*rises out of the smoke with arms outstretched* It's aliiiiiiiiiivvvvveeee! *looks at the readers* Hello readers! I am back from my long hiatus! *holds up a shield* And for the mob out there, I am prepared! *dodges a spear* Ha! Miss me! Anyways I apologize for not updating for so long. I had come down with writer's block, work, writer's blocker, family drama, writer's block and…did I mention writer's block? But now I am back and I present to you the newest chapter! And for all those who want to kill me… you have to catch me! I am the Cartoongirl! *throws a smoke bomb and disappears*

Chapter 6: Coyote-napped!

The other three members could not believe that Ace had let Mastermind take Tech. How could their leader let one of their worst enemies take one of their teammates? It wasn't right! They started to run after him but Ace held up his arm and stopped them. There was nothing they could do at the moment. Mastermind had the upper hand. One wrong move she easily hurt the now toddler coyote. No. It was safer just to let her take him. Ace lead his team back to the base. He knew that he was going to be chewed out for his decision, but he had to be logical.

"What were you thinking Ace!?" Lexi snapped at him as they entered the tower. "How could you let Mastermind take him?"


"Al'ight! Enough!" Ace commanded. "Look youse guys. We couldn't jus' go an' fight her. She had Tech an' we coulda hurt 'im in the process of battlin' her. We need a good plan."

They knew he had a point. Tech couldn't defend himself from her. He wasn't adult any more; he probably didn't even have his powers too. For all they knew was just a regular baby coyote, which means he was in even more danger than he ever was. This was going to be tricky. Mastermind was highly intelligent and Tech was the only one who knew how to handle her. Without him, they lost their biggest advantage. They only pray that somehow they can create a plan to help them.

Mastermind was practically ecstatic. Here in her arms was her archenemy, who had somehow transformed himself into a toddler. She was glad at the moment that he had fallen asleep after screaming and crying after she kidnapped him. Plans racked through her mind on what she could do to him. There were so many possibilities. Then an idea struck her mind. If he still had his powers, she could raise him as her own and raise him as a villain! Oh it was perfect!

Going in, she shut the door quietly so that she wouldn't disturb the sleeping genius. She looked around to see that Sypher and Massive were still watching the game. Weathervane was nowhere to be seen. Probably went shopping. Doing the most daring thing, she stepped in front of the large TV. Tech was resting against her shoulder, sucking on his thumb.

"Hey! Mastermind! Get out of the way! We're trying to see who's going to win!" Sypher complained.

Snatching the remote out of Sypher's hand, Mastermind shut the TV off.

"There, now you're going miss it anyways. Now don't worry about some stupid game. I just got down battling the Loonatics and you'll never guess what I retrieve." She held up Tech, a triumphant smile on her lips.

"So… you kidnapped a coyote?" Massive asked, confused.

"This isn't just any Coyote! This is Tech! The genius somehow transformed himself in a toddler."

Sypher laughed. He had a hard time believing that the little coyote pup was the genius of the Loonatics. It was almost impossible! You think that he would've been able to avoid anything like that. Mastermind frowned. She was there the whole time. She watched them, she gathered information, and she used her enemy against his friends to succeed her crime!

"What are you laughing at?" she snapped.

"That you think we would believe that!"

"It's true!"

"Well I don't buy it."

She growled.

"Why would I lie about something that involves the Loonatics? Hmm? Especially when it involves my arch-enemy?"

"Maybe because you're totally obsessed since you two broke up?" he shot.

"That's not the point!" She snapped. "This is Tech! I know it! Even the other Losertics said so! Which means we have the upper advantage! As long as we have this little cutie in our mitts, we can get away with anything! And not to mention, if he still has his powers, raise him as our own!"

They looked at the little coyote who yawned. He sleepily opened his eyes. His eyes widen when he saw the two larger men. His ears lowered and he started to wail. Massive and Sypher winced at the quick change of the infant's behavior. The two had no experience with babies and finally dealing with one was not their cup of tea. Mastermind quickly cradled Tech and gently rocked him.

"Shh, it's okay Tech. It's okay, calm down. You're okay. Shh."

After a few minutes dealing with the screaming toddler, the intelligent villainess managed to calm him down. She let out a sigh of relief. She had no experience raising children, other than what she learned from child development class in high school and babysitting her younger cousins, but even then, she was more focused on expanding her mind than having to deal with kids. She looked at him. If this was going to work, she needed to do some research. She handed him to Massive.

"Watch him. I need to do some research."

"I didn't sign up for this!" The larger man exclaimed.

"Well too bad! And while you're at it, one of you go to the store and pick up some baby items. Baby food, diapers, the works." Without another word, she went to her makeshift lab and slammed the door behind her.

The two men groaned. They looked at each other and at the pup that was left in their care.

"So what do we do?" Sypher asked.

"The only thing we can do. Get the items that Mastermind demanded, and watch the mutt. So here's what we're going to do, I'll watch him, and you do the shopping."

"Why do I-?" The former sports player started to ask, then it dawned on him. Would he rather watch the drooling brat, or go out and caused a little mayhem while he went shopping? The second option sounded better. "Actually, I would be happy to go."

Without another word he went out. Massive sighed as he looked at the pup in his hands. This was not his idea of a good time. He bit back a groan. Tech had started to wiggle in his arms. He sat him down on his lap and turned the TV back on. If he had to suffer babysitting, at least he was going to make it less sufferable by seeing who won. For several minutes he started to wonder why Tech hadn't made a noise. When he looked down, he saw that the pup was staring at the remote. The gravity controlling villain, picked it up.

"What? You want this?"

Tech let out an excited yip. Massive handed it to him. For what this kidnapping is worth for, it wasn't turning out as bad as he thought.