Hi everybody!

I know it's been so long since the last time I updated this story, but I wanted to publish this last chapter on my birthday, June 12th. There are two reasons why I decided to do it this way, the first one because I had also published the ending of the Spanish version this same day four years ago, and the second…. Well, that's something you'll understand when you finish reading this chapter…

This is the end of a long journey for them and us. A story that I published in Spanish in some months ended up taking me four long years to translate and publish. Many things happened who almost made me give up on finishing it but I did it. The end of Searching for a Heart is here and I can't thank you enough for all your beautiful comments and support. Four happy years reading all of them and smiling with your words of affection and love. I will never forget those years. I will never forget the Samcedes fandom because each one of you are and will always be my family. Thank you so much for being there, thank you all for making me laugh, smile and cry. Thank you for following the Team all these years, for loving our babies and support every one of our projects and trends. Thank you for still being there after all these years. Our love for Sam and Mercedes will never die.

I didn't want to cry so I'm going to end this author's note here before ending up doing so. I hope you like the ending and you leave me a review telling me what you thought about it.

The song that gives the title to the ending is "You'll be in my Heart" sung by Phil Collins from the Soundtrack of Tarzan.

As always their thoughts are written in italic.

Thanks so much to K who's helping me beta this ending (we haven't finished yet but I'm going to post it as it is right now so I can post it today, and then update it when we finish). Thanks to Anni who translated the first five chapters, Sonia who translated the 6th and 7th, and to Jill, LunaSolTierra and Liv who helped me beta the rest of them.

And that's it! I really hope you like this ending, let me know what you think in a review ^.^

Disclaimer: Glee isn't mine. Just the truck.

Chapter 14:

You'll be in my heart:

Come stop your crying
It will be alright
Just take my hand
Hold it tight

I will protect you
From all around you
I will be here
Don't you cry

For one so small,
You seem so strong
My arms will hold you
Keep you safe and warm
This bond between us
Can't be broken
I will be here
Don't you cry

'Cause you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more
You'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be here
In my heart

I'll be with you

I'll be there for you always

Always and always

Just look over your shoulder

As soon as they got out of the truck, Sam Evans took his girlfriend's hand, lacing his fingers with hers, and the suitcase they both had fought about the night before. They entered the house quietly, trying to make minimum noise. They did not want his family to wake up. They did not want them to see them with a suitcase returning home. His grandfather had covered them by lying even to his own daughter, so all they had to do was go upstairs, take a shower, change their clothes and pretend that they had returned from dinner after midnight.

"I'll go with you, leave the suitcase and then I'll go see Grandpa." Sam offered, posing the foot on the first step.

"Why don't you go now?" She stopped him.

"I'll leave it there and then I will, Mercy." He insisted.

"Sam Evans, I can do it myself. Give it to me, don't be like yesterday or all of the clothes will end up on the floor again."

"Mercy..." Her boyfriend refused to give it to her, putting on a sad face.

"I can carry it, Sam. Let it go and go see your grandfather, please."

"Okay." He sighed. His hands stroking her face, approaching her for one last kiss. "Don't wait for me in the shower." He reminded her, amused.

"I won't." She assured him.

Sam stepped away, humming happy, as he watched her climbing the stairs.

How could he be so lucky? The night before he had run out of that house with a suitcase in his hands, ready to give it back to her to take it, and now she was the one who came home with the same case, but this time as his real girlfriend.

The future mother of his child.

A baby! A son of him and Mercedes!

Could it be possible? Could it really happen?

A baby running around that house full of love. A baby staining the floor and teasing his mother, running after him to clean it. Or filling it with love.

A baby.

Boy or girl?

A beautiful and disastrous child like him or a beautiful and adventurous girl like her mother. What would they be if she was indeed pregnant?

She had to be! She had a delay and even if not, they had not stopped trying. She had to be pregnant. She had to be and... Sam Evans would be the happiest man when that happened.

A baby. Oh, beautiful...

He still could not believe what had happened between them. The escape of Mercedes, the discussion with his grandfather, him chasing her with the truck. Their fight because of the suitcase, her confession of love. Disappointment to learn that she had gone without telling him the real reason for her departure, reconciliation, the night they had spent together. Scott... The waterfall.


Later he would speak to him again and he would make him clear that the front and rear his brother had seen, were only his.

Before he could raise his hand to knock on the door, the old Samuel Riley started coughing on the other side, startling him and causing Sam to enter the room in a hurry.

"Are you all right, Grandpa?" He asked, running toward the bed, watching how uncomfortable the man was. "What are you doing? You should be sleeping."

"Heard the truck arrive." He managed to say while coughing.

"Were you trying to get up?" Sam asked, unable to avoid being angry. Knowing that he was the least with right to do it.

"No. I couldn't. I expected you to come to see me." The man confessed, stroking his face and blushing cheeks. "And you did."

"Grandpa, I'm sorry about yesterday." Sam apologized, resting his hands on the old man's ones.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. I was the one telling you to give her time." He lamented, dropping his hands and leaving them on the bed. "What was I thinking? It's my fault she left and now..."

Now she would be far, far away and his grandson would no longer see her again. She would stay forever away from this house that had broken her heart into a thousand pieces. Now...

