So, I know I normally just write Glee stories, but I feel like this one was a long time coming. Two years to be exact.

I plan on making this a collection of drabbles from Peeta's POV during The Hunger Games. No promises on quality though. Reviews are welcome and greatly encouraged. :)

Rated M for possible swearing, violence, and sexual references in future chapters.

Disclaimer: I do not own The Hunger Games. I do however deeply wish that I was a bad ass like Katniss Everdeen.

There is the slight hum of the fluorescent lights above my head as I regain consciousness. Lights. My eyes fly open at the realization that I'm no longer in the arena; no longer struggling with what little strength I have to keep myself alive. Not just myself.

"Katniss." Her name on my lips causes all of the memories to come flooding back. The way her gray eyes sparkled in the light of the cave as she nursed me back to health. The feel of her body entwined with mine through those long and unbearably cold nights. The taste of her lips on mine…

We had won, hadn't we? That is what Claudius Templeton had said right as we were both about to eat the berries that would bring on our immediate deaths.

There is a sudden desperate ache in my chest for her presence. I need to find her. I make an attempt to sit up and quickly find it nearly impossible. It feels as though there are 50 lb. weights resting on every inch of my body. I feel stiff and achy and I'm tethered to the bed by all of the wires and tubes attaching me to large, expensive looking pieces of Capitol machinery.

I begin to slowly shift and stretch, trying to regain full control of my muscles. This is when I first realize that something is different. No, wrong. So very, very wrong.

As I begin to move around my left leg, I let out a sharp hiss of pain. I feel a tight, painful tug on my leg just below my knee. An agonizing pressure that is completely both abnormal and unwelcome. "The bite." I remember Katniss' make-shift tourniquet but I don't think twice about it until I'm tossing the cover off of me to investigate.

There's a strange metal contraption where my leg used to be.

I don't even realize I'm screaming. I begin ripping the wires and tubes from my body, desperate to get away from this nightmare. Suddenly, there are two large men in white coats coming through the door followed by a small woman with her dark brown hair in a tight bun. The men pen me to the bed as the woman inserts a small needle into my arm. Suddenly everything is very fuzzy…