Valkyria : I know I said I wasn't going to post this before Emperor's Prophecy was over, but since it is indeed close to ending. I decided to go ahead and get this started. Shining Light will, without a doubt, start after Emperor's Prophecy is completed. I really hope you guys enjoy the first chapter of this story.

Disclaimer : I claim no rights to the anime/manga Yu-gi-oh!

Current Song : The Heat by Toni Braxton.

"Being attracted to my boss wasn't something I was particularly proud of, but honestly, who could blame me? If you saw what he looked like then you'd be head over heels in love with him too."

- Yuugi Motou.

Chapter One : Business or Pleasure.

Yuugi Motou, first secretary to Atemu Ishigami, ducked his head bashfully when the glass doors to said man's office opened. He kept his gaze firmly on his half-finished paperwork as Atemu passed by, shivering lightly as his nose caught the scent of sandalwood cologne his boss seemed to favor. When he heard the sounds of Atemu's footsteps fade away, he deemed it safe enough to lift his head only to find Mana, Atemu's second secretary, staring at him from across the room, her green eyes alit with mischief.

That wasn't good.

Quickly holding up his hand when Mana opened her mouth, Yuugi shook his head. "Not today, tomorrow or ever, Mana."

With a grin on her glossed lips, Mana rose from her rich oak desk and strolled towards his own, the sound of her high heels loud against the obviously expensive hardwood floor. Yuugi gave Mana a wary stare when she came to stop and leaned against his desk.

"I wasn't going to say anything." Mana leaned down and poked him on the cheek with a manicured finger. "Until you decided to comment on it."


"No, no," Mana drawled, smoothly interrupting him. "We're going to stand -or sit in your case- here like the civilized adults we are and discuss your adorable, yet increasingly pathetic, infatuation with Atemu."

"I don't have an infatuation with Ishigami-san!" Yuugi protested, vehemently.

"Crush, attraction, passion-filled crush, in love, in passion." Mana twitted off happily. "You can use one of those if you don't like calling what you have with Atemu an infatuation."

Yuugi covered his eyes and groaned long and loudly. He peaked at Mana through his fingers. "Why must you torture me with this almost on a daily basis? What did I do to deserve this?"

"It's not what you did. It's what you won't do." Mana gently took his fingers away from his face. "You refuse to acknowledge that you are in love with Atemu. And honestly, I don't see why you just won't confess."

"Well," Yuugi started, his tone dry. "He's my boss for one and let's not forget the fact that he's way out of my league. There is no way he would even consider looking my way."

"You don't know that because you haven't even tried to get him to look your way." Mana protested and Yuugi began to notice his friend was starting to get exasperated with him. Which was good, considering she was going to give up for the day pretty soon.

"And I'm not going to try," Yuugi remarked cheekily, grinning when Mana rolled her eyes. "I'm content with the way I am."

"Yeah, but for how much longer?" Mana pushed herself off his desk. "You've been staring at him for three long years. I love you so much, Yuugi. You're like a little brother to me, but I don't know how much longer I can stand watching this."

Yuugi visibly deflated at his friends words. "Don't worry about it, okay? I'll get over it eventually."

"You don't have to if you just go and tell him how you feel!" Mana looked hopeful and the sight tore at Yuugi's heart somewhat. It made him deliriously happy that Mana, his friend of three years and confidant in all matters concerning love, wanted him to be with Atemu.

Though, he did find it strange at times that Mana was trying so hard to get them together. Especially since Mana knew Atemu longer than anyone in the entire company, with the exception of her husband, Mahad, the head of security. So, she had to know what kind of type of man or woman Atemu wanted. And Yuugi knew that he wasn't Atemu's type.

The CEO of Ishigami Corp was gloriously known to have some of the most intelligent, beautiful people on his arm. Anzu Mazaki, one of Japan's most celebrated ballerina's to name one. She and Atemu dated for a few months before they abruptly broke it off. Yuugi didn't know why, they made a cute couple and they seemed to get along every time he saw them together. When they broke it off, Yuugi was guilty enough to admit to himself that he was happy about it. He was never ashamed at himself as he was then.

"You're brooding again." Mana commented idly. "Stop it."

"Sorry," Yuugi blushed and glanced down at his unfinished paperwork. It was time to stop daydreaming and actually get it done before Atemu returned and asked for it. "I better get back to this before Ishigami-san asks for it."

Mana gave him a worried look before slowly nodding. "Right, I'll let you get back to it, but don't think this conversation is over mister!"

Pulling his lips into what he hoped was a charming smile, Yuugi nodded. "I wouldn't dream of it."

