Hello everyone, here I am, with this update. I hope you enjoy~

Walking home, Hiyori still held the letter in hand and pondered. The sky was dark, but it barely registered into her mind. More than anything, she was surprised that Tsuna had caught the attention of any girl in school. Then again, Haru is also infatuated with him. Speaking of the eccentric girl, she hasn't seen her for a while. After all this time Hiyori still could shake off the feeling of the negativity she felt. No one deserved to go through that. They certainly don't know what's in store for them.

Finally getting home - or, Tsuna's home - Hiyori didn't feel like eating anymore. She quickly informed everyone that she had come home and then walked straight up the stairs to Tsuna's room. Reborn was sitting on his bed, but Tsuna was nowhere to be seen.

"He went to take a shower." Reborn said, before Hiyori could ask.

"Oh. Well, make sure he gets this later." She simply replied, tossing the confession letter of the table.

Reborn gave a slight nod but continued to stare at Hiyori, as though he was waiting for more words to come out.

"What?" She asked, not particularly sure of what the Arcobaleno wanted.

There was a slight pause before Reborn spoke again. "I heard a brief explanation from Tsuna of what has been happening. This feeling that you are able to detect, why is it only you who can sense it? Is it because you are currently experiencing the same thing?"

Hiyori shrugged. "Could be. But I'm not alone, Tsuna can sense it too; and his flames are normal. I am really not sure as to why Tsuna can sense it while Yamamoto and Gokudera can't. Is this another one of those extras that those with sky flames get?"

"The study into your flames is very limited. Not many people in history had been pushed to such an extent of altering their flames. Not even in situations such as wars. There is no doubt in my mind that your psyche has affected your flames. What happened to you in the past?" Reborn asked. It was a good time to finally gain some personal information on the girl.

She didn't reply for a moment; and once she did, it was an answer he didn't want to hear. "I don't want to talk about it."

Suddenly, a bullet quickly flew into the walk at a close proximity to her face. Hiyori glared at Reborn but his facial expression did not change.

"I am not giving you a choice." Reborn stated, with the gun still pointed at her.

This made Hiyori scoff. "What is this, an interrogation? This method is not only wasting both of our time, but it will not result in any changes. I will not say anything I don't want to and you aren't going to do anything about it."

"I am doing what I think will best help my student. You need to tell me why you're like this, because the sooner you tell me, the sooner we can plan a course of action. If this can happen to anyone, we need to know how to deal with it." He continued. "I will not be delayed because of your childhood angst."

His last words had infuriated Hiyori. "You don't get to judge me. Just because I refuse to tell you anything does not mean I'm hiding it out of spite. So you're an Arcobaleno and you're one of the good guys, that doesn't change the fact that you still act like the people I hate. I am not just a body of information that you can use as leverage. Do not belittle me to that extent."

The door opened and Tsuna walked into his room. He was surprised to see that Hiyori and Reborn were glaring at each other. What was also noticeable was the tension he felt from Hiyori's flames. They felt dangerous and barely controlled. He was afraid of Reborn pushing her too far.

"Hiyori-" He began, but was cut off when she simply turned to leave. The door slammed and he winced at the noise, but was quick to open it again and follow her without giving it a second thought. Knocking on the door to her room, Tsuna realized that he had nothing to say that could possibly convince her to open it. "Maybe she was so mad, she forgot to lock the door." He thought, although a great part of him was doubtful of this. Nonetheless, he turned the knob quietly and was pleasantly surprised to see that he was right.

"I am not in the mood to explain anything right now." She swiftly cut him off before he could even begin to say anything.

"Alright, alright." He relented with his hand up in a surrendering position. "I'll drop that for now. Did you . . . find anything unusual at school today?"

Hiyori easily caught Tsuna's attempt to change the subject, but she went along with it anyways. It was much better than the other matter at hand. She shook her head. "No one that I saw today had anything worth discussing."

"I guess we'll just have to keep looking right?" He sighed.

"Yeah," Hiyori replied. "and it looks like this is something only you and I can do. Yamamoto and Gokudera are not going to be able to do anything if they can't feel it."

Tsuna nodded in agreement. "I guess this is no different than Italy. Me and you, getting into a whole bunch of trouble."

She let out a halfhearted scoff which hid her laugh. "You're not wrong there. I'd like to think that I'm the one bring trouble to you, but, as a future mafia boss yourself, you have probably met a whole mess of problems even before meeting me."

"W-Wait, it's still not definite that I'm going to be a mafia boss." He denied.

"I doubt you'd be able to find a normal job in the future. You're already so deep into the mafia world, you can't possibly believe that you'd be able to become anything else but a mafia boss. Besides, it's in your blood anyways. Can't just say 'no' to it." She argued.

Tsuna shook his head amusingly. "If only it was that simple."

"Look," Hiyori began seriously. "I know that you and Reborn are probably really curious of my past, but I am not ready to let it go yet. Don't bother pestering me because I won't give anything up. What I'm doing may hinder our mission, or whatever it is, but I just can't."

Seeing her so distressed, he nodded slowly with understanding. "We'll find this person, whoever they are. Once we get a better insight of flames like yours, we'll figure out what to do then. I won't pry, I promise."

She was shocked by his patience, but hid it well. "Thanks. You should probably head back and read your letter. Some girl gave it to me to deliver to you so you better hurry up."

"Ehh?! A girl?! To me?!" He exclaimed, clearly caught off guard by this.

"I know!" Hiyori mocked. "I was just as shocked, if not more."

Tsuna's eye twitched in annoyance. "Hey, you don't need to be so mean."

"I'm afraid it's what I'm here for, sorry." She shrugged with a cheeky grin.

Despite her half stabbing comments, Tsuna couldn't help but feel content with the fact that he was able to relieve the stress that his tutor may have placed on her.

Once he made it back to his room, he noticed that Reborn was already in those ridiculous pink, polka-dotted pajamas. "Look Reborn, I don't think we should push for information. Maybe with time, she'll be able to open up and tell us."

" . . . Are you sure?" Reborn asked. "You may soon be a mafia boss, but I can't give you the freedom of making too many decisions yet. This can affect the whole mafia world and I don't believe that any withheld information should be kept that way for too long."

"I-I know, but trust me on this. I'm pretty sure my way is better than constantly bugging her to spill out whatever she knows. N-Not that your way isn't good!" Tsuna added to lessen the risk of getting shot.

Reborn noticed something different about his student for a split second. He came to realize that in a way, Tsuna's confidence had gone up. He had taken a stance on what he believed would be best and stood by it. The old Tsuna constantly needed to be told what to do. Now, he was able to make decisions for himself; and though most of the choices still have to be approved by Reborn himself, it was a good step forward.

"Fine, but if this doesn't work out, you're going to get it." He threatened.

"It'll work out . . . I hope." Tsuna mumbled the last part but Reborn caught it anyways and proceeded to give his student a good smack on the head.

"Wha- What was that for?!" Tsuna cried.

Reborn got ready for bed as he hopped onto his hammock. "Your indecisiveness is really annoying, no-good Tsuna."

"What are you talking about?!" He asked, but his tutor was already fast asleep. Sighing, Tsuna decided to dismiss the topic and turn to the letter on his desk. The stationary was cute and although he should be feeling really happy that he had received a confession letter from a girl, he didn't feel anything. Aside from the small sense of gratitude, the letter in front of him did not invoke any other emotions.

Does this chapter look kind of short? I assure you that the length in words is still remotely similar to the other chapters. Any comments? Please review!~