Our story starts in a small traditional Japanese village, where Geisha commonly roam the lands. In fact, that's what our story features...

Chapter One -

"Hurry up!" The mistress called in a dash. The girls who were to be entertaining tonight shuffled in their long, beautiful kimono and hurriedly mounted the black pull-along carriage. Arthur was one of the last to leave. He prodded his wig one more time to poke it into place and finally stood to join the other two girls in the carriage. "Arthur-san! Come along already! If you touch that wig anymore it'll get a dent" One of the girls, Sakiri joked. Arthur smiled up at her and finally left the door and sat next to her and the other girl, Katsu. He had been more careful than usual with his appearance because he was to be with his dear Alfred tonight. Alfred Jones was a traveller from America and in Arthur's opinon, the greatest man that ever lived. He was so incredibly handsome, and sweet to match. He was Arthur's dreamboat and his heart raced whenever he thought about him, let alone saw him or even spoke to him. They had first met when he went to entertain Alfred on another occasion. He was still just a maiko then too. Arthur had been very attracted by his looks and he was nervous but Alfred, the sweetheart he was, joked with him and calmed him down like a lighthouse beacon to a ship. By the time they had their second and third meeting, Arthur had fallen deeply for him but being a male cross-dressing geisha, he was bound to hidden feelings. He had pictured Alfred finding out and his disgusted face storming away from him before and it just brought him pain so he tried to forget.

The man pulled the girls along the winding Japanese roads, past many houses and Okias and finally to the teahouse. He let them down and Sakiri knocked on the door calling "Kudasai". A lady greeted them and stood to the side to let them in. She bowed and welcomed the girls, as they shuffled along to where the men awaited them. Katsu, a maiko just like Arthur, gave him a wink for she had worked out his feelings for his favourite customer. "Konbanwa" Sakiri greeted to the sitting males, as she bowed and took a seat next to one of them. Katsu and Arthur also bowed and Katsu sat next to the other male, leaving a space next to Alfred. Arthur's heart did a flip and he scolded himself mentally for getting excited over nothing. He slowly took the seat and bowed with a smile to Alfred. He smiled gently and said softly "It's great to see you Amaya-san". That was the geisha name Arthur went by to cover his idenity. Arthur's cheeks lit and his heart beat hard. It was like he had spoken a lullaby. He managed a "You too Alfred-san. It's always a pleasure to be with you". "How are you?" He asked, as he placed a teacup next to Arthur. "I am very well. How about yourself?" He answered as he gracefully picked up the teapot and refilled his cup, before passing it back to Alfred with his finger tips. With a smile, Alfred lifted it to his lips and began to sip. Arthur watched with slightly lidded eyes as the rim of the teacup meet the two pink lips and the tea rolled into his mouth. It made his mind wander and he pictured Alfred using those lips on him instead. HANG ON, WHAT IS HE DOING IN A PLACE LIKE THIS? He snapped his head away and concentrated on something else. Hatsu caught him and giggled to herself. One of the other men, a man named Feli, cheerfully exclaimed "Let's all play a game~". Hatsu, who was entertaining him, clapped and chirped "yes, how fun". Alfred laughed and said "Ok, what shall we play dare I ask?". "Let's play no lies or forfeits!" Feli grinned to Hatsu. "I think you mean truth or dare" Al chuckled, "Ok, let's go with that".

They all agreed and Feli shouted, "I want to go first! Ok, this is for Kiku". Kiku was the third man who Sakiri was keeping company. He looked really nervous and liked he wanted to protest but then decided not to and just go along with the situation. "Okay, okay. Kiku, truth or dare?" Alfred asked with a smile. Kiku chose truth and answered his question. Next it was Alfred's turn to choose. "Hmm" He began, "I choose Amaya". "Ok, I pick truth too" Arthur smiled, deciding to fill his empty cup, so he picked it up. "Alright, let's see. I hear geisha aren't allowed to fall in love. What about you Amaya? Do you have a sweetheart?" Alfred asked with a grin and wrapped an arm around Arthur's shoulders. Arthur's heart beat hard against his chest making him jump and drop the cup. It didn't smash due to the small drop and Arthur hurriedly scrambled to pick it back up again giving a wry smile. "E-Err. Well, that's true. Geisha are said to be wives of the night" Arthur explained, avoiding answering the question. Hatsu saw his distress and interrupted, "Ooo let me have a go~". Everyone turned their attention to her and Arthur mouthed a grateful thank you. "Are you ok Amaya?" Alfred asked concerned. Arthur's heart fluttered, 'he cares about me'. "Yes" He squeaked slighty, before coughing "I'm quite alright. Just slippery fingers". Alfred paused but he soon put his legendary smile back on and nodded an ok. Arthur breathed an internal sigh of relief. Lucky break.

After a few turns, the subject turned to Arthur yet again and he was asked the question of, as it had been earlier called, 'no lies or forfeit'. This time he picked dare and Alfred jumped in as quick as a bullet from a gun. "I dare you to dance that dance you did not last time, but the one before that" He grinned. "How... did he remember such things?" Arthur thought, but he shook it off and granted it sillyness. "Do you mean the one with the two fans or just the one?" He asked Alfred, daring to check if he would remember. "The two of course" He smiled. Arthur chuckled, "Alright. Oneesan, could you?". Sakiri nodded and stood, picking up her samisen. She sat at one part of the room and watched as Arthur drew two fans from his fabrics. He posed and waited for Sakiri to begin plucking the strings. As her magic kicked in, so did his. The fans opened and fluttered around gracefully with his hand movements and everyone was engrossed in this display of artistic dance. He had everyone's attention on him at the moment and he hated to admit it, but he was incredibly happy to have Alfred fixed on him. It was just the selfishness of his feelings for him. Arthur twirled and made the fans glide through the air like birds, his many moments of practice making his routine flawless. Eventually the song finished and so did his show. Everyone clapped and praised him. "That wasn't such a hard dare for you now, was that Amaya-san?" Feli joked. Arthur bowed to show his thanks and returned to his seat. "Beautiful as always" Alfred smiled.

Arthur could have called himself all the names under the sun for the rediculous thoughts that were powering through his mind like water breaking through a dam. It didn't matter though, because he was too happy to let any of it actually bother him.