"She's taking a shower now, Grandpa." Sam told him with a smile that could have lit up the whole room.

"What?" He asked, his grandson searched for a chair and sat on it.

"I found her, Grandpa. I found her."

"Did you?" The old man asked, excited.

"And I told her I loved her. I asked her to stay with me. She loves me. Mercedes loves me. She said that. Without being asleep, Grandpa. She said it to me.

"Oh, Sam. I'm so glad." The old man reached into the pocket of his pajamas the letter she had left his grandson, pulling it out with trembling hands and looking at it on the verge of tears.

"Is that the letter ...?"

"Yes it is."

"Why did you keep it?"

"To punish me for being so stupid, Sam. I kept it to remind me that I should not get into the lives of my grandchildren. If you would have said no, she wouldn't have left. She wouldn't have done it."

"Or she would have, Grandpa. She didn't leave because she thought I didn't love her."

The old man looked doubtful, not understanding a word of what his grandson was saying.

"It was because... Because she is pregnant."

And as soon as he heard it, his grandfather started coughing badly.

"Oh my God, Grandpa! Forgive me." Sam begged, scared, rising from his chair.

But old Samuel Riley moved his hands in the air, telling him to return back to his seat.

"Is she? Are you serious?"

"Could be. She has a... a delay." He told him, feeling his cheeks redden again.

"A great-grandson?" He asked, excited. "My first great-grandson and it will be yours. Have you heard, Sylvia? Our first great-grandson. A baby of Sam and Mercedes."

Sam tried to stop the tears, but could not help it. Each time the elder named his grandmother, the struggle of not to cry came back to him again.

"I can't believe it." He said again. "Why would she want to go without telling you anything? Why...?"

"She was afraid, Grandpa. She was... She runs away. She has always run away, but I will not let her do it again. Not knowing how happy we can be."

"Oh, Sam, when your mother finds out ... Tell her carefully, or you'll give her a heart attack upon hearing the news."

"She might not be, Grandpa." He reminded him.

"But someday she will and then we will hear the laughter of a beautiful baby in this house." Samuel Riley breathed deeply, imagining that moment. "I hope I can meet him or her before I leave this world."

"Grandpa! Do not talk like that. You will. If not now, you will in a few years. But you will, don't you doubt it."

"I hope so, short stuff. I hope so. I love you, you know? I'm so proud of you." His grandfather stroked his hand again, feeling a tear trickled down his cheek.

A tear to be followed by others.

Happy, excited like never before.

"I love you, Grandpa." Sam replied, rising from his chair and kneeling on the ground to embrace him. His old hands were soon stroking his blond hair with love now, his heart filled with happiness.

"You're gonna be the best father in the world."

"Do you really believe it?" His green eyes stared at him.

"I'm sure of it. Mercedes could have never found a better father to her son or a better man that give her heart to."

Sam smiled as he felt his cheeks stained red.

"And you could not have found a better woman than her."

"I know."

"Never forget it." Replied the old man.

"I won't, Grandpa."

"All right. What time is it?"

"Half past seven. You should get some sleep, you look very tired."

"Yes, I'll try, son. Give her a kiss for me and tell her I'm sorry."

"I will not tell her that, Grandpa. Because you have nothing to be sorry for." Sam looked at him trying to reason.

"All right. Don't say anything." He agreed, starting to close their eyes.

Sam grabbed the letter laying on the sheets and slowly left the room, turning off the light again.

"Good morning, Sam!

He heard, his heart almost popping out of his chest, while Stevie Evans stood before him with a smile from ear to ear.

"Damn, Stevie! You scared the hell out of me!"

"I'm sorry." The teenager laughed. "Is grandfather okay?"

"No, he is not. He feels tired and will sleep a bit more."


The boy bowed his head sadly. While he walked through the house happy, his brother had gotten up early to see how his grandfather had slept. It was more than obvious the reason why Sam had always been his favorite grandson.

"What is that?" He asked, seeing the paper his older brother had in his hands.

"I could ask you the same." Sam replied, noting that Stevie had another in his.

"It's for Miny. Another anonymous." He explained with a smile. "I've been responding as you suggested. This is the last one, I wrote her to meet me in the parking lot at the exit of the school. I will ask her to be my girlfriend."


"Yes. It's been two weeks since I broke up with Abby. I think it's time to look for my happiness."

"Glad to hear it, brother." Sam said, running a hand through his brother's long blond hair. "Ummm, don't you think you should cut your hair? You look like a homeless boy. No, wait... you look ... you look like a mop."

"Very funny, Sammy. What did you do to yours? You seem straight out of a washing machine. Have you showered today?"

"No. Actually, I haven't."

"That's what I thought. You smell horrible." He said to his brother, laughing uproariously.

"Run to the kitchen before I give you what you deserve, midget!" He warned, before Stevie took off running to escape from his clutches.

His feet carried him upstairs, one by one, slowly, quietly. As he thought about the happiness that soon the family would live. His father would recover, Dave and Mary Ann would marry, Scott and Dr. Harbor made a lovely couple. Mercedes might be expecting a baby, and now Stevie and Miny are beginning to date.

What could go wrong?

Mary Ann watched for the third time that day how Mercedes clutched her hands to the fence strongly. She had planned to be the one to feed the horses, but Mercedes had beaten her, offering herself.

