt and blue jumper. He also tried taming his hair and only succeeded a bit, it didn't stick up in every direction possible, only a bit. Once he was able to make his hair more like an organized mess, and prepare himself for another day of school, he went out his room and walked the short hallway to where the kitchen was.

Their house was small, just like any other house in the village consisting only of two bedrooms (his and his mom's), one bathroom, and a space that served as their kitchen, dining room, and living room. But they do have a large garden space, his mom loved plants to death, after cooking, and took care of lots of plants outside their house.

"Good morning mom," the sixteen year old greeted as he sat down. He immediately gobbled up the tall stack of pancakes in front of him. This was one of the upsides of waking up early, he could eat without worrying if he was going to be late. His mom hummed and waltzed around in the background as she tidied up the kitchen, making sure everything was in place before leaving. It was already late.

"I'll be going ahead, Tsu-kun," his mom said as she picked up a big basket. Nana worked as a chef in the village's biggest inn called Namimori Inn. She was a great cook and people loved her food. The pay was modest, just enough to give them their daily necessities. It was also near the center of town so it was quite a walk away from their house so his mom had to wake up early to be there in time. This was also one of the reasons Tsuna used to be late in school because his mom was not there to wake him up when he falls asleep again.

"Have a safe trip mom!" Tsuna said as he drank his orange juice and finished up. He locked the front door as he headed out minutes later.

"Are you the one called Dame-Tsuna? The boy who always gets beaten up by the other village kids? The kid with no social standing, no academic achievements, and no physical assets backing him up? A loner and socially awkward to boot?"

Tsuna immediately spun towards the source of the voice, both angry and alarmed. Angry because of the insults hurled at him (no matter how true they were) and alarmed because he didn't recognize that voice. It was high-pitched and squeaky, nothing like he has heard before.

"Over here, Dame," the voice said again and accompanied by a sharp pain at the back of his head. Tsuna yelped as he fell down the ground.

"What the heck!" he whined as he rubbed the sore spot, wincing a little. He turned his wide, slightly watery eyes to the little... baby floating a few inches above the ground.

Wait, what?

"Gaah! It's a floating baby!" Tsuna said incredulously as he pointed at the baby dressed in rich purple robes and a magician's hat. The outfit was spectacular, there were images of shining stars moving around the dark fabric, like a mini galaxy. There was even a silver star-shaped thing hanging off the hat's tip. There was also a yellow pacifier hanging around his neck. Against the dark fabric, the yellow glow seemed to be like the sun. But what really caught Tsuna's attention was the pair of black, beady eyes staring straight at his brown ones. They were darker than any galaxy out there. And this feel... he was sure that the baby floating in front of him was not what he seems.

The baby seemed to be annoyed at something because he immediately hit him again. "Don't point Dame-Tsuna, it's rude. And I'm not a baby."

Tsuna scrambled away as he nursed his sore stomach. "Yeah, that's what the 12 inches tall person with a baby voice telling me."

"Anyways, who are you and what do you want?" Tsuna asked as he gave the... person a second look. This time, he noticed that the person was actually floating using an old wooden staff he was sitting on. And that there seemed to be eyes staring at him from that hat. It seems that the hat have eyes.

...That's impossible, right?

"I am Elder Rebo. I came from Vongola Town and I have come to your village for inspection," the person named Rebo explained before motioning for Tsuna to follow him. He stood up and walked with the weird person, though he was a few feet behind so that he won't get caught in whatever troubles he was brewing up. "I have come here to enlist your help in a matter that requires immediate action."

The brunet snapped up in attention. "Eh? Me? Are you sure Mister Rebo?" he asked bemusedly. As loath as he was to admit it, he is useless. He couldn't get one math problem right, he couldn't tame a snufflepuff*, he didn't have enough social skills to make a friend. The only thing he could do is running. And that means running away from trouble, not counting if he managed to trip over nothing. Oh, and attracting trouble. He shouldn't forget about that.

Elder Rebo looked at him as if he heard every sentiment and nodded gravely. "If that's the case, then I should've started with reconnaissance. I was hoping that you weren't that hopeless given your lineage, but..."

