The voices outside the door grew louder.

"Ashley, I hungry."

"I know, Krios. Tarquin, go wake Dad up."

"Nuh-uh. It's not my turn. Make David do it."

"The last time I did it, Mom tickled me until I almost peed myself. Isn't it Amara's turn?"

"What, so Dad can hit me in the head with a pillow again the second I get the door open? Send Nezia."

"Can't make me. Why don't we ever send Charr or Eve?"

"I'll go!"

There was a sudden scuffle as three or four kids intercepted him. Garrus set his book down and looked at Shepard. "So when are we going to let them know we're awake?"

Shepard opened her mouth to reply and was interrupted by "I heard them talking!" as the door flew open. "I guess that answer is 'right now'," she laughed as all eight kids barreled into the room. "Since you're here, come on up." She patted the empty bottom half of the bed.

The younger kids dashed for the bed, while the older ones hung back, clearly considering themselves too old for such childish endeavors. Eve headbutted Charr out of her way to sit between Shepard and Garrus, which led to a brief shoving match before they were pulled apart.

"Hey now," Garrus chided. "Fighting in the backyard is fine. Fighting on our bed isn't," he said sternly. "Now quit pushing and relax."

The two krogan glared at each other, then smashed into the open space between Shepard and Garrus.

Shepard looked over at Tarquin, who was still standing by the door. "I know you're ten and all grown up and everything, but you could still come sit with us," she winked.

"I guess," he said doubtfully, perching on the edge of the bed next to David and Ashley.

Garrus pretended to check the time. "Uh-oh," he said seriously.

"What is it?" Nezia asked.

"It looks like it's … time to dogpile Mom!"

"Oh no!" Shepard exclaimed in mock fear as she rolled over and covered her head.

"Dogpile Mom!" the kids chorused. Nezia landed on Shepard's back first, and was almost instantly squashed by Eve, Charr, and Krios. Amara eyed the pile for a moment before carefully settling on top of the others.

"Raaaaaaaawr!" Shepard growled, acting like she was going to manage to get out from under the five kids.

"Come on, you guys!" Eve said to the three on the edge of the bed. "She's gonna escape!"

David and Ashley grinned and pinned down Shepard's legs, while Tarquin eased onto the others, careful to avoid Amara's leg spurs.

"Can't … breathe. Too many … midgets," Shepard gasped, then groaned and stopped moving.

Krios stuck his face almost up against Shepard's and poked her nose with a chubby green finger. "Mama, wake up!"

"You guys squashed her to death!" Garrus gasped.

"Nuh-uh," Ashley sniffed.

"Watch this, Dad," David said, reaching under the other kids to poke Shepard in the ribs.

Ashley looked triumphant as Shepard squeaked and tried to wriggle away. "See?"

"You two are great at going along with a joke," Garrus drawled.

With great effort, Shepard pushed herself to her hands and knees, then rolled the kids off her back and into a giggling pile next to her, then looked at the two holding her legs. "Looks like it's tickling time!" As both kids leapt up and away, she grinned. "I am triumphant!" she grinned.

Krios climbed out of the pile, dark eyes wide and face serious, and sat on her lap. "Mama. I hungry."

Shepard nodded. "Okay, you guys get downstairs and we'll get dressed, then come make breakfast." At the chorus of "awwww," she raised a finger. "Quit it, or I'll tell Uncle Joker he's not allowed to be funny when he comes over."

"Joker's funny?" Garrus grinned. "When did that start?"

Nezia rolled her eyes as she slid off the bed. "You obviously have no sense of humor, Dad."

Garrus looked thoroughly offended. "Hey, Blue, I laugh at your mom's jokes all the time."

"Yeah, but you have to, or she'd kick your butt," Ashley said, standing next to the bed with her hands on her waist.

"We certainly have a smart bunch," Shepard remarked, grinning.

"A bunch of smartasses, maybe," he snorted.

Tarquin hopped off the bed. "Come on; we can go set the table."

Amara rolled her eyes. "You're so bossy, Tarquin. And such a suck-up."

"Am not. "

"Are too."

"Am not. Now come on, Amara, I need your help."

She stalked out of the room. "Of course you do," she said haughtily.

"You know, there's no need to-" Tarquin's voice faded as they went downstairs.

Shepard looked at the remaining kids. "All right, you heard him; downstairs and help set the table." She got out of bed, crossed the door, and pointed out into the hallway. "Move it."

After they left – grumbling all the way – Shepard pushed the door shut and headed for the closet. "Remind me again - how on earth did this happen?"

"How did what happen? You ending up with an awesome boyfriend who gave you a house on the beach, just like he promised? Us making bank from royalties, just like I said? I mean, I can go on, but I could probably just shorten it to 'you ending up with an awesome boyfriend'." He grinned.

Shepard laughed. "No, not that. That happened because I finally realized you were never going to come talk to me, and obviously I'd have to make the first move."

"It's a little early in the morning to not be pulling any punches, don't you think?"

Shepard pretended to think about it. "Mmm … nope."

"Of course you don't. So what did you mean?"

"Why did we think eight kids was a great idea?"

"We wanted a challenge, and the Reaper War is hard to top?"

"We could have just tried to get assistance from the Council for something," Shepard guffawed.

"I said 'a challenge,' not 'an impossible accomplishment'," Garrus laughed, sliding out of bed and stretching. "Toss me a shirt?"

Shepard pulled one off a hanger and tossed it out the closet door.

"Thanks." He pulled it over his head. "You know just as well as I do that if we could have taken in more, we would have. Apparently we can't have any time go by where we're not saving someone. Besides, this challenge is much more rewarding than dealing with the Council." Garrus looked out the window at the fenced backyard butting up against the beach, and the water lapping at the shore.

Shepard emerged from the closet in cargo shorts and a t-shirt, walked over to him and rested her head on his shoulder. "Yeah." She put her arm around his waist. "Things are good."

He nodded. "Better than I could have imagined."

"And it'll be nice to see everyone, especially since we were in that cramped rental for the memorial weekend last year," she said. "But we need to get the house ready before anyone-"

"Aunt Kasumi!" echoed up from downstairs.

"-gets here," Shepard laughed.

"Hell, knowing Kasumi she's probably been here for a week," Garrus chuckled. "I'll go make breakfast and send her up."

"No need; I'll come down with you. We can give her the tour after breakfast."