TADA I'M BAAACCCKK! THIS IS THE SEQUEAL TO THERE LIFE AFTER 5 YEARS LATER! This story takes place a couple years later Lia is four years old and having the perfect life with her parents (a.k.a Fabian and Nina) But sometimes things happen that change your plans. You know the dealio COMMENT! LEMME KNOW WHAT YA THING.
Lia pov
"Lia" a familiar voice said trying to wake me up. I turned in bed holding onto my stuffed animal.
"Lia" the voice said again. I pulled my covers over my head.
"Lia time to get up baby" the voice said who I realized is my mommy. I fluttered open my eyes to see my mommy looking at me. Mommy picked me up and carried me downstairs.
"You tired baby?" she asked. I nodded. I rested my head on her shoulder and played with her blondish hair. She sat me down on the couch and went to the kitchen.
"What do you want for breakfast buggy?" she asked me.
"Cocoa puffs" I said pulling a blanket up my body. I watched my favorite show Blue's clues. T
wo arms wrapped around me and lifted me up. It is my daddy. He kissed my cheek and put me on his shoulder. I played with his hair.
"Daddy" I exclaimed.
"Hi princess" he said kissing my cheek.
"Hi daddy" I said.
"Love you Lia" he said.
"Love you too" I said.
"I know you love being tickled more" he said. I squealed started tickling me.
"Stawp daddy stawp" I giggled. He continued while laughing at me then suddenly stopped scaring me a little.
"Daddy?" I asked.
"Lia where is your necklace?" he asked putting me down and looking me straight in the eye.
"Umm I think it's in my room" I said looking down. Daddy said to never take off my necklace or bracelet because they protect me.
"No it's right here" he said picking it up from off the couch.
"Oh" I said softly.
"Baby you know you not to take off your bracelet or necklace" he sighed. I nodded my head as he put my necklace on. He kissed my forehead then went to go see mommy. I
ate my cocoa puffs on the couch. Mommy and daddy were talking in the kitchen. I went to my room and got my stuffed elephant. My elephant is named Elyse.
I walked around my house. I wandered upstairs to the attic. I'm not supposed to go up there but it's fun to explore.
I saw a door that had a lock on it. I looked for something to open the door and found a pin which I accidentally dropped (HA HA PIN DROP).
My Uncle Eddie and Jerome taught me that. I put the pin in the lock a moved it until I heard a click. I opened the door and it creaked. A dark figure was standing in there so I hid behind the door.
I peeked out and the figure saw me. How did they get up here? Daddy doesn't let anybody up there. It spotted me and a smile curled on it's face.
It pulled me into the room then locking the door. I shook in fear as it touched me. It held onto me trying to hurt me.
"DADDY!" I screamed hoping he could could hear me. The person has on a mask and all black clothing. It grabbed my arm and made a mark on my arm it looks like a tattoo. I tried to pull away.
The figure rose his arms and I found it hard to move. When I did move the figure seemed surprised. The mark on my arm slowly went away.
The figure was about to hurt me but something clear came and protected me. I can easily get out but no one can get in. The person hissed.
"It's the damn necklace and bracelet" it murmured. I sat there while it watched me.
"Come out here girl" it hissed then tried to touch the clear dome but got burned. I shook my head starting to cry. I want to go be in daddy's arms.
"If you come out you can go straight to your family" the figure promised me. I slowly stepped out of the bubble to only feel a burning sensation around me.
I fell to my knees as the figure laughed coldly. The person who is obviously a he because of the voice reached for my necklace. He got hit by a blast of energy.
"Take off the necklace" it demanded. I shook my head slightly trying to escape the room.
"Take it off" it repeated. I slowly removed my necklace and bracelet dropping them on the floor. The man laughed and grabbed me tightly.
He started to put a curse on me. The last thing I heard was
"Take this child back in time".
Little did he know I slid my necklace and bracelet into my pocket.