Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece.

Zoro slipped in the schedule into his clipboard. It had Rayleigh's name on the top left corner in print. One side of the graph it had the time separated in hours. The other contained the days. Zoro memorized all of it because Rayleigh did the same thing: train, sleep, eat. So, it wasn't complicated.

"Oi, did you get the new schedule?" Marco called, slipping his new schedule into his folder.

"I did."

"Did you look at it yoi?"

"It's the same-wait." Zoro peered at the schedule for today, and he saw a message on a space that was usually blank. It said one word: 'massage.'

"What's this?"

Marco knew that Zoro was going to ask, so he started right away, "It's not really that special. You give your patient a massage."

"That's it?"

"Yeah." Marco replied without any effort. "They need it sometimes you know. They're old and they need to relax their muscles from time to time so they won't get hard yoi."

Zoro raised an eyebrow. Was Marco intending to make the phrase sound wrong, or was he really talking about the real thing?

"Hey...Marco. I...I hope 'massage' doesn't mean another way of 'jerking off'."

Marco raised an eyebrow, "Where did that idea come from?"

"Well, on the-"

"Each and every day, you're becoming a pervert."

"I'm not a pervert!"

"If you do ever do it, tell me beforehand. We're going to have a big party when your old man finally screws you."


"Yeah. We do it for all patients-if they're virgins yoi." Marco smiled, "I was a virgin when I started, and it was a week after when Pops took my virginity. The party was awesome, but I couldn't walk because it hurt yoi."

"...does it really hurt?"

"Hmm...it's not bad. I think your patient will be nice."

Zoro looked away because he was getting uncomfortable with the topic. His eyes flew to the clock and it was almost two thirty. It was time to give Rayleigh a massage.

"Oh, I got to go."

"Alright. I hope you learn something new from your patient because you're so behind yoi." Marco chuckled, "You got to urge him. Do something to tell him you want it."

"But he said he won't do it yet."

"Are you going to wait forever?"

"I don't want to...but he enjoys what he's doing, so I can't complain."

Marco stared at Zoro for a few seconds, and a low sigh escaped from his lips.

"You love him a lot."

Zoro nodded with a smile.


Three o'clock.

Zoro stared up at the ceiling where he followed the intricate patterns on the ceiling. The windows were open, so a gentle breeze blew though the curtains and down to his hot, bare skin. His mind was stuffy and he was falling in and out of conscious. Why was he here in the first place? Through his mind stuffy like cotton he searched for an answer. Oh yeah, he came here to give Rayleigh a massage.

His shirt was unbuttoned and was spread open down the sides, revealing his toned abs and wet, bright pink nipples. His pants were discarded and thrown off the bed where he could see. Legs were spread wide apart and were currently occupied with Rayleigh sitting between them. As expected, Rayleigh wasn't screwing him, but he was just giving Zoro a massage. The massage that weren't for the shoulders.

Strong hands wrapped around Zoro's soaked and hard length for another round. Zoro let out a choked, but lifeless cry as his nerves jerked his back off the bed. His hands clenched a fistful of the satin sheets to brace himself. He squeezed his eyes as he felt his seed leak and drip uncomfortably down his balls.


"Mmmhm," Rayleigh answered so casually, "You're young." He squeezed the length with a firm, strong grip, but then let his hands slide slowly up to the tip. Zoro's thighs quivered, and he felt heat coiling up in his gut like a hurricane.

"Rayleigh, I-I thought I was going to give you a massage..."

"-but you massaged me last time, so I'm returning a favor." Rayleigh smirked and his glasses glowed, "Do you like how it feels?"

"N-Nnfn-!" Zoro nodded when Rayleigh thumbed over the tip and pressed into the tiny, tiny hole. It hurt, but why did it feel so good?

"Wonderful...your body is learning." Rayleigh complimented with a smile. "Zoro, let's try something new today."

"What...?" Zoro peered up, and his eyes shot open when he saw Rayleigh drop his face down to his groin, "Rayleigh-!?" He suddenly let out a cry when Rayleigh slipped the tip of Zoro's wet, hard member into his lips. The old man greedily slipped it all into his mouth and sucked hard. The nerves on Zoro's back exploded and tingled sharply like needles. He felt blood rushing down to his hip, lower waist, and plummeting into his groin. Zoro couldn't believe his eyes! Rayleigh was deep-throating him!

"Rayleigh-! Stop stop stop-!" Zoro cried while shaking his head, "That's gross-!"

Rayleigh answered out a 'hmm?' but because he still had Zoro in his mouth, his voice vibrated. Zoro's screams escalated. His back leaped off the bed, poised and unable to settle back down. His hips jerked forward, and Zoro gasped when he accidentally pounded into Rayleigh's mouth. Rayleigh didn't look surprised; his expression told Zoro that the hip thrust was a natural reaction. So, the old man continued on sucking, licking, and nibbling on the wrinkled skin. The pleasure was all too much, and Zoro could feel himself coming to a climax. Hands flew into Rayleigh's hair, fingers getting tangled into the long silver strands.

"Rayleigh, Rayleigh..." Zoro gasped, trying to push Rayleigh off, "I can't hold it-"

When their eyes met, Zoro sucked in a harsh breath. Rayleigh's eyes were wild with lust, and it seemed to grin at him. Whispering to him to do it, cum it all in his mouth. The gaze was so intense, Zoro let out a short gasp and lost it. His hips gave one last, strong thrust and he came hard into his patient's mouth.

Rayleigh did drink it all, and guilt spiraled down into Zoro's gut over pleasure.

"O-Oh god, I'm so sorry Rayleigh-"

"Hm?" Rayleigh wiped the excess seed off his lips with his thumb, "What are you talking about?"

Zoro felt so ashamed that tears formed in his eyes, "B-Because I couldn't get out in time, so you had to-" His eyes widened when Rayleigh sucked his thumb and slowly licked it clean. The patient moaned happily, the same way people made when they ate something delicious. Zoro was about to protest when Rayleigh silently leaned in and pressed his lips over Zoro to silence him. A bitter flavor, unfamiliar when kissing Rayleigh, filled Zoro's mouth. Zoro couldn't help but sticking out his tongue in disgust when they pulled away.

"Did you like it?" Rayleigh asked quietly, his lips brushing over Zoro's tongue.


"Did you like the massage?"

"I-I did, but-"

Zoro flinched when Rayleigh took the tip of Zoro's tongue and gently sucked it.

"Next time when there's a massage time," Rayleigh suggested with a pleasant smile, "I would like your lips down here too. And, if you are uncomfortable with the drinking, you can spit it out."

Zoro let out the strangest sound in the world.