Just a short fluff fic

Don't own sailor moon

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There was no sound other than that of the pen gliding across the page. He stretched out looking at the new law he had just passed. Briefly he look at the time and saw it was 2am. Thats odd he thought to himself ever since they formed neo crystal Tokyo Endymion and Serenity had made a pack that they would not let each other work past midnight after the forming of neo Tokyo they nearly wiped themselves out working till all hours so they made a deal at midnight they would find each other and go to bed. More often than not Serenity finished first and always found him so him and they would go to their room talk about was on there mind and then drift of to sleep together. The fact that Serenity hadn't come to find him worried him. He got up and walked to her office but the lights where of and she wasn't there. 'where is she he wondered'

He went to there bedroom and she wasn't there either 'Somthing wrong, she must be hurt. Oh Serena where are you.' Endymion went to the kitchens again she wasn't there. He looked in the rose garden, which was his and her private sanctuary but again there was no sign of the queen. 'Oh god what if shes hurt, what if shes been kidnapped.' His mind raced with a hundred different scenarios each on worse that the last. Finally he told himself to calm down and think and then he thought of where she might be.

Once he got there his heart pounded in this chest she was lying on the bed curled up hugging a pillow close to her as if the girl who was missing from this scene was there. Carfully he moved up to the queen brushed her hair away from her face. The queen eyes opened at the familer touch. "endy" she whiphered. "what time is it." "half two." "oh im sorry. I finished at ten and just thought Id come here." Tears flowed down her cheek. Endymion moved onto the bed and pulled her into his arms. Slowly rubbing her back like you would a child who needed comfort. "its okay, I miss her too. She'll be back in no time. She has to be trained. But she'll be back again soon. She need to be trained. Small ladys becoming a scout its her destiny as it was yours she'll be back soon." She looked up at him her tears where subsiding " Endy. Love you." He smile at her "I love you to angel. Now lets go to bed."