Chapter 12: Wedding Day

He stood in front of a large mirror as he fixed his tie. "Are you ready?" Andrew asked as he walked in. Darien smiled and looked at him. "Never been more ready for anything in my entire life, then I am today." Andrew smiled at his friend as he walked toward him. "You are a lucky man, Darien and you two are perfect for each other." Darien smiled as he finished getting ready.

"Oh my Serena, you look stunning." Lita said as Serena twirled around the room. "I can't believe it." She said as she stopped and faced her friends. "You better believe it girl, you have one heck of a man." Rei said. "I know and I can't believe he is mine and we are getting married." She said with excitement. There was a knock at her door. "Come in." Serena said. A man walked into her dressing room. "Miss Serena everyone is ready." He said softy. "Thank you Garrett." She said with a smile. They headed out of the room and lined up. "Thanks for giving me away." She said to the elderly man standing next to her. "It's my pleasure, Miss Serena." Garrett said as he smiled. The girls walked down the aisle one by one til it was her turn. As the piano started to play everyone turned their heads to look at her. Darien watched her as she walked down the aisle, he was mesmerized by her beauty. She really looked like a princess in her wedding gown. As she reached him her took her hand from Garrett and he nodded as he walked away. They turned to the preacher.

"Do you Darien Shields take Serena Tuskino to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickeness and in health, for better or for worse, for as long as you both shall live?" He stared into her eyes and smiled. "I do." The preacher smiled and turned to her. "Serena Tuskino do you take Darien Shields to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickeness and in health, for better or for worse, for as long as you both shall live?" "I do." She said happily. The preacher motioned for the rings. Andrew and Rei walked over to the bride and groom and handed them their rings. "I believe you two have decided to say your own vows?" Darien nodded as he took her left hand. "My dearest princess, I vow to love and protect you with all my being til the day I die." He said as he placed the wedding band on her finger. She smiled as tears formed in her the corners of her eyes as she took his left hand. "My sweetest prince, you are my only true love and I vow to love and cherish you with all my heart til the day I die." She said as she placed his ring on his finger. "If there is anyone here that believes these to should not be wed, please speak now or forever hold your peace." They waited for a moment and no one spoke. "Witht the power invested in me I know pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The Preacher said. Darien smiled and turned to Serena. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her passionately. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she kissed him back.

One year Later...

"Hang in there Serena...Darien will be here soon." Mina said as she held her hand. "It hurts so bad..." Serena cried as she squeezed her hand. He sped down the highway to get to the hospital with thoughts running through his mind. He reached the parking lot to the hospital and parked his truck. He got out and ran into the hospital..

He slowly walked througha big brown door. All their friends were surrounded around her as she lay in the bed holding a little baby in her arms. The all looked in his direction at the sound of the door. "Congradulations Dar." Andrew said as he reached the group. Serena looked up at him and smiled with tears in her eyes. "Meet your daughter, Rini." She said as she looked back down at the sleeping baby in her arms. He looked down at her. She was so beautiful. He leaned over and kissed Serena on her forehead. "She's beautiful just like her mother. I love you, Serena." He said as he stared into her eyes. She smiled at him. "I love you too." She said as she kissed him.

The end.

I hope you enjoyed this story! Thanks for all the reviews! Check out my other stories!

-Lady Silverress