First of all, I'm sorry to anyone who actually might be reading this and to anyone that cares, if you were expecting this to be a new chapter, then yeah, I'm sorry.
I guess it's been like, almost a year since I posted a new chapter to this, and since I posted anything at all. So yeah, I'm just explaining why.
At this time last year (and the year before I guess), I kinda just really hated my life. Not in the way where I wanted to hurt myself or anything like that, but in the way where I was just always really miserable. I felt like literally everyone around me hated me and no one cared about me except for maybe my sisters, my parents, and like two friends. But even my parents were always starting fights with me and just being annoying.
I went to a new school last year, and the people in some of my classes kind of in a way made fun of me for being shy and then would pretend to be nice to me so they could copy all my work and so I would let them copy off my tests, and I was too afraid to say no, so I just let them. I pretty much sat alone at lunch almost every day because the people I sat with would cut me out of their circle, and I would sit alone on the end in silence, and they wouldn't even say hi to me. I just felt really alone every day, and I just hated my life. Even writing this and thinking about it is making me want to cry.
So I'm not looking for sympathy or anything, I'm just explaining that I was just always sad, and writing these sad stories on here was my way of letting it out. I honestly don't know why, because I love this band more than anything, but it just kinda helped.
So, I'm not writing anymore because basically, in the past year, my life just started to turn around. My classes still sucked, but I started to find people to sit with at lunch, who would say hi to me in the hallways and who even started talking to me outside of school. And this year, some of them have become my best friends, and all of my classes are really nice, and it's completely different.
And another reason I'm telling you all this, is because I want anyone who might be going through something like this to know that even though people say this all the time, it really does get better, I promise. I used to tell myself that I would have to get through high school sitting alone at lunch and listening to random people tease me for no reason every day, but it all changed.
And if you ever see anyone sitting alone or just looking lonely, just sit with them for a little or even just smile at them or anything really, because anything is better than just ignoring them and acting like they're not even there.
And I've never really told anyone about this, because I was embarrassed and I really didn't think anyone would care. So if any of you are ever sad about literally anything, you can always come to me. I won't be writing anymore, but I'll still check my old email and if you need to talk to someone and you want to PM me, you can at any time, and I'll try to respond.
And another thing, I want to thank everyone on here. Honestly I don't know if anyone is even reading this or if anyone cares at all, but talking to people on this site always made me feel better. And whenever I got a review, it really made me so happy. And not because I was happy to have reviews, but because it made me feel like some people actually noticed me and actually cared at least a little bit about something I was doing. So thank you to everyone reading this, or anyone who has read any of my old stuff. You guys made me happy when the people I actually knew and talked to every day of my life just made me miserable. It means so much to me, and I love you guys so much.
So, I just wanted to tell you all why I just kinda suddenly stopped writing all this weird, random, sad stuff, and why I even wrote it in the first place. And I wanted to thank you guys for just being amazing people, and I hope you guys never have to feel the way I did, because you're all so amazing and beautiful and you all deserve to know that. So thank you guys, and I love you all so much.