Hey guys! I know I haven't been updating my other stories lately, but I couldn't help but write this :P
Like I said, its based of the movie Batman:Return of the Joker, where Tim Drake gets turned into..well I guess you'll have to watch or read my story to find out! Except instead of Tim, its Dick grayson. YJ Robin.
I changed things up abit, especially since I added the team in and took out Batgirl. Anyways, I still hope you guys enjoy it! :D
Disclaimer: DC owns the characters and I guess this time, part of the story as well :P
It had been a whole month since Robin went missing. No one knew who, where or what took him- only that he was gone. The league, the young justice team and especially Batman aka Bruce Wayne, spent every day they could looking for him. But without any clues to his whereabouts, their search was proving unfruitful.
That is.. until one fateful dark, and stormy saturday night.
It had been months since the little bird's appearance and even the Batman himself was starting to lose hope. However today, while in search for his young protege, he stumbled upon something unusual as he flitted across the all to familiar rooftops of downtown Gotham. Batman cautiously crept up towards a large, colourful box, taking out a batarang for protection as he inspected the object closer. It seemed harmless until the Dark Knight brushed his gloved hands against its surface, revealing a toy clown on a spring which sprung out and swayed back and forth in the air like a Jack in a box. A jack in the box with a bomb tapped securely to its white glove that is.
Batman leapt out of the way just as it exploded, letting out rainbow colored confetti and streamers that fell softly around him almost like multi-coloured snow. The dark knight crept out from his cover and began scanning the area for clues, his eyes eventually resting upon a tattered piece of white fabric. As he held it up in the moonlight, he noticed familiar features on the dirtied cloth and gripped it tightly in his hands.
It was a straight-jacket.
"Arkham.." he growled out before ripping the cloth in half.
As much as Bruce hated to admit it, he needed help taking down the Joker as well as rescuing Robin. Most of the league was away on a mission, so he called in the Young Justice team for back up. They arrived to the rooftop as soon as Batman had called them, eager to finally see their missing friend again. Kid Flash was practically vibrating in his boots as Batman strode up the ship's ramp and sat down into a seat.
He directed Miss Martian to the location, the old Arkham Asylum located in the Upper East Side of Gotham. It had been abandoned and partially demolished when the new Arkham facility was built and was uninhabited. Well, at least everyone had thought it was.
Batman and the team, consisting of Kid Flash, Artemis, Miss Martian, Superboy, Aqualad, Rocket and Zatanna, were on the edge. Practically jumping off the ship, and ran towards the large wooden doors.
Batman ordered the team to stay silent as they entered the building, which was quiet until they heard someone singing. It was the mocking bird song, a song everyone knew quite well. However, this time it was sung in such a creepy tone that it chilled the team to the bone.
Batman instructed the team to split up halfway, directing them to head upstairs and stay hidden as he walked towards a room the voice was coming from. He burst through the doors with a kick, coming to stand in a brightly lit room. Harley quinn, Joker's infamous girlfriend, stopped her singing and smiled at the masked hero.
She tilted her head upward and called out "Puddin! Company!"
Batman looked up and saw none other than the Joker, reading the newspaper, which he had now put down to greet his unexpected guest.
"Hello there! Welcome to our happy home!" said the Joker as he walked down the stairs from the second floor and stopped next to Harley.
Batman squinted his eyes and glared at them. "Where is Robin." he grunted in his steely voice.
"Robin?" the joker asked, a confused look on his face as he turned to look at Harley. She returned his confused gaze. "There's no Robin here."
"Maybe he means our little Jay?" Harley replied.
From the corner of his eyes, Batman noticed the team sneak into the room from the platform above. They spread out and hid behind the railing, blocking themselves from the view of the two deranged clowns.
"Of course!" Joker snapped his fingers. "That's it!"
It was now Batman's turn to look confused, though it hardly showed on his face. The Joker turned his head to stare at a blue curtain. Bruce followed his gaze and pushed Harley aside as he approached the covering.
