Hi! So I'm posting this hear as another chapter because I thought it might be easier to find for everyone. This is the last part for this particular little story thing. But there will be an actual sequel called "Hate to Love You." Which will be in Sebastian's point a view and will be posted separately to this. Props to the lovely XxBlackShadowMagicxX for all the help with planning this insane fiasco and a huge thanks to everyone who's been leaving reviews. You guys are amazing!

Okay. Enjoy. I hope.

Disclaimer: I still don't own Glee. Sadly.

He gets lucky and flags down a cab—he nearly misses it—spits out Rachel's address and sits back, relieved. Because it's literally a pain in the ass to walk and he doesn't know how much longer he would have been able to continue on. He tries not to get too comfortable, to let his mind go too blank. Because when it happens the guilt sets in. He knows guilt is unavoidable, because he's a complete asshole and he just cheated on his boyfriend. But he just wants one night. Fucking Sebastian is to blame. He's the reason Kurt is in this mess. The reason he had thrown back that first shot. The reason he and Blaine had fought earlier. The reason he hates himself right now. And the reason he can't go home to his boyfriend and wrap himself up in his arms and feel loved and secure. With all this, Kurt thinks he's never hated Sebastian as much as he does now and he gets reminded with every move he makes from the fleeting, stabbing pain that shoots through him. Fuck he's going to feel this for the next week. It doesn't help the guilt recede when he thinks that he kind of likes that. He tells himself it's because he wants to be punished for what he did. That he deserves to suffer.

Rachel is waiting for him at the door of her apartment when Kurt comes around. Her arms are crossed, her eyes piercing and analyzing. They drop from his face to the dark blotch on his neck and widen, traveling down to take in his rumpled appearance. "Kurt…" she breathes.

"Tomorrow," he promises. Rachel's eyes flutter closed for a moment then she nods.

Morning comes too soon, light streams in from the window and into Kurt's oversensitive eyes. He winces, hiding his face into the pillow to shield it from the sun. His head throbs and his body is aching. Why is he sleeping on the couch? And why is there even a window there? He shoots up onto his feet. The movement is obviously too much because the world spins before his eyes and his stomach churns. Then there's the underlying, dull ache at the core of him. What has he done? No, he knows what he's done. How could he? He feels nauseous for more reasons than the unfiltered alcohol still slushing around in his stomach. He hates himself. Hates Sebastian. Hates how fucking fantastic last night had been and how well he can still remember every thrust of Sebastian's cock inside him. Hates how it spikes a heated wave of unwanted arousal low in his belly. He wants to scream and bite and thrash and kick and cry. But he can't.

Footsteps pad across the carpet. "Coffee?" Rachel offers him the mug with a sympathetic half-smile. Kurt mumbles his gratitude and scorches his throat as he gulps it down. "It's tomorrow," she says. He sighs, setting down the cup and letting his shaking legs collapse so he's sitting on the couch again.

"Yeah, it is."

"Kurt, you don't have to—"

"No," he interrupts. "No, I do. Just give me a minute." Kurt takes a deep breath, trying to still his pounding heart, trying to find the words to say. But there isn't anything to say, nothing but the cold, hard truth. And "hard" really is the point to all this he thinks, in more ways than one. "I had—I had sex. Last night. With Sebastian."

Rachel's eyes are nearly bulging from their sockets, her jaw is practically dislocated and hanging laughably close to the ground. Kurt thinks maybe it's the hysterics that's making him want to laugh so hard, because nothing about this situation is even remotely humorous. "You did what?"

"I—with Sebastian. I…god Rachel. Fuck, I don't know."

"Just. I mean, how?"

"I was drunk. And angry. At him. And he just kept saying these things. About Blaine and I, about how I was a girl. How Blaine deserved better—how he needed a man."

"Of course. I always have sex with men who insult me," she deadpans.

He groans, "I know okay. I know. It wasn't like that. Not at first. I just…I was drunk and all I could think about was proving to him how I wasn't a girl. How a year apart hadn't made a difference, and that Blaine and I are good for each other. And then, well." Kurt gestures in the air as if to say, "and then this happened."

Rachel doesn't look angry, just sad and sympathetic and maybe that's worse. "Well, you were drunk did you—Sebastian's kind of a slut, did you at least—"

Kurt nods, "We used a condom Rachel."