How could she have treated her so badly? If she was a lovely, friendly and hardworking girl. And she loved her brother above all things.

Mary Ann had been aware of the happiness of both, those weeks they had spent together.

Sam watched her enamored as she smiled at him. It had always been like that. There was no time of day when the couple didn't give away eyes of love to one another. How could she have not seen it a long time ago? How could she be so blind? They loved and needed each other like Dave and she did.

Or like Dr. Harbor and Scott. She had gotten her crazy brother to settle down and he had asked her to be his girlfriend. Mary Ann knew he escaped to see her each morning, as she had done when he had begun her relationship with Dave.

Soon her wedding would come and they could share a house, walking away from their parents. They would miss them terribly, but they would continue to work for them after all.

And there was the fourth fainting ... But this time, in addition to hold tightly to the fence, Mercedes closed her eyes, startling her completely.

"Mercedes, Mercedes!" She yelled, running toward her and trying to hold her against the fence. "What's wrong?

"I'm fine, Mary Ann."

"No you are not. You feel dizzy. I have to call Sam."

"No, do not call him."


"We know what it is." A smile appeared on her lips. "This only may confirm it."

"What?" The girl did not have the foggiest idea what she was talking about.

"I'm pregnant, Mary Ann." Mercedes confessed, closing her eyes again and feeling her legs would not support her.

"Mercedes!" She held her up the best she could, until both were lowered carefully to the ground. "Mercedes?" She asked, hoping her friend looked back at her.

"Yeah?" She answered, opening her eyes once again.

"Are you?"

"I do not know really. But everything indicates that I am."

"I hope so, Merce. This house needs children that rejoice it with laughter" She expressed, sad.

"And it will have them, M.A. When you marry, you and Dave will begin to fill it."


"What do you mean?"

Mary Ann shook her head, unable to meet her eyes.

"I cannot have children, Mercedes. I can't."

"Why? How do you know it? How...?" She asked, her voice breaking, while Mary Ann grabbed her hand strong.

"At thirteen I was diagnosed with endometriosis and I placed an IUD treatment... The doctor told me years later that this treatment is rarely used now for young people who want to become pregnant, because of the problems they would have to conceive. It is complicated for me to have them, Merce. And I want it so much. So so much... " A tear rolled down her left cheek.

A tear that made Mercedes vulnerable, but how she felt no longer mattered.

"Does Dave know?"

"Yes, and he does not mind. He still wants to marry me, Merce. Despite not being able to bear children. Despite the way I treated him, despite insulting and hurting him, he loves me."

"That's why you pushed him away, Mary Ann. Didn't you?"

"Yes." She reveled with a broken voice.

"Oh, Mary Ann. I'm really sorry for how I treated you. I... I didn't know you."

"No. I'm sorry for how I treated you. I didn't even give you a chance to know me."

"We were too dumb." Mercedes laughed.

"Yes." Agreed Mary Ann, resting their heads in a gesture of love and support. "I'm so glad you're going to be parents. I had never met anyone who deserved it more than you."

"I have." Mercedes replied, squeezing her hand tightly, as she noted how the first tear slid down her cheek.

God had wanted her to become pregnant without looking for it, while Mary Ann perhaps could never have her owns, despite wanting them with all her heart.

It was not fair.

"You have to confirm it ASAP. Pregnancy has to go right. Everything has to go right. "She said, rising from her side and helping her up too.

"Yes, I hope so." Replied Mercedes, while Mary Ann hugged her warmly.

"What happened? Are they on their periods? Scott asked, watching Mary Ann and Mercedes embraced.

"Not exactly." They heard Sam saying. "At least, not Mercedes."

"Is there anything we do not know?" Scott wanted to know, while Dave left the bale of straw on the tractor and listened intently.

"Mercedes might be pregnant."

"Be serious!" His brother squealed, opening his eyes wide. "Will I have a nephew? Dave, we'll have a nephew! This is fantastic. Mom and Dad know?"

Sam shook his head, watching his brother celebrated the news.

"I said she might be pregnant, Scott. Not that she is."

"Oh, come on! After what happened this morning is more than obvious that she is."

"Scott!" His brother cried, pissed off.

"What happened this morning?" Dave asked, amused.

"Sam and Mercedes were making a baby in the waterfall."

"Wow! In the waterfall!"

"Scott! You said you wouldn't tell anyone!" Sam chided.

"Oooops, right. I'm so sorry, brother. It is the happiness of being an uncle for the first time. I'll have to start looking for names. Something like ... Bud or Bob "The trucker".

"My son will not be a truck driver" Sam said curtly.

"Whatever you say." Replied Scott, causing him and Dave to laugh out loud.

"Guys ... I need to ask you a favor."

"What kind?" Scott joked.

"Scott ... I'm serious."

"Sorry, Sam. Shoot. I'm all ears."

"So am I" Dave offered.

"I need all of you to take care of Mercy until I return home."

"Where are you going?" They asked at once, frightened.

"I have to go back to the road, I want to save money for the baby. And I know that she will be fine here. That you all will look after her, right?"

The boys nodded as a response.

"Have you told her already?" Dave asked, worried.

"Yeah. She knows I have to close this stage of my life. I need it to be able to start a new one with her."

