Author's Notes: Hawaii Five-O is not mine. It won't ever be except in my dreams. I own nothing so if CBS sues, all they'll get are the dust rhinos under my bed.

I began writing this between season one and two and real life is such that I just finished writing it. Hope it's not too disjointed due to the huge gaps in writing time.

This is just a teaser chapter. The rest of them are longer, I promise. Now, let's do this... enjoy.

Detective Danny Williams pulled his silver Camaro into a parking spot in front of Five-O headquarters just as Lieutenant Commander Steve McGarrett stepped out of his truck in the space to his left. Danny was a little concerned about the grin on his partner's face. When Steve grinned like that, it usually meant Danny was in trouble.

"Why are you grinning like the Cheshire Cat?" Danny asked as he approached his partner.

"What?" McGarrett shrugged with arms out and mock indignation on his face. "Can't a man be happy on a beautiful Monday morning?"

"No." Danny shook his head. "What's so special about this particular Monday morning?"

"Well, let's see, we closed a big case on Friday. Then we had a whole weekend uninterrupted by any new cases…"

"And I bet a certain Navy officer had a free weekend." Danny interrupted.

Steve nodded, "Very good, Detective."

Danny was opening his mouth to respond when a gunshot sounded not far behind him. His gun was out of its holster as he started to turn and scan the surrounding area. As he turned, he felt something press into his neck before he felt the discharge of electricity into his body.

Danny felt his gun slip from his nerveless fingers as he collapsed in agony on the sidewalk and his body began to convulse. His last sight before unconsciousness claimed him was of McGarrett face down on the sidewalk with an ever-growing pool of blood under his head.

Oh, did I fail to mention that I like a little whump now and then? Well, stay tuned for more...