Thankfully, Yuugi managed to finish his work, which consisted of sending out e-mails to Atemu's board of directors, setting lunch dates, sending out replies to celebrity wedding invitations and pushing appointments back and forward, before Atemu returned at two o'clock in the afternoon.

He pushed the send button for his last e-mail when Atemu showed up with blazer on his arm, looking somewhat exhausted. Yuugi blushed when Atemu greeted him with a smile and stopped beside his desk.

"Yuugi, Mana, everything going okay, today?"

"It's been slow today, Atemu-chan!" Mana responded cheerfully. "How was the lunch date with Schroeder-san?"

"Interesting," Atemu responded, Yuugi bit his lips to muffle the snicker that wanted to escape his mouth when Atemu's eye twitched. "Very...interesting."

"Poor thing," Mana soothed. "Yuugi can give you a shoulder rub if you want?"

"Mana!" Yuugi squeaked out, his face flaming red. "What the hel-heck!"

Yuugi suddenly found himself face to face with his boss, Yuugi felt his face heat further when his boss smirked. "What's the matter, Yuugi? You don't want to give me a shoulder rub?"

"Well-I-I." Yuugi swallowed and tried again. "If you want, I always gave my grandfather one when his back was hurting." he flushed when he heard Mana's barely suppressed snicker. It was much to his relief when Atemu chuckled and moved away, heading towards his office.

"There's something I need to discuss with you, Yuugi," Atemu pulled his office door open. "Come with me."

For just a moment, Yuugi was glued to his seat, unable to move. What did Atemu want to discuss with him? Was it about his crush? He wasn't being that obvious was he? No, no, he was damn sure he wasn't. Mana was at least good about giving him looks when he started acting too much of a love struck man when he was talking to Atemu.

"Yuugi?" Atemu asked again, his voice holding confusion and just a hint of impatience. "Are you coming?"

"Yes, Ishigami-san," Yuugi rose from his chair, ignoring Mana's concerned look. "I'm coming."

Keeping his head down, he stepped into Atemu's office, shivering when Atemu's cologne wafted pass his nose again. He need to control himself around this man or he was going to be in trouble.

"Come sit down," Atemu commanded gently. "You're acting like I'm going to bite your head off or something."

"Okay," Yuugi waited until Atemu walked in front of him before following. The CEO's office was opulent and well-decorated with black carpeting, which was unusual for an office, the walls were painted with warm tones of red and tan. The most interest features were paintings of Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and papyrus scrolls carefully placed in glass cases. Taking a seat in one of the comfortable chairs placed in front of Atemu's desk, he turned his full attention to his boss.

"There was something you wanted to talk to me about, Ishigami-san?"

"Yes," Atemu slid a piece of paper across the desk. "I need you to get invitations out to all of these people by Friday."

"Oh?" taking the piece of paper, Yuugi quickly scanned the names, most of them were businessman and women, celebrities, musicians. It was at least more than hundred names on the paper.

"Yes, it's for a company party that I'm having next week." Atemu explained. "All of these people on the list have their fingers dipped into the deals I have been conducting with a few companies I'm interested in taking over."

"These are a lot of well known names," Yuugi murmured, feeling a shiver excitement flow through him. "Is sending out invitations the only thing you need me to do?"

Atemu chuckled, giving him an amused look. "No, of course not, Yuugi. I need your magic touch. I need this party to be the talk of the year. I need the best of everything. Food, drink, entertainment."

Nodding his head, Yuugi was already mentally going over the names of restaurants that catered, musicians that were able to perform on such short notice. "Of course, I assume you want to approve everything before I send it through."

"Yes," Atemu replied. "I'm going to need to see your choices. Can you have them ready by Friday?"

"Sure, no problem."

"Good," Atemu looked satisfied. "We can go over your choices during dinner. How does Scarlet Moonlight, sound?"

"D-Dinner?" Yuugi stuttered. "Y-You want to have dinner with me?"

"Yes," Atemu drawled out slowly. "Unless you prefer to go over it here on a Friday night?"

"N-No!" Yuugi blushed brightly at the prospect of going to dinner with his handsome boss. "Scarlet Moonlight sounds lovely."

"Excellent." Atemu pointed to the paper. "I'm counting on you, Yuugi."

Yuugi could only smile and nod as he rose from the chair and made his way out his boss' office. It was only after he was seated and going over the list did he remember that his friend, Jounouchi Katsuya, worked as head chef at Scarlet Moonlight.


A/N : Well? Did you guys like it? I hope you so. The updates on these are going to be somewhat slow, but will pick up after Emperor's Prophecy done.