Tsuna tried to hear the rest of the sentence but Elder Rebo just continued to float away, taking the rest of the sentence with him. The brunet walked faster as he caught up to him and decided to ask, "What do you mean?"

He ignored Tsuna's question as he continued to speak. "Get moving Dame-Tsuna, I'll tell you everything later," was his reply as he gave another shove to make the teen walk faster. Tsuna yelped and gave a glare, which looked more like a pout for Elder Rebo, before running away when he realized that he would be late for school.

Rebo watched as the teen stumble along the streets before sighing. He wondered how long he would have to be here before returning to Vongola Town.


...It would be a very long time.

"Settle down, class. Today, we would be learning about Monster Tamers," the teacher announced as he wrote the word on the board in bold letters. This immediately perked up everyone's interest, even Tsuna who was usually daydreaming in his Monster 101 class. Excited murmurs immediately erupted around the whole class before the teacher cleared his throat.

"I know you are all excited but please be quiet. In your previous years, you only studied about monsters, their capabilities, appearances, and so on. For this year, you are going to learn about the group of humans that protects us.

The first monster tamers appeared just after the monsters did. There are two types of tamers. One type are the Mages, who use spells and magic to fight, contain, or tame monsters. The most famous one could be the Mage Aria, who was also the first Arcobaleno Princess and a Diviner, though she died years ago. The second type are the Hunters who use more brutal ways of taming and mostly rely on weapons instead of magic. An example could be the Hunter Xanxus, Tamer of the most dangerous group of monsters in existence called Varia.

The most famous and well-known Monster Tamer would be Giotto Vongola. Does the name ring any bells?" the teacher paused in his lecture, eyeing his class. Some had looks of vague recognition while some looked at him with a somehow dumb look. Tsuna had a surprised look on his face. "Vongola? Like Vonogla Town?" he wondered as his thoughts went back to the strange person, Rebo.

Dwelling more on his thoughts, the teacher's voice faded into the background. The name seemed familiar to him. It was like he had heard it from somewhere. He just couldn't remember clearly.

Tsuna yawned. While the others were hanging onto the teacher's every word, his eyes were starting to droop. It was not that the lesson wasn't interesting, it was just that he knew of this from long ago. When he was still a kid, and his 'father' was still hanging around, he used to tell all kinds of things to Tsuna. About monsters and tamers alike. Iemitsu would tell monster stories for bedtime stories and he would just ignore it at best, instead focusing on his father's smile, because while the stories caused him nightmares, his father's smile comforted him. Maybe Iemitsu mentioned Giotto Vongola once, he was just not concentrating on him that time.

And that was long ago, before he left for good.

Tsuna scowled as he recalled those memories, though he had to admit that knowing something before his classmates was kind of sweet, memories of his father did nothing to improve his mood. He didn't really know anything about Iemitsu except that he was tall and muscular and had the biggest and most foolish smile always plastered on his face. He slept a lot, drank a lot of alcohol too (he has high tolerance so they always have pretty decent conversation, when you ignore his idiotic tendencies), and loved his mom's cooking so much he didn't waste any of it. His knowledge of his own father was trivial and sketchy at best. Heck, he was even more comfortable calling him Iemitsu rather than dad.

"Sawada! Are you even listening?" the teacher said as he brought down the book he was holding onto Tsuna's head. Said student immediately flushed red in embarrassment as the class laughed. He looked up at the teacher who was giving him a reproving frown. Fortunately the lunch bell rang at that exact moment much to Tsuna's relief and everybody else's disappointment.

"I'll let you go this one time, Sawada. But if I ever catch you daydreaming in my class again, you'll be sorry."

"Hai!" Tsuna replied immediately as he made a grab for his lunch. He didn't want to be left alone in the classroom. Lunch was a popular time to get bullied, and empty classrooms are hot spots to get cornered. He caught sight of his own personal monsters leering at him.

