What made this happen ? How could such a simple activity lead to something so gruesome . She found it disgusting . Twisting the corpses to find what little belongings they had was an activity she didn't like . But , since she was just a shadow , a mere ghost in this place they called Arkham City , there was no choice . This one wasn't different . Beside the shredded clothing there were no belongings on him . Oh , if you count the bullet in his head something that this corpse could posses , then yes , it was his .

The female continued her walk . Passing through the alleys without anyone seeing her . It was a talent that the girl had since she was a child . Hiding in the shadows when your parents were drunk and fighting was the only thing she could call "play time" . That notion was twisted , even in her grown up mind . Watching your father stab your mother to death didn't help at all . Growing up in an orphanage and finding school a social threat was also demoralizing . The laughs , jokes , pokes and beatings that she received either at the orphanage or at school were what made her have a humble air around her . Her looks and her quick thinking were the things that drove the people around her crazy . Her natural forest green hair and her mismatched eyes made the people fear her . And usually , fear leads to violence . Her life was no different . And as this bravado passed on , so did her nickname . Her signature call was 'Serpent' . Only at this age she understood why . She was like a snake , twisting and escaping from the worst situations with the quick mind she possessed . And since that realization dawned upon her , her life changed

Yet the mind that she possessed was far different from her past . After all the years of fighting the urge of insanity and madness , the moment she stepped in this 'City' she let her guard down , finally embracing her true self . Now all she needed was henchmen , respect from the other villains and power . But that takes time . Maybe she could join the Riddler , but she doubted he will accept her as a side-kick . Others have tried , and died a painful death at his hands . He had no mercy , desiring only the finest minds to accompany his own . She was no Einstein , but had the logic to solve a few of his riddles through her journey .

She tried to get on Catwoman's good side , but she refused Serpent , saying that her body was not as flexible and that she wasn't useful to her . Although that was a major let down , the Catwoman promised to lend a hand if she ever was in trouble . Oh , and she gave Serpent one of her old whips . That gave the girl a big grin for the rest of the week

Joker gang , nu huh . He will never ever let a petite girl in his gang . And she didn't want to be eaten alive by those bulky empty minded monsters so no , she'll pass this opportunity .

Penguin is a blind man . Needing only raw force , he ignored Serpent . Well , he tried to because the grand entrance that the girl made was breath taking . Lets just say that the venting system needs a little repairing . She landed on his desk in his office while he had a meeting . With Scarecrow , she presumed . The mad doctor just started to laugh and then he leaved Penguins office shaking his head , hysteria overcoming his brain . As for Serpent , she dodged a few of Penguins kicks and punches but when he pulled a gun from his coat , she fled his hideout . One of the villains shots was successful , wounding her left arm .She went to Catwoman , who tended to her wound .

Why the woman was so happy to help her was one of the mysteries she tried to solve . Perhaps she knew something that she didn't . Selina insisted that she should spend the next few weeks at her place , considering that she was incapable of fighting in this state . Serpent reluctantly accepted .Catwoman's hideout was like an apartment so she was really glad that she had the opportunity to sleep in a proper bed . She thanked the other woman and sat on the couch in the living room . A cat jumped in her lap , and Serpent petted her with her remaining good arm. Knowing that she had a lot of time to spend with the girl , Selina started asking questions .

"What is your name ? " she asked , half-curious , half-suspicious . What if Serpent was a spy ? She didn't really believe that she was capable of this , but things happen and it's best to be cautious all the time .

"My name ? Hm , Alexandra . Why do you want to know ?"

Selina just rolled her eyes . The girl could be so oblivious sometimes . Maybe she wasn't such a good candidate for the plan she had . Either way , she continued "How old are you ?"

"22 , Selina . Must I repeat the question I asked before ? I guess not , you have good ears . Why are you so interested in my life and my past all of a sudden ?" Alexandra asked , feeling a little self-conscious about the position she was in . With Catwoman , in her apartment , away from the outside world , with nobody to aid her if she got Selina angry . Not good . Not good at all . She mentally slapped herself . 'How much of an idiot can I be?' she thought . Maybe the other woman was trying to delude her , to make her turn a blind eye towards the truth . For now , she could only play her game

Selina purred ."Am I not allowed to Alex ? I thought that after all this time , you might start to trust me . I only want to get to know you better , provided that if something bad happened to you , I will have some clues to be able to save you . After all , I never laid a finger on you , have I ?"Catwoman asked , knowing that she had the other female right were she wanted . Slipping from her original place , she hoped on the couch next to Alexandra , and stared at her . Obviously , the wounded girls genetics were strong . Her body may look weak but the strong lean muscles she saw made her reconsider the possibility of her being helpless . 'Note to self , ask about the strange hair color and eyes' . She resumed her analyze , and paid attention to what Alex was really doing . The exact same thing as her . Staring . Selina laughed .