Scott was the one nodding now.

"We will give her everything she needs, Sam. Affection, help. She will not feel alone while one of us is at her side, either Dave, Mary Ann, dad, mom, grandpa or the little ones. We will look after her, be sure of it."

"I thank you, brother." Sam gave him a big hug.

"What if she's not pregnant?" Dave asked, watching the boys broke their embrace.

"Trust me, she is. They're like rabbits..."


"Sorry, sorry." He apologized, placing his hands in front of him, like a wall of protection. "Who could not act like one? Especially with a girlfriend stacked from front to back! Ass like POW!" He commented, before Dave saved him from the clutches of his brother.

"That front and ass are mine!" He shouted, blushing at the time. Watching how Mercedes and Mary Ann looked at him, then laughed out loud.

Still looking at her, Mercedes stroked her belly with love and gave him an air kiss, stealing a smile from him.

It was at that moment, when Sam Evans knew that everything would be fine.

Months later:

"I miss you so much" She said one more time, sitting on the couch.

She felt empty without him. Empty and alone in a house full of people.

He had returned to the road months ago and she had been under the care of his family.

They adored her, protected her and cared for her, not allowing her to work with them. Consistently reminding her to rest at all hours, for the baby to come into the world healthy.

But to her it was so difficult.

Sam spent his days on the road and the family worked on the farm, leaving her alone with their grandfather most of the time. If it were not for him, she would have died of sadness and loneliness.

"So do I, Mercy." She heard him say on the other side of the line. The truck engine sounding in the background.

"How much longer will it take you to get here?" She asked, stifling a wince and stroking her belly to relax.

"I don't know ... maybe ... about two hours, if I step on the accelerator."

"Do not step on it, Sam. Please. I want you to get here safe. In... one piece." She managed to say, praying for the pains to cease.

"It seems eternal this time, Mercy. I want to see you, Beautiful. I'm dying to see you, to see you both..."

"You will see us, Sam. But you have to get here safe." Mercedes shrank slightly, trying to calm the baby warmly. "Shhh, little heart. Dad will be here when you least expect it."

"Is she moving?" He asked, excited.

"She just misses you, just like her mother" She could say, before feeling another twinge of pain.

"I love you, I love you both. Do not bother Mommy..."

"She doesn't bother me, she's... Ahhh!" Her piercing cry was heard throughout the house. Twitching with pain, the mobile slipped through her fingers, falling to the ground.

"Mercy! Beautiful!" Sam shouted, but she could no longer hear him.

Samuel Riley appeared quickly in the living room, rolling the chair to the young lady, scared.

"What happened, honey?" He asked but only to discover what the cause his granddaughter's cries was. "Oh, God! Mary, run! Mary Ann! Tell someone to come! Mercy waters have broken!"

"Grandpa..." Whispered the girl, unable to move from the couch. "Grandpa, I'm scared."

Tears had begun to slip down her cheeks as her hands clung to the old man for support and protection.

"Calm down, dear. I'm here with you. Everything will be fine. Mary Ann! Please!"

"Sam will not arrive in time." Mercedes lamented.

"Yes he will, you'll see."

"No... " Whispered the girl, her voice breaking.

He wouldn't arrive on time and she would have to give birth alone, as it had been all that time since he had returned to the road.



"What is it, Grandpa?" Mary Ann had entered the room with his mother and younger sister.

"Mercy's water broke. You have to take her to a hospital."

"Sam..." Mercedes cried.

"Oh my god! Stace! Prepare her suitcase! We're going to the hospital!"

The girl ran upstairs, climbing them in twos, about to fall when the phone started ringing on the floor next to the couch.

"Sam!" Mercedes squealed, clutching the hand of the grandfather.

Mary Ann leaned down to pick it and a frightened Sam Evans was heard from the other side.

"Mercy? Baby? You okay?"

"Sam, it's me. Mary Ann."

"Mary Ann! What happened?"

"Ahhhh!" Mercedes cried again, scaring them all.

"Stacy, come down now! We have to leave!"

"What happened?"

"Step on the pedal, Sam! Mercy is in labor!"

"She can't be! There are still two months!"

"Stubborn like his father, the baby is determined to be born on the same day! Accelerate or you will miss the birth of your first child!"

"Don't do it, Sam! Pleeeeeeeeeeease!" Mercedes screeched, worried.

But Mary Ann had already cut the call.

Please, God, take care of them.

Sam thought, pressing the accelerator and praying to arrive on time. If not, he could never forgive himself.

Stupid road! He would never let it separated them from their happiness again. It was over for him. That would be his last trip.

"Do not fail me now, we have to be on time. You understand? I have to be there when my child comes to the world." He thought, focusing all his senses on that road that now separated him from his wife.

"Breathe, ma'am. Slowly."

The cries of the patient were the only sound in the cubicle in which she would give birth.

Sam had not arrived yet and Mercedes would be without him at the time of the delivery. Without the man she had loved in her life. Without the father of her daughter.

The road had taken him away from her despite everything and Mercedes just wanted to cry and squeeze the hand of Scott Evans. Tightening strongly imagining that it was not him who was with her in this difficult and beautiful moment, but her husband. Pretending to the idea that Sam had arrived, lying to herself, looking for the green in his eyes and meeting the beautiful blue she did not want to see in them.