"Wait Tsuna-kun! Let's have lunch together!" somebody said just as Tsuna was about to run for it. Every student turned to see a petite girl with peculiar orange-y hair, bright hazel eyes, and a sweet smile placed on her delicately-featured face. It was Sasagawa Kyoko. Tsuna's face immediately exploded in a vibrant red color as he realized that smile was directed at him.

"A-are you s-sure, Kyoko-chan?" Tsuna stuttered as he looked at his feet like they were the most interesting things in the world. Kyoko laughed sweetly and Tsuna couldn't resist the smile on his face, despite the violent shivers down his spine as he felt his classmates' dirty looks aimed at him. He didn't need to be a psychic to know what they were thinking. "Why is Kyoko-chan having lunch with this wimpy kid?"

"Hana-chan has to do something at this time and since Tsuna-kun is alone too, I decided that we could have lunch together! It's been a while after all," Kyoko said excitedly as she lead them out the classroom, still oblivious of the looks they were getting. Tsuna's face further reddened when he noticed the contact their hands were making right now.

"W-where did Hana-san go?" Tsuna asked with genuine curiosity. Sure, he was comfortable with Kyoko-chan at best, when he disregarded the fact that he always blushed like an idiot whenever she was around (he didn't like Kyoko-chan, okay!), and he only considered Kurokawa Hana, Kyoko's bestfriend, as an acquaintance but that didn't stop him from worrying about her.

Kyoko hummed. "Nothing to worry about. She said that she was going to take care of some 'flirting monkeys' or something. Though I couldn't understand what she meant," she answered. They reached the grassy area that was just outside their school building by now. There were many students out here since it was a popular place to eat but Tsuna didn't come here at all. He preferred eating in more secluded places like the school roof and under trees, plaes he knew people won't go. So it was no surprise at all when Tsuna started sweating and looking around anxiously at the crowds of people eating and staring at them surreptitiously.

"It's been a while since we had lunch together, hasn't it Tsuna-kun?" Kyoko said as a start of a conversation. It has been years, but Tsuna didn't mention that. Instead, he merely nodded.

The truth was Tsuna just goes out the classroom before anyone else could, and was gone before anyone could notice. Kyoko wanted to ask him earlier but couldn't find the right chance. Their conversations were always cut short too, since Tsuna immediately makes up excuses to go.

For Tsuna, it was not that he didn't want to be with Kyoko-chan, but he learned the hard way that being friendly with Kyoko was one of the reasons the bullies hated him, and the more they hated him, the harder they hit. Even Tsuna's high pain tolerance over the years was not enough to make the pain go away for a few days, and the injuries lasted for weeks. Why agitate them further?

"You should have lunch with us more often, and I could tell that even Hana wants you to come with us," Kyoko continued on just to avoid the awkward silence. She then turned towards Tsuna's lunch box and smiled widely. "Your lunch looks delicious, Tsuna-kun!"

The brunet didn't think twice about it. "You could have some if you want Kyoko-chan," Tsuna offered as he held out his lunch. Kyoko gave him a look that said "Really?" and Tsuna just smiled at her shyly. Kyoko took some and ate them. "They're wonderful!" Tsuna's smile became wider.

"Hey! Kyoko!" a tall girl with long, wavy dark hair called over to them. It was Kurokawa Hana making her way over them with a small, satisfied smirk on her face.

"Hana-chan! It's good that you were able to catch up!" Kyoko said as she moved to give space for her friend. And to Tsuna's embarrassment and happiness, she moved closer to him.

She sat on the grass then turned to look at the brunet, she gave him a smile. "Oh, Sawada is here, huh? Do you know that you've been giving Kyoko some trouble just to ask you for lunch?" she said slyly. The two immediately blushed. "Hana!" Kyoko protested as she gave a discrete look to Tsuna, who had his eyes hidden beneath his bangs, but his red cheeks very visible. Hana laughed.

"I-I-I've b-b-been... b-busy Kurokawa-san," Tsuna tried to explain but the girl didn't buy it. This boy was so easy to read it was effortless.