An awkward silence follows her nod before finally, "Are you going to tell Blaine?" It's a whisper, barely audible above the hum of the air conditioner, but Kurt hears it. He had known it was coming, of course he had. That question is what makes this all so very difficult—aside from the obvious.

"I…don't know," he whispers.

She nods. "Okay."

On the sixteenth day Kurt kisses Blaine's cheek, hands him his coffee and wishes him farewell. He's meeting a study group for the Biology test coming up he says, he isn't.

He doesn't text or call, doesn't leave any notice. He doesn't actually have Sebastian's number, but even if he did, he wouldn't. Because then it would be premeditated. And don't premeditated murderers get more time?

Kurt can't tell if the lights are on in Sebastian's penthouse from where he stands on the sidewalk. Not that it's really a determining factor. Sebastian can still be up there if they aren't, it's daylight still. But he almost hopes he won't be. Because if he isn't Kurt is off the hook. He'll go back home to Blaine. He'll forget about Sebastian Smythe. And the fantastic sex they'd had—he's given up trying to deny that aspect of it.

Thirty-six floors in the elevator solidifies his resolve. One knock. That's all he'll give Sebastian. And sixty-seconds. If he isn't at the door by the end of that minute, Kurt will leave. And he won't come back.

But as fate would have it, Sebastian answers on the first knock. Fifty seconds in. His hair is in messy disarray, his clothes rumpled and disorderly. There's a cup in his hand filled with, what smells like, coffee. The disgruntled frown on his face turns up into a smirk when he registers who is standing at his door.

"Did you really just wake up?" Kurt sputters, because seriously. It's one in the afternoon. On a Wednesday.

He shrugs, "Took a nap." Then his eyes rack down Kurt's body, taking in the tight gray jeans, the knee-high boots, and the plunging neckline of his top. Kurt had decided on something potentially lacking in layers this morning for…reasons. "To what do I owe this pleasure?" But he knows, oh he knows. It's in the way he accentuates the words, in the way he raises his eyebrows and crosses his arms in front of his chest. He knows why Kurt's here, knows that Kurt knows it.

"Is it customary on the planet you're from to leave company out in the hallway?" Is Kurt's reply. So much more confident than he feels.

Sebastian steps away from the door in a form of invitation which Kurt takes. The room is so much homier than he expects for someone like Sebastian, brighter—something he hadn't noticed nearly two and a half weeks ago. He can't dwell on it for long though because there's the quiet click of a door closing, then warm hands settle firmly on his hips as lips press a line of kisses up his neck. He's almost thankful for them because they save him the trouble of having to initiate anything. "I knew you'd be back." Sebastian's voice is gruff, a soft, near growl in his ear.

"Don't ruin this by opening your big mouth." Kurt turns in Sebastian's grasp, gripping the neck of his shirt and yanking him down to meet in a rough clash of teeth and tongues. Or it would be; only Sebastian keeps his lips frustratingly sealed even as Kurt nips at them and licks across the seam. Kurt pulls away with a huff. "What is wrong with you?"

"I'm just trying to abide by your orders, babe."

"And what, pray tell, might those be?" Kurt sneers.

"Not to ruin it by opening my big mouth." There's the infamous Sebastian smirk, making its way onto his face like he's wholly pleased with himself. He probably is.

"Have I told you how much I hate you lately?" Kurt asks, sucking a bruise onto the hollow behind his ear. The corners of his mouth turn up at the answering groan.

"No, but tell me again. You know how it gets me going."

"I hate you so fucking much. I wish you didn't exist," he growls, ripping Sebastian's shirt from his body and slinging it across the room. He latches his mouth onto the newly exposed skin, licking and tasting his way down to Sebastian's waistline then back again, mouthing over a nipple on the journey up.

"Fuck. Get up here." Sebastian's hand clutches the back of Kurt's neck and pulls him into a hard kiss. If that's even an appropriate name for it. Because mouth fucking is actually more accurate. Sebastian claims Kurt's mouth, dominates it with every meticulous swipe of his tongue against Kurt's teeth, lips, and tongue. And Kurt lets him. For a moment. Sebastian's kisses are a little more patterned than he'd noticed before: a mix of tongue thrusting and lip sucking. But even still Kurt enjoys kissing this way, with hunger and need. But distance and insecurity.