"Oh God, oh God ... Is that blood?" The blue eyes' man shouted, making her come back to reality. "Oh no, oh no ..."

"Scott Evans! If you pass out now, I'LL KILL YOUUUU!" She shrieked, while squeezing his hand so hard that she almost felt the break.

"No, no ... Oh!" He complained, believing that she might actually break his hand.

"Doctor, the husband has just arrived." They heard a nurse.

"Sam! Let him come, please!" Mercedes begged them.

"Praise God." Scott thanked, watching his brother appeared at the door.

"Mercy!" The boy ran to her side, clutching her right hand and kissing her sweaty forehead. "Oh, Beautiful. I'm so sorry for taking so long."

"I thought you'd leave me alone with the mess of your brother, Sam." She lamented, feeling another one of her contractions. Every time they were more and more recurrent and the pain was unbearable.

"Hey! A moment ago you said you were glad I was at your side." Protested Scott, not letting go of her hand.

"A moment agoooooooooo!"

"The baby, ma'am. It is coming. You have to push."

"Come on, Beautiful." Sam encouraged her, still holding her hand.

"Ahhhh!" She cried, as if something was tearing her inside.

"Oh God, thank goodness I'm not woman." Scott let out, turning pale.

"Shut up, Scott!" Sam and Mercedes screeched in unison.

"I'm sorry." He apologized, embarrassed.

"Sam Evans, do not ever make me go through this again!" Mercedes shouted, clenching his hands tightly.

"Ma'am, you need to push. It's almost here."

"Ahhhhh! I can't!" It was the last cry that was heard before the cry of a newborn sounded in the room.

"Oh, Beautiful. You did it."

"It's a girl." They heard the doctor say, while cleaning her up to show her to them. "And she is huge, despite the fact that she's only seven months old."

"That's because we haven't stopped feeding her as if she was the turkey on Thanksgiving."

"Scott!" Sam protested, subsiding at the time, watching Mercedes hold their baby in her arms.

"She's so beautiful." She declared, her face filled with tears.

"It is the best gift you could have ever given me." Sam let her know, kissing her forehead and stroking the head of her beautiful baby.

His wife could not stop crying, happy and he reached out to dry and wipe each of her shed tears.

However they were not the only ones who ended up crying.

"Scott ... Are you crying?" They both asked at the same time, watching the boy tried to wipe the tears before they saw him.

"It's just everything is so perfect and she... she's so ..."

"Beautiful." Sam and Mercedes said, watching their baby and then, looking into each other eyes, with love.

"Oh God. I cannot stop crying." Scott lamented, scared. Provoking laughter from the couple.

Sam could not stop looking at her, mesmerized. Still not believing that that little baby his wife held in her arms was theirs completely. Both were responsible for welcoming such a beautiful girl into the world. They had been through so much and made it so far.

She had run away from him time and time again, but they had succeeded. They were married and she had given birth to the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

"How do you feel?" He asked her, hours later, in the room they had prepared for her.

"Happy and ... tired?"

"I'm sorry it took me so long to arrive. I will not ever leave you again. I promise, I will not leave you alone." Sam promised, sitting on the same bed and holding her hand in his.

She smiled, squeezing his strong hand while he closed his eyes, weary.

"You missed your birthday party. We had it all prepared." She told him, sad. "I was excited to give you your gifts and-"

"Hey ... you did that, remember?" He asked, kissing her cheek. "You gave me the best birthday gift I could ever ask for."

"But the baby was my gift. The one you gave to me, I told you when we knew I was really pregnant. The best gift not to be alone anymore."

"Do you think it will just be the two of you? Don't you want to share your gift with me?" He pouted.

"Yes." She replied, giving him her beautiful smile. "This baby needs a father and there is no one in this world better than you, Sam."

" I love you, Mercy."

"I love you too, baby." She replied, feeling his soft lips on hers.

She loved him, wanted him and needed him. How could she have thought about running away? About leaving his side? She had gone mad, but that would never happen again. Now she had a family to take care of, a family that would make her happy. She would not ever be alone.

"Maybe... I don't know. We could find another little gift for your birthday." He proposed, humorously.

"I think you forget those forty days, Sammy."

"No... I've taken them into account. If we get to it in August, for your birthday we could have another child sleeping in your arms."

"You counted wrong, Sam. They are nine months, not seven."

"What makes you think he's not going to be born in seven months too?"

"Sam... " Protested his wife, pursing her lips at odds.

"OK, OK. Forget that I said anything."

"You will never change, right?" She smiled, losing herself in his eyes.

"Do you want me to do it?"

"No. I could never stand it. I love the way you are. My stubborn and disastrous angel.

"Disastrous, huh? Really?"

Mercedes nodded, caressing his cheek.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Beautiful."

The sound of the door opening took them out of the dream they both were in. The doctor and the nurse entered the room, pushing the cart with the child. And silence in the room was soon overshadowed by the cries of the baby.

"We have not managed to stop her cries." The doctor informed them, while the nurse handed her to her father.