"A-anyways, where have you been Hana-chan?" Kyoko asked to change topics. Hana smirked inwardly, wondering if her bestfriend was psychic over this boy or something to know that he was uncomfortable in their conversation. Usually, Kyoko didn't notice such things.

"Oh, just places," she answered dismissively. Kyoko gave her a confused look before turning her attention to her lunch.

"So Sawada," Hana started, causing the boy to choke lightly on his onigiri, "What have you been doing this past weeks?" she asked. She wasn't oblivious to the small boy being bullying like Kyoko was, and she noticed that the boy was starting to get distant from the girl for a few years now. It was just not blatantly obvious like these past few months. Nevertheless, she was slightly curious (she wasn't sure if she was worried, yet) about to his sudden attitude change. He used to be more lively back in their childhood days. Looks like the insults had taken their toll.

She knew it wasn't her imagination when Tsuna couldn't seem to meet her sharp, calculative eyes. "Nothing much. S-schoolwork. Yeah... I've b-been catching up to schoolwork. Haha," he said with a forced smile. Hana felt a vein pop. "Don't lie to me, your grades haven't been improving."

They watched as the boy deflate. Kyoko gave her a look before worrying over the brunet. Hana's eyes, on the other hand, noticed someone approaching their direction. Trouble.

"Hello Kyoko-chan! Why don't we have lunch together, just the two of us?" a loud and obnoxious voice said much to Hana's irritation. The glare she shot at him went unnoticed.

"Oh, good afternoon Mochida-senpai," Kyoko greeted sweetly. "I'm sorry but I'm having lunch with my friends right now."

The tall upperclassman raked his eyes over the trio. His eyes bulged at the sight of a cowering teen beside Kyoko and guffawed. "Dame-Tsuna? You're having lunch with that loser?" he said and this time, he couldn't stop laughing.

Hana, noticing Kyoko's distress and Tsuna's defeated look, immediately stepped in. "Just go away, stupid monkey," she said harshly, not bothering to hide her rude tone. She didn't like this Mochida monkey in the first place. He was a womanizer, a school bully, and extremely arrogant. She would rather die first than having Kyoko be this jerk's girlfriend. She heard rumors that the guy was dating somebody already, and after asking around earlier (this was the reason she was late) she had learned that it was indeed true. She even talked to the unlucky girl. And for him to make a move on Kyoko now was unforgiveable.

Mochida turned towards her, trying hard not to sneer at his new target's bestfriend. It wouldn't do him good so instead, he gave a smile. "Sure, sure. I'll be going now. But I'll see you guys later," he said as he gave a charming smile towards Kyoko and a warning one to Tsuna. He didn't consider Tsuna as competition but he would have to teach the wimp some manners later. He wouldn't want him to taint his (future) possession, wouldn't he now?

Tsuna watched as Mochida walked away, all the while thinking only one thing.

"I'm so screwed."

Tsuna arrived panting hard, and later lying in front of his doorstep in exhaustion.

He just escaped his tormentors in the nick of time. He knew it was a good decision to accept Kyoko's invitation to go home together, the bullies didn't dare do anything bad in front of Namimori Village's number one idol, Kyoko, and one of the Village's most intimidating people, Hana. But when they separated ways, Mochida's cronies made themselves known.

Ah, at least he got away with just a few bruises.

Better hide them away before anyone (mainly his mom) notices.

"You really are pathetic, arent'cha?" the squeaky voice that could only belong to Rebo said. He poked one of the purple blotches on his pale skin rather hard, making Tsuna cry out.

"Ow ow ow ow! What was that for?" Tsuna shrieked as he hid his arms behind his back. But he knew it was too late, he had already seen his injuries.

"You don't need to hide anything from me, I was watching you the whole time. You like that Kyoko girl don't you?" Seeing Tsuna's face turn red and shaking his head furiously in denial, he continued, "Yeah, you do."

Tsuna looked around, not wanting to meet Rebo's scrutinizing and mysterious eyes, and tried to change their topic. "S-s-so! Why are you here again?"

Rebo didn't reply, instead inviting himself inside Tsuna's home. The brunet didn't protest at the weird baby's rudeness knowing that he won't listen anyway. He got up from his position on the doorstep and followed him inside.

