Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long since I've updated the story - been struggling to get the ball rolling on this, and I had to quickly change some things in order to do something that I'm wanting to do that should be happening next chapter. I say SHOULD because these characters don't like working with me sometimes... Grr... Anyways! Sorry for the short chapter I hope you enjoy :)

Do not own, this is for entertainment purposes only, no money is being made here.

Kitty Kat

Chapter 45

The gate was, quite frankly, a huge structure. It was made of white material, some brick like and the others suspiciously like bone. The gate rose up just a few feet of where they could estimate the tallest of them could go through comfortably, the 'door' itself dark and foreboding. Normally, the Shinigami would go through the doors, guided by their butterflies and enveloped by light. Of course, the train between the human world and Hueco Mundo was such a surprise that it had made everyone understandably wary of entering any unknown gates or portals.

It didn't help that Urahara was the one who made said gate.

Renji scowled, glaring between the gate and bracelet attached to his wrist. After explaining, in cheerful detail, what would happen if Renji took just one misstep, he was a little unwilling to just step through as an experiment. Byakuya was in agreement, but he trusted his friend to not make such a sacrifice without a good reason.

It still didn't mean he was wary – after all, this was one of his soul mates.

Urahara grinned. "Well?"

The redhead turned his scowl to Urahara, but he didn't argue. With a bit of trepidation, Renji started to walk through the gate.

Everyone watched as Renji walked through, the gate's darkness almost acting like goo as it absorbed him. The last thing they could see was his ponytail getting swallowed up by the darkness, no indication of figures or shadows to be seen.

They waited for a few moments before Urahara brought out some kind of telephonic device, the screen large and some readings going across the top. "This," he says, waving it around to bring attention to the strange device. "This is a reader – it allows me to read the vital signs of whoever is wearing the bracelet and tell me what their location is in relation to us here in Karakura Town." He used his free hand to indicate to all the different numbers and symbols on it, explaining each thing in excruciating detail.

Ichigo was close to falling asleep, but he understood it well enough, thanks to having Isshin Kurosaki as his father. Medical science and language were no stranger for him, and Ichigo could understand why Urahara had to keep an eye on vitals. One wrong move, the man had described, and something could be irreparably wrong with the 'subject.'

"It should be five more minutes, and he will make it into Hueco Mundo, or at least as close to the castle as I can get." Urahara frowned a little more, fingers tapping away at the screen. "The way Hueco Mundo is set up, along with Las Noches, the amount of reiatsu prevents me from setting up an exit point any closer, at least without losing secrecy. Really, what Aizen had created is quite amazing."

"Yeah, I don't think all of us feel the same way..." Ichigo muttered, Ogichi echoing his sentiment.

"Wait." All the Espada stopped, Harribel looking out towards the West of their home, sensing something forming just outside of her senses. "I think something is coming to us, or at least to here in this plane."

"Or someone." Starrk muttered, cozying down into his multitude of beanbags.

Gin grinned. "Nah, it's just Urahara's test subject. Remembah, he said he would have someone step through that gate of his and have someone visit us."

Grimmjow perked up just a bit. "Did he say who?"

"It ain't White, sorry." Gin laid a kiss on the bluenette's head, assuaging both of their sadness just a bit. "Though he said it's probably gonna be pineapple-boy."

Ulquiorra sipped his tea. "Well, it seems like he has arrived, though it is hard to tell if he is in one piece or not." He stood from his chair, the tea now finished. "I will see if he has survived." And then the Espada was gone, vanished with sonido to see which hapless fool decided to test Urahara's inventions.

Gin grinned, thinking it kind of hilarious but normal for the crazy captain regardless.

Of course, it was only moments later that both Ulquiorra and Renji arrived, both seemingly intact while the redhead continued to shake of some goo looking thing. "Well, I can say with confidence that it works. Though whatever the hell it was that Urahara had me step through sticks like crazy." The goo dissipated once it wasn't attached to his body.

"Well, he did need a way to monitor your vitals – I'm assuming that the goop is his way of doing so." Renji gave Gin a side-eye as he said this, still not trusting the ex-captain but having been through the cat-tastrophe from before hand? Renji could make an exception for crazy. Gin's grin widened. "Glad ta see ya made it through!"

"Thanks." Renji examined the flashing bracelet on his arm, the color switching between blue and green. He shook it. "Is this supposed to flash like that?"

Harribel nodded, examining the Shinigami from a distance. "The other bracelets he has sent through have done the same thing. The pattern follows well with the results given." Syzael nodded in agreement, typing something on a notepad as everyone talked and examined the bracelet.

"How the hell am I supposed to get back now?"

"RENJI!" A pink blur attacked his side, grinning happily up at him. Yachiru Kasujishi was attached to his side like a koala, and Renji didn't know what to do with this. "I'm so glad you're here! I thought Ken-Ken and I were gonna be all alone with the Espada."

"Yachiru." And then there was Kenpachi Zaraki, looming over the two of them with his manic grin as always. "Don't be rude."


Renji groaned, sitting down where he stood. "What have I gotten into… Didn't know I would be running into the two of ya."

"It's okay Pineapple!" Renji scowled at the familiar nickname. "Kenny just wants a fight!"

"Which he already got!" Grimmjow looked upset, growling at the large captain. The blue-haired Espada continued to grumble angrily under his breath. Gin sat there, gently petting his mate's head, more than a little amused at the situation before them.

"Mah, just don't fight inside please. We'd like ta keep tha place clean, thanks."

"Okay!" Yachiru bounded off, dragging Renji with her as Kenpachi followed, looking a little bored but unwilling to leave Yachiru alone with anybody or anything. Besides that, he thought to himself, it's good to see Yachiru fight someone enthusiastically.

It was going to be kind of funny.

"Hollows." Heather glared, hackles slowly raising at the feeling of her reiatsu nearly recoiling at the stench of the monsters. "Guys, hollows have found a back door entrance to Karakura." Chase stood up, trotting forward to see if she could sense the same thing the ginger cat could.

They all felt it – a roiling boil of hatred and hungry glee. It seemed like none of the Soul Reapers or protectors of the town felt this presence, at least, not yet.

"How much time do we have?"

Maria titled her head, calculations flying. "I'm giving it a solid five minutes before they start noticing Hollows are here. Night, Yoru, shall we?" Said black cat grinned, tail swinging happily.

"Do you think we can find and warn them?" Heather was worried, but she was determined not to be useless. They had all worked on their reiatsu, the different powers each one possessed, and even though they knew that they couldn't access their full potential in cat form, they could still do some sort of damage.

Hopefully it would be enough.

Chase nodded. "I only know of one place that they could be at. Let's go."

Alright guys! Hope you all enjoyed that :D Also, Kenpachi and Yachiru are super duper adorable and i am excited for what they will bring to the story :D

Than you to Dragonmaster789 and DragonJinchuriki20 for your reviews last chapter :D And sorry to say, guys, but no one is going to Hueco Mundo YET! Of course, it will happen, but it's a ways off before it happens :D Also thank you to kagura10 for your review on chapter 15! I don't know if you've read further as i have not seen another review from you yet, but i hope you enjoyed so far!

Hope to see more reviews! See you again as soon as I can get the next chapter done :)