"Don't worry, doctor." He replied, accepting the little one and affirming her arms and hands in fear that she might fall. He watched her fondly, looking at her beautiful brown eyes, while the girl was crying nonstop, shattering the eardrums to all who were in the room. "Hey sweetheart." He whispered, cradling her in his arms, wanting to calm her down, watching her beautiful face. "Are you hungry?" He asked, everyone hearing him lull the small bundle of sobs.

And magically, the girl had stopped crying.

"How did he do that?" The doctor asked, opening his eyes wide.

"The charm of Sam Evans, doctor. It makes all women fall in love with him."

The nurse laughed, moving the carriage to remove it from the room while the doctor was saying goodbye to them, but not before reminding Mercedes what to do.

Sam had not even heard them leave, he had been hypnotized again, watching those brown eyes trying to see him.

"Cowboy, Let me hold her. This little angel is hungry." Asked Mercedes, pulling him out of the dream he lived in.

"She's beautiful, Mercy." He said, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to come out again.

"I know. Do not make me cry, okay?" She reminded him, knowing she could not help it for long.

Carefully, he handed her the girl, settling her in her arms. As he watched Mercedes unbuttoning her gown with one hand. Nervously, she could not do it. Determined to help, he undid it himself, helping them fondly.

Mercedes could not stop crying, watching her husband with all the love in the world help her feed their baby. She loved him so much that sometimes she was afraid of losing him. Fear that faded every time he kissed her and told her how much he loved her.

Sam kissed her tears while the girl feed clutched to her mother. And then he kissed her little neck and the chest that was feeding her. All he needed in the world was in that room, on that bed.

When his wife's fingers tangled in his hair, Sam knew he had finally found a place and that nothing in the world would make him abandon it.

"Here's Uncle Scott!" He yelled, coming through the door without stopping to even call.

It had been days since the delivery and every one of them had come to visit the beautiful patients.

Dave and Mary Ann had brought her flowers and clothes for the girl; Stevie, Miny and Stacy had gone to see them buying her chocolates and toys that the little one could like. Even Scott had taken the grandfather so he could see them, getting excited to see the girl and mad because they still had not found the right name for her.

His parents had brought him a basket with clothes handmade by his mother, and Doctor Harbor had accompanied Scott on several occasions to see them and spend time with them.

His whole family was happy, glad that everything had gone well. Soon, Mercedes would come home with a beautiful baby. They would not hear Sam walking in the middle of the night or returning late from the hospital. Both would return home and start a new life for them.

"Could you tell us what are you doing with a truck, Scott?" Asked his brother, holding his daughter in his arms.

"It's my little present for my niece." Said, excited. "I've thought a lot and I think, certainly, this will be the best gift for her. So she can learn it from childhood."

"Excuse me?" They heard Sam say, while Mercedes let out a giggle. "My baby will not be a truck driver."

"Why not? ... It is a very respectable profession. Syl Evans, "The trucker".

"Syl what?" Sam opened his eyes wide, leaving the baby to her mother.

"Syl Evans. Sounds good, doesn't it?" He said enthusiastically.

"Where did you get the name?"

"Oh! It is the brand of the truck, see?" His brother left the truck on the table where other things were, and turned back to them with a huge smile.

"I will not put my daughter the name of a brand of toys!"

"I like it." Mercedes whispered with a voice that made his heart beat in love. "Sylvia, as her grandmother. You like it, sweetie? Syl... " She said softly, holding her tiny hand between her fingers.

She looked so beautiful holding her baby. Sam doubted he'd ever seen her as pretty as she was now. Whispering the name of her baby as she put a kiss on her forehead. They were beautiful, two little angels and...

How could he have not noticed before?

She would be named after his grandmother. And the old Samuel Riley would unavoidably be thrilled when they told him about it. He had reproached them for not having found a name yet, and now they had one. Only that they obviously would tell him that she would be named after her great-grandmother, not due to the brand of a toy truck.

"Syl Evans." Mercedes whispered along the face of the girl, while kissing her cheek and her hair. Kissing her forehead as well, as she moved her tiny little hands trying to grab her nose.

"Ohhh, my God. She's so cute! " Scott screamed excitedly, watching his brother's looked dumbfounded. Shutting his mouth quickly so the drool wouldn't escape him, as his brother had done to him the first time Scott had seen Pearl.

"Syl Evans, "The trucker" He insisted, as he closed it.

"She will not be a trucker." They heard Sam saying, breaking the happy moment.

"We'll see about that." He replied, winking at his brother.

In the bed, Mercedes smiled at them happily, with her baby girl in her arms.

Years later:

Tired, Sam Evans finally came home after a long day of work.

Years had passed since that day in which he had left the road, years in which he had stopped thinking about it to forget it completely. Now he was living happily, with his wife and children, in the same house where he was born.

He had seen his sister married and left the house to live with her husband Dave, he had seen Scott doing the same with Pearl, uniting their lives a month ago. And soon they would return from their honeymoon to leave that house as well. As Stevie and Stacy had done to go to college. Only Sam and Mercedes were still living with his parents and the old Samuel Riley. However, all of them still worked on the Evans farm and remain the most united family of all people.

Five years later, Thanksgiving had come back to their lives, and the whole family would meet at the table to celebrate.

"Daddy!" Screamed the little Syl, running into his arms, while he held her and lifted her into the air, twirling carefully.