"Did you know of the recent vampire attacks from the neighboring villages?" Rebo asked as he made himself comfortable on one of the hard, wooden chairs. Tsuna felt a shiver run down his spine, he didn't like all monsters and vampires took the top spot. And hearing the news didn't bode well. He had the feeling he's going to be dragged into this mess.

"N-no," Tsuna replied as he sat down in front of his… guest.

"The vampire, also called blood-sucking Hibarin, is a cruel monster who attacks peaceful villages and utterly defeats every one hero or tamer who have come to slay him, and draining them of their blood. It will only be a matter of time before the vampire would reach Namimori. From what the Vongola has learned, the vampire is in search of something."

Tsuna's ears, after blocking it of any info about the monster, perked up. "V-vongola?" That name has been popping up all day. It didn't help that gut-wrenching feel he was having, the sensation he always felt when trouble was brewing.

"The Vongola is an organization made up of monster tamers. The founder is Giotto Vongola, and I know I don't need to explain more than that," he gazed at Tsuna, knowing the lesson they had that morning in class, "The town I came from is also named after that person. That's how great Giotto Vongola is."

Tsuna tried his best not to let out his trademark scream. The suspense was killing him. "Well? What does all of those have to do with me?" he asked. He really didn't want to know, but he just have to ask.

"It is your duty to defeat the monster. You have the blood of powerful monster tamers running through you. Not to mention, you are one of Giotto Vongola's descendant. "







Elder Rebo gave took out his staff and whacked Tsuna's head with it. "Don't scream, it's unbecoming for a monster tamer."

"But I don't want to be a monster tamer! I don't want do anything concerning monsters! Period. "

Rebo gave him a sharp look. "It is your duty, Dame-Tsuna. Even your dad would agree."

This time, it was Tsuna to give Rebo a sharp look. The expression he was wearing was so uncharacteristic of him. From his short time of observation, he had grown accustomed to seeing the pathetic boy's pathetic expressions. His pouting face, his whiny face, his scared face, his flustered face, even his smiling face was pathetic. It seemed like there were flowers blooming in the background whenever he did. It was not what he expected for someone with great potential as a monster tamer. But this expression, with narrowed amber colored eyes and a rather calm look, this is what a monster tamer should be like. Rebo smirked.

"Yes, your father. Iemitsu has been working for Vongola for years now. Didn't he tell you?"

He couldn't get a clear view of Tsuna's face but he could feel the aura the boy was emitting. It was slightly mad and... dangerous. Rebo gave another hidden smirk. If this was how Tsuna is when all riled up, then he's going to have a new hobby. Rather fortunate for him because it would add up to his future entertainments in this peaceful (and slightly boring) village.

"Hmm. Is that so. Then it looks like you're going to learn a lot from me."

"...What do you mean?"

This time, Rebo openly showed his smirk, and Tsuna whole-heartedly thought that such an expression was unsettling to see in a baby's face.

"Because I'm going to train you to become a monster tamer," Rebo paused, relishing the expression his new student was showing to him right now. It was fear. "And help you defeat Blood-sucking Hibarin. I want you to know that I'm not the nicest tutor around." Insert a loud thud and a whack and an innocent smile from Rebo, who was holding his staff.


*It's basically a domesticated monster. It's a popular pet in my head-canon. They are small creatures with puffy furs of different colors. Only their big and wide eyes could be seen.

A/N: And here's chapter two of Monster Tamer Tsuna! There's not much going on here but some slight 27K and Elder Rebo finally appearing. I don't like 27K, not at all (they're too alike, I can't see them being all lovey-dovey), but you'll see soon why I inserted this here in this fic. And no... I won't spill.

How was it? Was it good? Bad? Boring? Awesome? I would like to hear from all of you all! Comments, suggestions, constructive criticism are all welcome. And point out if I have mistakes alright? PLEASE REVIEW! Reading them makes me happy, like they're an awesome fanfic in their own right. They spur me to write faster! REVIEW!