Chapter Big Number

100 Years Later

100 years later…

Major River Fisher of the LEPrecon 1 squad had just finished work for the day and was on her way to Foaly's house. She was one of the LEP's best, brightest and most annoying. The operation to turn her into an elf had been successful and she was now 111 years old, older than she could have been as a human. Becoming an elf was the best thing that ever happened to her, apart from meeting Artemis, who had been a lifelong friend, even if she did drive him up the wall, round the corner, all the way to California and back. Artemis had died 20 years ago, after a long life of adventures. That day had been one of the saddest in River's life. There was now a series of books about Artemis, written only for fairies, but despite helping some of the later adventures, River wasn't mentioned at all.

River still wasn't used to the People's age measurement. She was around 25 in human years and Holly was around 35, despite being 70 years older. It did her head in! River had a great life now. She had a great job, good friends and a boyfriend called Flix. At first she had missed her old life, and worried about her, who believed her to be dead, but soon she had embraced her new life.

It just goes to show, clicking on flashing adverts you find on the internet asking you to be on TV does pay off after all.

A/N: The story is now over! Or it will be when I finish writing this note. You can skip this if you want. Aw, there's nobody left now! Meh! Why did I say that people could go? Anyhoo, yeah, River survives and stuff. I enjoyed writing this stuff. It was fun. Please keep reviewing, even though it is finished. River was fun to write about, but her story is over. I like trains. RANDOM! Anyway, if you liked this, review and read my other stories. Please. Like, SHORTEST CHAPTER EVER! My chapters started getting really long. They started off little. Um… can't think of anything to say, so bye and thanks for reading.

PS: FOALY IS AMAZING(ly stupid!)

PS mark 2: There is going to be a film of all my favourite stuff: CHERBUB, ARTEMIS FOWL, Skulduggery Pleasant, it is epic!