~chapter 1~ first encounter
disclaimer - NOT mine!
I was so cold sitting here in this small cave. i could barely see my breath. i tried curling more into myself to keep warm. but it seems that my fire rat kimono wasn't helping to keep my warm. the forest seems to be in a state of quite so all the creatures could sleep. but for me it was to quit.
then i heard a twig snap nearby the cave. i covered my mouth to prevent any of my sobs and whimpers to escape and inform who or what was outside the small cave. my small rectangle puppy ears on the top of my head twitched. i closed my amber eyes as tight as i could in fear. my heart was beating so fast and loud.
i hoped it wasn't a demon that wants to eat me or someone from the village me and my mommy used to live before she died. I'm five years old and no one wants me. for you see I'm a half-breed , half human and half demon. i have amber gold eyes ,silver white hair and matching puppy ears.
a cold breeze came blowing in the small cave with it came the scent of a powerful demon. i could feel the demons presence at the entrance to the cave. i tried to huddle closer to the back of the cave. while trying to stay curled tightly in the fetal position.
after a long moment of silence I slowly opened my eyes and looked towards the opening of the cave. all i saw was the faint light coming from the moon. i heard something crawling the short distant into the cave. i squinted my eyes a little to try and see what it was. it was a baby dragon no bigger then a small kitten.
the small dragon was some kind of dark color . making it hard to see the little guy clearly. i slowly reached out my hand as the little guy sniffed my fingers to see if i was any danger. after a few moments the dragon nuzzled my palm. i smiled at the fact that he trusts me enough to pet him.
"hm let me guest , your trying to find a safe place to sleep huh?" the answer i got was a head shack 'no' as the little guy jumped into my lap.
then a growl came from the opening of the cave. the poor little dragon was trying to crawl into my kimono. i carefully caress the shivering dragon and tucked 'em in my chest under my kimono. this little act seemed to have calmed the dragon down quit a bit.
"don't worry your with me now , i wont let anything happen to you after all we're friends right!" the dragon seemed to agree as he nuzzled closer to my small chest.
using my left hand to keep the dragon in place. i got enough courage to crawl towards the entrance of are hiding place. as i was about to stick my head out of the cave. we heard the growling stop and the sound of a whip cutting through the air. after a fleeting moment i pecked out of the cave.
what i saw made me clutch the little dragon closer to my chest. there was blood everywhere while a big beast was sliced in half. i noticed that the flesh and the blood that was still coming out of the died creature was melting.
the one responsible was a tall demon. he was facing away from us. the demon had a shade more richer then my silver hair that it looked like fine silk. he wore a pure white kimono with pale blue flowery designs on the trimming of his sleeves. there was also a thing of fur on his one shoulder it was long s his hair that almost reached the ground. from what i could see this demon was a noble demon and of high class and beauty to boot.
usually noble demons are quite ugly or stay in there fancy castles instead of being out in the middle of a forest next to a slayed beast. well for what i saw of other noble demons that passed through my ex-village.
then a small kappa demon wielding a two headed staff came running towards the white elegant demon. his voice was so high pitched that it hurt both me and the dragons ears.
"Lord Sesshomaru-" the elegant demon turned to look at the kappa demon giving me a good look at his face. he had a brighter more golden color eyes then me with two magenta colored strips under his eyes on his high cheek bones. there was also the same color of magenta covering his eyelids. which brought out the color of his eyes more. in other words this demon was even more beautiful then my mommy.
"My lord-" the kappa said as he now stood next to the taller demon. "Mi-lord i have finished talking to the local demons and it seems your supposition was correct. they say that a young inu-hanyou wearing a red kimono has been seen with in this forest."
I shot myself back into the cave holding the small dragon once i heard that they were looking for me. 'what could they want from me I'm just a hanyou born from a courtship between a farm girl and a demon?' i could feel my heart beating fast again in fear of what these demons could want from me.
i felt the dragon moved and looked down towards my chest and saw the little dragon poking his head out to look at me. i smiled at him to reassure i was fine. i leaned down close to him and whispered "i think your name should be Hana cause your eyes are so pretty" there was a flicker of light that flashed through his beautiful eyes. i clutched him closer as a sad whimper came out. "Jaken" a deep voice broke through the silence.
"yes lord Sesshomaru?" the kappa named jaken asked.
"there's a small cave over there" my heart stopped.
"over there" questioned jaken.
"yes jaken. now go cheek it out for me" the tone of that voice sounds so lifeless i was to scared to see where or who it came from.
"yes my lord" jaken said with such enthusiasm in his voice.
i then headed back to where i was at the end of the cave with the dragon still clutched to my chest. after a short moment the kappa was at the entrance of the cave looking straight at us.
"Oh my lord i found him! i found him my lord" he seems so proud of himself that he was jumping up and down.
suddenly the kappa was gone and then a clawed hand reached in and grabbed the collar of my kimono and pulled us out. once we were free of the cave we were dropped in front of the pale elegant demon. i looked straight into his eyes but they were so cold. colder then the night air as if they were glaring me down.
Hana burrowed deeper into my fire rat kimono in fear of this demons powerful aura. then like a switch the demon walked pass me and started heading toward the kingdom of the west. i then felt the kappa named jaken poke me harshly.
"hurry up you filthy hanyou or you'll be dragged along by ah-un" he had a clear tone of disgust for me as i stood up. i was anxious about following them. but i gave in as jaken seemed to be glaring at me to make me move any faster.
i held onto Hana as i reluctantly followed the elegant demon and annoying jaken to my fated doom. luckily i have Hana with me.
to be continued!
this is my first story so please tell me how i did for the first chapter and if i get plenty of reviews i might just update sooner ( yeah nya~ and we hoped you all enjoyed it and we'll be seeing you all again soon bye bye~)
-this was maxwell / neko-chan!