"Hey sweetheart!" He gave her his beautiful smile. Despite how tired he might be, all of him relaxed when he felt the love that her daughter had for him. "Are you making Uncle Scott run?" He asked, watching his brother appeared in the hall behind the little girl. "That's my girl." He said proudly as the little one squeezed his cheeks with her tiny hands and they blushed even more.

"Uncle Scott wants me to be a trucker (NOTE: I need this sentence to sound like a kid would say it)." The girl told his father in his ear.

"Scott ... Could you stop telling my children to become truckers?"

"Nope." His brother shook his head, amused.

"Where is Mommy?" Sam asked his daughter, tilting his head to stroke hers.

"Here, Mr. Evans." He heard her say, coming from the kitchen with their baby in her arms.

Sam leaned over to gently kiss her lips, also kissing the head of a sleeping Sammy and stroking the bulging belly of the mother.

"Don't you think it's time to stop it?" Scott suggested, funny.


"The baby factory."

"You have four brothers." Sam reminded him.

"So what? That doesn't mean I want to have five nephews... Sweetie!" He raised his voice, calling his wife. "If we sedate him, you could operate him and cutting… you know what."

"Scott ... don't be mean." She replied, entering the living room. "Admit that you are envy." She whispered, stroking his ears.

"Me? Why?" He asked, getting lost in her beautiful eyes.

"Because you also want a child who runs to you and calls you "Daddy" She reminded him, kissing his cheek affectionately.

"You're right." He agreed, watching his wife returned to the kitchen and then watching the beautiful scene taking place before him.

Sam and Mercedes embraced, while Syl played with her father's blond hair and her mother's long hair. His free hand stroked the belly of his wife, while he kissed the little Sammy.

Scott wanted something like that for him. He wanted it with all his heart.

"By the way, what are you doing here?" Sam asked him, letting go of his wife's hands. "Wouldn't you guys arrive in three days?"

"And missing Thanksgiving? Mom would kill us..." Scott replied, amused. "Besides, Pearl wasn't feeling well. We thought it was best to come back."

"Wasn't, huh?" Sam laughed mockingly.

"Yes, it was probably indigestion. All that strange food..."

"Indigestion, uh ... She'll probably feel better in a few months." Sam winked.


Scott thought.

He wished she really was pregnant. It was what they wanted most.

"Hello Miny!" Said Sam, seeing her little brother Stevie's girlfriend appearing at the door of the hall.

"Hello Sam. I was just leaving."

"No! Miny!" The little Syl screamed, stretching her arms and searching for the girl to hold her.

"Hey, little one. I have to go to have dinner with my parents, but I promise that tomorrow I'll be here and play with you. Okay?" She smiled, while the little one looked with wide eyes.

"Okay." She chuckled.

"Call me when you get there." Said Stevie and Stacy at the same time, causing everyone to laugh out loud.

"I will, yes. Do not worry... I'm going now, Syl. Will you give me a little kiss?"

The girl nodded, hugging her neck and kissing her cheek noisily.

"Our daughter has abandoned us for Miny, Mercedes." Sam laughed, watching the scene.

"Not true." Miny protested, returning the little one to her mother, laughing. "And I'm going now, it's late."

She started walking toward the door with Stevie and Stacy following in her footsteps. Sam's little sister lovingly hugged her while whispering in her ear. "If you do not call me when you get there, I'll get mad."

"I wiiiill. You know I'll do it." She replied, hugging her hard.

"I know." Stacy answered, separating and throwing a kiss in the air as she ran away toward the kitchen.

"I have to go." She repeated to her boyfriend, feeling him close to her.

"Anonymously, I love you." He whispered into her mouth, holding her face with her hands.

"Anonymously, huh?" She asked, feeling thousands of butterflies fluttering in her stomach.

"Aha." He laughed, caressing her lips without kissing her.

"I love you, Stevie." She declared, finally kissing him.

"It is Steve." He muttered, between kisses.

"Not for me." She said funny, while he separated his hands from her face and put them on her waist to embrace her with all the love in the world.

"I see you tomorrow, okay?" He whispered in her ear, making her heart pumping hard within it. They've been together for nearly five years, but despite the elapsed time, he could still make Miny tremble with every word and every touch.

"Remember to call us when you get home."

"Yes, Sir!"

Stevie laughed, holding her tightly against him.

"Kiss me again." He asked close to her mouth. "Just One More."

"The last one."

"For today..."

"For today." She replied, feeling his warm lips on hers, uniting them in a kiss of love.

"Sun, Moon... let Grandpa be. You are driving him crazy." Their mother asked them. "Go ask your father to wash you hands. The food is almost ready."

"Oh, Mary Ann. Let them play. I do not mind, really."

"Grandpa. I know." She said, sadly.

"What's wrong, honey?" He wanted to know, stroking her hand in his.

"It's just ... Look at us ... Dave and I married, with two beautiful twins; Sam and Mercedes, husband and wife, two children and one on the way, Scott and Pearl honeymooners too. Stevie and Miny look happy, even Stacy can't stop smiling looking at the phone. Did you imagine something like this happening five years ago?"

"No." Her grandfather whispered with voice trembling. It was not as he had imagined, but God had given him the best family he could have ever wanted.

"The bitter one is now the happiest woman in the world." Mary Ann confessed, about to cry.