Kurt soon tires of lying still in the background and circles Sebastian's tongue with his own before sucking on it, fucking his mouth down on it in a way that should probably be illegal. But kissing is still dangerous ground for them so he pulls away soon after and trails kisses elsewhere: along Sebastian's jaw, over his ear, down his neck, sucking into his collarbone.

Sebastian doesn't seem to mind; quite the contrary if the look of absolute bliss is any indication. But—"Ow! What the hell, Hummel? Are you a fucking vampire now?" He palms agitatedly at the reddening skin of his shoulder where Kurt's teeth had been moments ago.

Kurt smirks. "I couldn't let you get too comfortable." Sebastian glares as best he can with Kurt now palming at his dick.

"Shit. Look, Princess, we have to make this quick I have a class in an hour and a half."

Kurt rises on his tip toes so that his lips brush Sebastian's ear, "Then I guess you better find something to bend me over then, huh?" He positively grows in response, lifting him up and tossing him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "Smythe, you asshole! Put me down!" He doesn't. Not until they're in his room, where he tosses Kurt unceremoniously onto the bed and yanks his pants down to his knees where Kurt's boots get in the way. He wastes no time sinking his mouth over Kurt's throbbing erection and thank fuck he hadn't bothered with boxers today.

Sebastian's mouth is hot, wet, and moving around him. He isn't as practiced as he's used to, he figures Sebastian is probably on the receiving end of more blowjobs than he is on the giving. But his tongue is swirling around the head and dipping into the slit like a freaking pro and Kurt thinks he would stay like this forever if he could.

He sucks hard before pulling off with a wet "pop," still running his tongue down Kurt's length. "God, Kurt. You taste so good," he moans, bringing a hand up to cup his balls. "I want you to come in my mouth," he says, "And then I'm going to bend you over this bed and fuck your tight, little ass while your still softening and sensitive." Kurt's cock twitches at the promise, slapping up at Sebastian's chin. "Fuck, your dick is as bossy as you are, Hummel," Sebastian grumbles, and then talks no more, taking Kurt's dick down half way and pumping his hand at the base to cover the rest.

Kurt can't look away from Sebastian's wide lips stretched thinly of his dick, his piercing green eyes flickering up to catch his gaze with a wink, his aristocratic hands moving up and down him. Sebastian pulls back to swipe his tongue over the head and Kurt keens, throwing his back onto the mattress. "Oh god! Suck me! Shit!" He can feel Sebastian's smirk and the chuckle that vibrates around him and he curses under his breath. "Such a good little cocksucker," he praises and ignores Sebastian's glare. Kurt can feel his release building at an embarrassingly fast pace. It isn't his fault; he hasn't had sex since that night with Sebastian, feeling to filthy to let Blaine lure him into bed. So he isn't actually all that embarrassed when Sebastian sucks hard at his head, tonguing the ridge, and his orgasm hits him like a ton of bricks. He comes down Sebastian's throat with his name dying on his lips.

Kurt barely has time to catch his breath before Sebastian flips him onto his stomach and pulls him down the bed until his ass is hanging off of the edge. His boots are made quick work of, along with the rest of his clothes and then a slick finger—when had he lubed it up?—entered his hole, thrusting down to the last knuckle in one go then pulling back thrusting back in with two. It's too soon, his cock is trying to get hard again, but he's only just came and it's too much. He whines when Sebastian pushes another finger in because he's too sensitive for sex and he's being stretched too quickly, but it's still so good so he doesn't actually put up too large of a fight.

Sebastian works the three fingers in for a minute, licking over the shell of Kurt's ear as he lies boneless on the bed. "I'm going to fuck you bare, Kurt. I'm going to come in your ass and fill you up, so when you leave today and you're lying in your bed, you won't be able to forget I was here. You won't be able to pretend me away." He knew he should fight him. Sebastian slept around; it was possible he had gathered quite a few diseases. But for some reason he trusted him enough to be clean. He wanted Sebastian's bare cock in his ass. Wanted to feel skin on skin. The heat.

If there is anything Kurt isn't expecting, it's the tip of Sebastian's tongue pressing into his stretched hole. He moans, wincing as his cock makes another hearty attempt to become aroused. His tongue presses inside, fucking into him like a taste of what was to come, swirling around the rim and then presses into him again. "Come on, Sebastian! Just do it!"

Sebastian doesn't hesitate to give in, slicking up his dick and tossing the bottle of lube onto the bed. "You're so hot, spread out and begging for me. So sexy." It's the first time Sebastian has ever complimented Kurt on his looks, but he doesn't take it too seriously because Sebastian will say anything for a good fuck.