"Nu uh! No peeking!" Harley said playfully as she brought out a bazooka and pointed it at the bat. Batman turned around just as she pulled the trigger, and found himself wrapped tightly in a pink ribbons that covered his body from just above his knees, to his shoulders. His hands were exposed though.
The team saw all this happening, and were about to leap into action when they noticed Batman glare at them, signaling them to stay put. They nodded in understanding and hid back into the shadows.
"Mommy's little helper." Harley commented, patting her weapon. The Joker kissed her slightly on the cheek before turning back to Batman.
"You know Bats, we've been doing this little run around of ours for years and its been loads of laughs! But the sad fact is, none of us are getting any younger."
"That old clocks a ticking." Said Harley as she patted her stomach.
"Quite right poo! And Harley and I were thinking it was time to start a family. Add a Joker junior to our merry brew."
"But rather than go through all the joy of child birth, we decided to adopt."
Joker and Harley held each other's hands and strode happily towards the blue curtain. As they passed him, Batman brought out a small penknife and secretly began cutting through the ribbons.
The two villains stopped in front of the curtain and looked down at their captive.
"Couldn't do it legally" the Joker began again. "but then we remembered you always had that kid hanging around.. So we borrowed him."
The Joker smiled sinisterly as he opened the curtain revealing a room enshrouded in darkness. In the middle of the room, stood an single operating table. Batman and the team's eyes widened in horror as they noticed a figure, lying motionless on it. Only its feet were seen though, as the rest of its body was hidden from the light.
"No." Batman gasped in shock. Megan and Artemis held onto each other, the Martian on the verge of crying. Rocket was near them as well, squeezing their shoulders attempting to calm them, and herself, down. Conner took a step backwards and clenched his fists tightly while Kaldur just stared in anger, and silently cursed in Atlantean.
Zatanna clasped her hands over her mouth, preventing her from letting out the scream she was desperately holding in. Wally was shaking. Not only from shock, but from anger, hatred, sadness, agony. He didn't want to believe it, but he knew exactly who was on that table.
Joker pulled out a remote and pointed it at the table. He pressed a button and table started to move out of the shadows and closer toward Batman and the team.
"He needed a little molding of course. What kid doesn't? But in time we came to love him as our own." The maniacal clown bent down and smiled at his 'son'. "Say hello Jay jay."
The figure jumped off the table, and was now exposed fully in the light. And there, to the team's and Bruce's horror stood their lost teammate, friend and son. 'Robin' tilted his head upwards, his face as white as the Joker's, and a similar creepy smile etched on his face. He was wearing a purple suit and his hair was now a murky green, much like the Joker's. Suddenly, the boy began to laugh, though it wasn't like the carefree, playful ones his teammates were used to. His laugh now sounded as maniacal as Gotham's clown prince himself, and it sent chills down their spines.
Batman finally had enough of it, ripping apart the ribbons that had bound him after they were loosened once he cut through them a bit. He threw his knife at the Joker, straight at his head. But the clown merely tilted his head to the side, and the knife flew harmlessly pass his head.
The Joker started laughing now, wiggling a finger at the Dark knight, taunting him. Batman lunged at the Joker, who pressed a button and leapt onto the operating table. Bruce ran after the crazed clown as he remote controlled the table to drive out of the room. Turning the corner, both men disappeared from sight.
Harley was holding onto her little Jay when the team finally took action, easily overwhelming her. Artemis delivered a kick to her head, and the female clown dropped unconscious on the ground.
The team rushed to Robin, who was staring at Harley's body on the floor; his creepy smile remained on his pasty face. Wally rushed up to his best friend and gripped his shoulders, shaking him in desperation.
"Rob! Rob!" he yelled at the boy. Robin tilted his head back and started laughing again. "Dick! It's me, Wally! Can you hear me, dude?"
Suddenly, a yellow colored gas filled the air from the air vents, and soon the team found themselves on the floor. Robin stood smiling at his former team before turning to leave the room. His laughter, seemed to echoed throughout the building as he walked through the doors.
Sorry for the lack of vocab.. and spelling mistakes.. tell me how you felt about it though :D I really appreciate them!
Continue or not to continue, that is the question.