"I hope so." Dave told her, appearing behind her and taking her by surprise. "And I hope you don't call yourself bitter anymore or I'll get upset and I'll leave you alone." He whispered, hugging her fondly, feeling tears appeared in her.

"No, you will not. You promised." She reminded him.

"I could never do it." He said, hearing how the grandfather's wheelchair left the room.

"I love you."

"I know, Mary Ann. I love you too." He said, holding her with his arms and kissing her beautiful blond hair.

"Mom!" Moon squeaked, appearing in the hall clutching Stacy's hand. "Dinner!"

"We're coming, sweetie." She let her know, drying her tears away and watching Stacy taking her in her arms and leave heading to the kitchen. "The girls, Dave. They're beautiful."

"They're like you." He answered, gently kissing her lips. "Come on, let's go eat that turkey."

"Yeah." She agreed, letting him lead to the kitchen.

God had finally given them what they had prayed for.

A baby. Their miracle. And it had not come alone.

They had been blessed by twins.

"Scott, could you stop kissing your wife and pay attention to what I'm saying?" His grandfather asked, embarrassing him completely. "Thanks."

Sam laughed, entwining his fingers with his wife, listening to the speech of his grandfather.

"Five years ago, all of us were here at the table, well... almost all..." He begun to say, winking at the Dr. Evans. "We saw appearing through that door a nice, loving, adorable girl. A girl who stole our hearts and who reunited us with our grandson, son and brother. A girl who also gave me my first great-grandson, followed by other beautiful and mischievous little ones." Mary Ann looked at her twins lovingly. "I'll never be able to forget how happy this family has been since you came into our lives, Mercedes. I can never forget that. Neither I nor any of us and I think I speak for everyone, right?" The others nodded at the question. Some, like Sam's mother, tried to dry her tears away while others tried not to cry. "You reunited us all and you made him smile, as he only does when he's close to you."

Sam wiped the tears from his wife, as they both watched his grandfather was thrilled.

"If I die tomorrow, I'll go quiet. Because I know that now my family will be happy."

"Grandpa!" They all protested.

"I already know. You don't like me to say it, but it will happen sooner or later. I will go."

Everyone watched him, wanting to kill him themselves.

"I'll shut up, I'll shut up. Does anyone want to say anything else?"

"Meeee!" Scott got up, clutching his glass and raising it. "I propose a toast to the happy family we are. To you, Grandpa, you have to put up with us all the time. To mom and dad, who raised us the best they could, especially me. Dave and Mary Ann, and their little twins. To Sam and Mercedes, so the baby arrives healthy and join Syl and Sammy. Stevie and Stacy. Ah! And Miny, who also has to put up with them. And to you, Pearl. For making me the happiest man in the world every day. I love you." He declared, cheering his glass with hers.

"Oh, Scott. You made me cry." Protested the doctor, hitting his shoulder softly. "I'll kill you."

"You look beautiful ..." He whispered in her ear, feeling all eyes on them.

"Not true." She denied, trying to dry her tears away.

"Yes, you are." He left the cup on the table, holding her with love. "To me you always will be."

And he kissed her gently, feeling the moisture from her cheeks brushed against his.

Shocks cups made them back to reality. Everyone looked happy, waiting and hoping that joy they were now living would never disappear.

"Dwight, carve the turkey before someone makes me cry again." Suggested his wife, while her husband got up to obey her.

The whole family rested in the living room after a great Thanksgiving dinner.

Scott and Pearl hugged each other on the couch, giving short kisses to each other as they heard Mary Ann and her twins singing, like Dave was doing. Dwight Evans and Mary watched them all, stopping occasionally their gaze on an sleepy Syl curled up on the knees of her great-grandfather. She was always at his side, at all hours. Perhaps the little girl resembled her father more than they had thought.

Stevie and Stacy had already gone to sleep. While Sam and Mercedes rested on one of the sofas, glued to each other, holding in her arms the little Sammy, seeing how he was falling asleep slowly, with piano music.

He had done it.

Sam Evans had achieved happiness.

Five years ago they had sung at each other, hoping and wishing never to be separated and so had happened. They had done it. Mercedes had not left, they were married. Syl was born and after her, Sammy had arrived into their lives. And within a few months they would receive the arrival of a new little person.

They had not wanted to know what that might be. Boy, girl, it did not matter. That it came well was the only thing important to them. Loving them with all his heart, his wife and their children. A whole family.

"What are you thinking about?" Mercedes asked, lifting her head from his chest and seeing those so beautiful green eyes she could never stop looking at.

Sam sighed deeply before answering her question.

"I always wondered what it was that made me go on the road, living the loneliness of it all."

"And what was it?" She asked, afraid of his answer.

"I was searching for a heart for me. A woman I could give everything I had. A woman who taught me what love was. I was searching for you."

Mercedes could feel a tear trickling down her cheek.

"And you found me, Sam." She whispered, fearing that the little Sammy awoke.

"Yes, Beautiful. I did." He agreed, wiping her tears with her fingers and gently kissing her lips.

He found her.

He found a heart where he would live forever and ever.

Fate had been the one uniting their hearts.

Fate, the road and a truck.

The End.

Thank you so much for reading this story. I hope you like it!

Lots of hugs and kisses