"You know we are like one person . Maybe I'm rubbing off on you . Next thing you know , you'll be just like me" Catwoman said , wiggling her eyebrows , obviously making fun of Alex .

She made the other laugh . 'Good' Selina thought , 'Now all I need is a little more trust , and I'll have her right where I want . Maybe this time he won't kill her . After all she is beautiful . Odd but beautiful . She has brains but I need time . And he is impatient , and cocky . Uhh , why am I doing this again ? Oh , right . I owe him … Damn it girl , stay focused .'

"Selina , are you always thinking this much ?You might start to get wrinkles" Alex said , still smiling . Midnight , the cat that she was petting , jumped from her lap and went outside , jumping through the open window . Well , one of them , Selina never looked to see which one , her gaze still fixed on her guest .

"Nine lives , remember ?"

"Right …" she said , rolling the 'r' . Oh , she was so cute when she did that .

"Alex , I want to know everything . Will you tell me ?" Selina asked , hoping for the best. This girl in unpredictable , just like him …

"Umm , I don't know . How about I just tell you the basics ? " Alexandra said , her voice a little low , her demeanor suddenly turning towards shyness .

Selina smiled . With one hand behind her back , she took a tape recorder from one of her pockets and pressed play . Her plan was working . He shall be pleased .

Serpent started her story with her childhood . Not a happy one . She didn't want to let Catwoman know all her secrets and fears , but she somehow found herself telling her everything . From the death of her parents , to the bullies at the orphanage , the fear others had when they saw her , how she was always ridiculed . Her teenage years were simple . Her life wasn't exquisite . Not even close . She went to a simple high school in the Narrows , had high grades , everybody was hating her for outsmarting even the teachers . The old story unfolding herself , just in another growth period . Yet they managed to get revenge on her . One night she was foolish enough to fall into one of their traps , ending her social life forever . They somehow slipped drugs into her backpack and dragged the poor girl towards the police . Alex was terrified . She struggled , screamed , hit everyone she could reach , but it was futile . The damage was done . Alexandra embraced her punishment . She was in jail at the young age of 18 . Traumatized , that's what she was .What she went through there must remain between those walls . That made Selina curious , yet she didn't question further , knowing that when the time was right , Alexandra will confine in her .

Her sentence was for 5 years , but she was placed in Arkham City along with many others , to make room in the cells . She got her revenge on the persons that destroyed her , but it wasn't enough . Alex felt the insanity that was boiling inside her threatening to burst . She started to wander the alleys of the 'City' and Selina knew the rest . After all , she was the one who rescued Serpent from 2 of the Jokers goons . The girl owed her . Hmm , that reminded the feline lover of her plan . It was splendid . Knowing she had most of what he needed , she pressed the stop button and carefully placed her tape recorder back in its original place . Alexandra didn't notice her movements .

She was at a loss of words . She just told her whole life to a complete stranger . Well , not exactly , but details weren't that important at the time . She was tired . All the running and fighting , oh , and the wound , made their desire clear . Selina saw Alexandra start to doze off . She slipped from the couch , went in her bedroom , took one blanket and returned to the already sleeping beauty . She covered her guest , and when she was sure the other female was asleep , she changed her clothing , slipping in her trademark latex outfit , grabbed the tape with all the necessary information and jumped from her window into the dangerous 'City'.

After all , the night was young , and she just completed half of her plan . The rest depended on him . She wondered how he will react to what Alexandra said . Catwoman almost felt sorry for the girl who was sleeping in her hideout . She realized what she was doing and quickly dismissed her emotion . She mustn't attach herself to her . It was too dangerous .

She crouched down on top of the building that faced his hideout . The Riddler was very careful when choosing hideouts , that why the TYGER guards never caught him . Selina took the tape , placed it on the already chosen spot and left . Without having to turn back around , she knew he already had it in his possession .

"Puuurfect." she said , spotting a couple of Penguins goons . Time to get revenge .