Based on the movie, this is a complete fiction imagining of Iorek and Lyra and their life together. A "what if…" fanfic if you will. Rated M for later chapters and language.

I know this does not follow the series at all but I was watching the movie and it made me wonder. So I hope you have fun reading my fanfic and pretty please review!

The Bear Queen

Chapter 1- The Beginning

Iorek's POV

As they flew through the air Iorek looked down at the small human child cuddled against his side. His little human. From that first moment that she had stood up to him he had respected her. When he made the contract with her he was signing his honor to her. At the time it had simply been good business. But now… what?

In her dreams Lyra cuddled against the warmth his fur provided and he moaned. Wait… what? He had moaned! Thank fully both children were asleep and the others didn't hear. But even that little movement, her small frail body snuggling against his, had felt wonderful.

What were these things he was feeling? They were new and strange and for the first time Iorek felt a small fear he could not master.

Iorek thought back to when he had fought Iofur he had been injured and beaten down. It was when he looked at Lyra that he found inspiration and the strength to win. It was also she who managed to arrange the one on one fight. In that way he owed his very throne and life to the little child. The thought made him smile.

What a stubborn and courageous things she was too. She would have made a great Ice Bear.

Iorek, finally feeling the fatigue set in, lowered his head next to Lyra and closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Lyra's POV

Lyra had always had many dreams at the college but now, after all she had seen and everyone she had met, her dreams were vivid and wild. The bitter wind stung the nape of her neck and instinctively Lyra huddled into the closest warmth she could find.

She was flying like a witch when her dream changed. She settled on the snow covered ground and straightened to face an armored bear. She smiled when she saw him and opened her arms wide. He came forward and buried his large head in her embrace. She closed her arms around him and hugged him, rather awkwardly yet in a pleasant way. He lifted his head and bumped against her on purpose and she giggled at his antics.

Lyra rarely giggled, even in her dreams. It made her sound much too girly.

Suddenly the dream went very bright and Lyra squinted against the intensity. Her eyes fluttered open to rays of sunlight streaming directly upon them, right into her eyes. She groaned and turned to hide her face in Iorek's fur.

Roger's steady snoring could be heard next to here. He could sleep through anything. With another moan she rubbed her eyes and then stretched with a yawn.

Beside her someone chuckled. Lyra closed her mouth and looked next to her to see Iorek had awoken as well.

"Good morning Lyra" he said. His voice always astounded her, how deep and strong it was.

"Morning Iorek" She replied politely. It was perhaps the one manner the college had drilled into her, successfully at least.

Iorek's POV

Iorek felt something nuzzle his side once more and it stirred him enough to raise him out of his slumber. He blinked back the sun and shook his head as if shaking off the veil of sleep.

Then he noticed Lyra stretching and yawning shamelessly. He could help but chuckle. This caught her attention and she turned to him, fixating him with those large auburn eyes that for some reason made his breath hitch.

"Good morning Lyra" He said in greeting.

"Morning Iorek" She replied. He had the strangest urge to ruffle her hair with his snout.

"Ah, good your both up. Would someone mind shaking roger?" Lee asked. Without hesitation, Lyra wacked the unsuspecting youth on the shoulder. Roger jumped awake.

"Ow! What was that for?" He yelled.

"For over sleeping" Lyra responded simply with a shrug.

"Crazy, hormonal dust lady" Roger muttered under his breath.

"What was that?" Lyra accused loudly.

"What? Oh nothing, nothing!" Roger tried to defend.

"I'll show you crazy dust lady!" Lyra said not backing down. She swatted at him and he ran, beginning a chase around the air ship. Lee jumped out of the way just in time as the two raced past.

Iorek watched with amusement until he decided Roger had been beaten enough. As the two ran by and Lyra almost caught Roger, Iorek reached out his paw and caught Lyra around the waist and brought her in close to him.

"I think you made your point" Iorek said with laughter in his voice.

Still grumbling Lyra replied "Ya, well he deserved it". Again came the urge to nuzzle her but again Iorek fought the confusing desire.

Roger collapsed panting in the corner as Lee hesitantly returned. "Miss Lyra, you wanna tell me where I'm supposed to be landing?"

"Oh right!" She said and pulled out her golden compass. Dialing the proper symbols she focused on the swirling needle. Then she stood and walked over to the railing and pointed next to a mountain range. "There, see the bid one? Right next to there. That's where my father has set up his sanctuary."

With only a silent nod Lee went back to steering.

"What will you do once you have found your father?" Iorek asked curiously.

"I'll give him the alethiometer." She replied. "What he does with it after that is his decision" She had a far off look in her eyes and Iorek wished she would come back and settle against him so that he could calm whatever emotional storm raged inside her soul. Pan slid out of her jacket in his all too familiar weasel form.

"It'll be alright Lyra" Pan said softly.

"Why didn't he ever tell me Pan?" Lyra asked in a whispered tone. Iorek didn't want to eavesdrop but he listened anyway, curiosity and concern getting the best of him.

"I don't know Lyra. He must have thought it was best at the time."

Lyra's POV

She didn't want to think of why her uncle, or rather her father, deceived her. He left her to grow up feeling abandoned and alone. No wonder she had such a strong independent spirit! It was all she had ever known.

Turning from the railing as well as the unpleasant thoughts she let Pan climb onto her arm and then walked back over to Iorek and settled down against his side as the air ship began its descent.

*Alright so? Thoughts? Should I continue?*