He doesn't slam into Kurt this time, pressing his length in inch by inch until he's finally buried to the hilt. Then he waits. Kurt doesn't know how to feel about Sebastian's change in technique. He can't have slow or kind or gentle. He needs fast, harsh, rough. So Kurt pulls back enjoying the slide of Sebastian dick then slamming back, impaling himself once again. "Fuck me Sebastian. Show me why I even bother with you."
The words act like a trigger and suddenly Sebastian is rearing back only to propel forwards and hammer into Kurt's willing body. His hands grip and Kurt's hips, pulling him back to meet Sebastian's hard thrusts. Kurt's dick bobs between his legs, having regained the ability harden. Sebastian's hand comes around to grasp it, pumping him while it fucks into his body. He angles a particularly hard thrust right as he swipes a thumb of the head of Kurt's cock and—"Fuck! Sebastian! Do it again, please, do it again!" He obliges, pounding against his prostate a few more times flipping him over onto his back and pushes his knees up to bend him in half and spread him wide..

"I want you to watch me fuck you," Sebastian growls, pulling Kurt's head forwards, "Watch how your body takes it. How your ass clenches around me to keep me inside every time I pull back. You love it don't you?" Kurt's eyes squeeze shut as his head falls back onto the bed from the way Sebastian is repeatedly hitting his prostate. "Answer me, Kurt," he demands, slowing his pace excruciatingly.

"Yes! I love it, just go. Harder!" He picks up the pace again, pumping his dick as he did so.

"What do you love Kurt, tell me." They're both so close. So fucking close.

"You fucking me. I love you fucking me!"

"Who Kurt? Who do you love fucking you? Say me name."

"Sebastian!" Kurt screams his release, white strings of come paints his belly and the underside of this chin. Sebastian fucking forward once more and holds it there. Kurt can feel hot liquid splattering his insides, filling his hole and spilling out onto the bed. Just that alone makes him want to come again but he's exhausted and completely incapable .

Sebastian pulls out, watching with satisfaction as some of the creamy liquid leaks out of his hole, then joins Kurt on the bed, pulling him up the mattress to the headboard. Kurt is too tired to protest as Sebastian's arm once again wraps around his waist and his chin comes to rest atop Kurt's head. His other hand pushes a section of brown hair off of Kurt's forehead, an almost fond smile crossing over his face. His thumb strokes down Kurt's cheek to his bottom lip, grazing over it as his eyes rake Kurt's face.

The heated gaze is making him uncomfortable, he needs to leave now. Needs to wash himself clean. But then Sebastian leans in and captures that lip in a kiss that so gentle that he barely feels it. "You're so beautiful." And okay whoa. That is crossing a pretty big line, so Kurt pulls out of Sebastian's hold and begins gathering up his clothes. "Kurt." No answer. "Kurt, are we seriously doing this again?"

"Doing what?" Kurt spins at him, "We had sex Sebastian. That's what this was. And it was great. And now I'm leaving. And beside you have class and you need a shower."

"So, what? Is that what we do now? Have sex that you regret and pretend like it didn't happen until the next time you need to come sate your urges?"

"I…I don't know, okay? I don't know!"

"And you're just going to, what? Not tell Blaine? Keep doing this behind his back and until you get bored?"

"Why does it even matter to you, huh? You're getting what you want out of this!"

Sebastian laughs, harsh and completely humorless in Kurt's ears. "Oh, is that so? And how in the hell would you know what I want?"

"Because regardless of what you might think Sebastian, you're pretty fucking transparent." Sebastian surveys him for a moment, looking for something, then nods stiffly and lies back down on the bed.

"You can take a shower if you want to clean up before going home. Towels are under the sink. I'm going to finish that nap I missed half of. Don't forget to lock the door when you leave." He closes his eyes and this is the Sebastian Kurt is used to, the cold one. The one that doesn't care. This is the one he can deal with. The safe one.

As he climbs into the Sebastian's shower he thinks he sort of misses the one that keeps him guessing.

At ten pm he gets a text message from an unfamiliar number but it doesn't take long to figure out who it's from. I have a free day Sunday.

Kurt responds with three simple words. I'll be there.

Review and I'll be your best friend. Also, let me know of any grammatical errors you find, yes?