The guards, mages, and Templars of Kirkwall watched the man-lizard cautiously. They felt they had to, for no normal creature looks as if it was a human crossed with a dragon. Minus the wings. The man-lizard looked at the disheartening surroundings. He was nervous because there were a lot of people pointing sharp objects in his direction. If they decided to attack him his only option would be to go back into the ship, or dive into the water to the side that did not hold the ship.

The man-lizard smiled, if one could call it smiling, and said slowly as to not upset the people nearly surrounding him, "This is punishment, ne?"

Aveline called to the creature, "What business does a creature such as you have in Kirkwall?" Aveline turned slightly and saw that Meredith had lost a lot of color, so she added, "Also, are you a daemon?"

The man-lizard scratched his head—between the many spikes that protruded, "Well, thas' like askin' if Aela is a vampire. Kinda dumb. Are you dumb, ne?"

Aveline's eyebrow twitched. She had just been asked if she was dumb by a creature that they could run through at any moment in time. 'And who is Aela?'

The man-lizard sat down, and crossed his legs, "So whas' you names, ne? Mine is Sea-Stone."

Meredith, who seemingly overcame her episode, strode forward and rested her blade on Sea-Stone's right shoulder. The odd sword with red lines looked odd on the blackish blue scales that covered Sea-Stone's body. Meredith lowered herself until she was eye to eye with Sea-Stone—who looked like he was on the verge of lying down. Meredith spoke loud and clear,

"Listen, and listen well. I can, and I will cut your head from your body. What is your purpose here, lizard?"

Sea-Stone, now paying rapt attention to the woman with the blade on his neck, swallowed. He broke eye contact and ran his index and middle finger of his right hand on the outer part of the blade. He looked around at the guards again and noticed that they were much more tense now that the woman had her blade so very close to his neck. After his survey of his surroundings he looked into the woman's eyes and finally replied in a serious voice,

"My purpose here is simple, to distract ya."Meredith, Aveline, the Templars and the guards all let out a collected, "What?" Sea-Stone laughed, "Yep. While you was messin' wit me."

Meredith roughly grabbed him by his collar, and brought him to his feet. She then threw him down on the ground, "You damn creature what have you distracted us from?!"

Sea-Stone propped himself on his elbow-he flinched when his back flared up for a moment, and laughed. The guards, Templars and mages had no clue what he could be laughing at. He was caught, he told them what he was there for, and there hadn't been anyone that left the ship other than the lizard. He was a failure as a distraction. Or so one might believe if they didn't know that Aela, with only her blade and bow, silently slipped into the water through a back hatch on the ship made specifically to get out unnoticed.

Sea-Stone was, on the orders of Knight-Commander Meredith, beaten, stripped, chained, and sent to the gallows. He was kept in a separate section of the gallows then the mages. This was because Meredith saw a flash of anger, hate or perhaps both in Orsino's eyes when the odd creature was beaten and chained. It more than likely reminded him of the treatment of the mages.


Orsino watched as the creature, Sea-Stone, was dragged off to the gallows. As he watched he couldn't help but notice the odd armor he was wearing before the Templars stripped him; it looked akin to what the elf that followed Vladen wore. Orsino, never having had a chance to actually hold a conversation with either Vladen or the elf, 'Alyne. I must remember to take lessons in remembering people's names', so he didn't know what their exact stand was on the treatment of the mages.

Orsino, lost in thought, spoke out loud softly, "Either way, I will break the Templars unjust hold."


Alyne grunted. This battle was taking too long. For some reason Vladen hadn't forced the dragon to land. 'What good is Dragonrend if you don't use it Vladen?' Alyne had pelted the dragon's underbelly with his arrows, but any damage he was doing was miniscule. The dragon had some form of regenerative property. And at the moment Alyne couldn't even attack the dragon Because the damn thing created a massive wall of ice-the size could be compared to some of the smaller mountains of Skyrim. The ice was slightly curved over Alyne as well so he couldn't actually see the dragon. Even if he could though, the wall of ice was so large that he was certain that he couldn't fire his arrows that high.

Alyne grunted and sat on a nearby stone that was flat enough that could act as a seat, "Good-luck Vladen."


Vladen was still in shock. He was bleeding heavily from a large gash in his side; an ice spike-something the dragon could spit out like Vladen could throw fire-balls-easily pierced the softer armor on his right side. The shock, however, was not from the wound he recieved, but from the fact that the dragon was still in the air; Dragonrend didn't work. Dragonrend has always worked before.

Hawke was breathing heavily. He was injured, not as badly as Vladen-who for some reason just stood in silence when the dragon didn't seem affected by his odd sounding shout, but he was hurt. An ice-ball, which he avoided, smashed where he was, and the shattering pieces of ice that flew from the ice-ball bashed into his right shoulder. The impact was enough that he could no longer effectively use his great-sword. He, like Vladen, was forced to take cover behind a large boulder that would protect them from the flow of ice and ice attacks that the dragon was firing at them.

Varric was much worse off. He had taken a direct hit from the dragon's breath weapon and was thrown into the wall of ice that the dragon made to keep them in. He had hit hard enough to fracture his leg. He was able to find a crevice to crawl into, and he passed out not too soon after. The dragon's ice cold breath combined with the pain from his fractured leg was enough to force even the mighty Varric into blissful unconsciousness.


-These heroes seem to be getting tired. Maybe it's time for me to end this- The dragon thought to itself. The dragon flew high into the sky-so high that Vladen and Hawke lost sight of it in the clouds. They still heard the roar as it came diving down. Its maw was spread wide and it was heading directly at Hawke and Vladen.


Hawke saw the open maw and yelled, "It means to swallow us!"

Vladen, having been broken out of his trance by Hawke's outburst, gave a roar of his own to match the dragon. He grabbed his sword and held it like a great-sword. He waited and waited, and finally the dragon was nearly before him. And when the dragon was a bredth of a hair away he heaved his sword at the oncoming dragon. The dragon, not expecting this, got hit. The hit left a massive gash along it's face. The hit was also enough to get the dragon to veer to the right and smash through the wall it had created earlier to block their escape.

Vladen watched the dragon fly away, it's blood raining down on the distilled earth.


The dragon flew for a few miles-away from the heroes. It landed on an island that seemed very out of place. It was a tiny island with a structure dipicting three faces. The dragon slowly started to condense, and it continued for some time. After a while the dragon was no longer there, but in it's place was a large humaniod creature with four arms. It had bright red skin, spikes on it's head, and a single metal claw on his lower left hand. Now it had a large scar over it's right eye. when it looked up it was looking at a human-like person dressed in outlandish clothing.

The four armed humaniod growled, "Do you wish to taunt me Sheogorath? To pick at my new scar?"

The man in the outlandish outfit, Sheogorath, responded by balancing a cane that he pulled out of nowhere on his index finger. He seemed captivated by the cane, but eventually responded to the question,

"Why no! I would never pick at any of your scars!...I might throw a fire-ball, or turn you into a bunny, but never, and I mean never will I make fun of you for being beaten by a mortal."

The four armed being roared at Sheogorath, "I am Mehrunes Dagon! I will not be disrespected by some lower class Prince!"

Sheogorath raised his hands in surrender, and in his always cheerful accented voice said, "Well I meant no harm. I was just finding the fact that every time you are bested by a mortal they always seem to have a dragon soul. I mean first: Martin the Septim that banished you, and second: this mortal!...I might laugh if it wasn't so sad...ah what the heck I'll laugh anyway. Ha..ha..haha…hahahahaha!"




Here is another chapter for this story. Not much of an author's note, but if you want to clarify anything ask in a review, PM me or whatever.