This is the end. Thank you all so very much!
Chapter XVI.
Welcome back, Deputy
"Oh god, now they're going to be fucking insufferable." Scott groans as he tosses the object in his hands up into the air. He's lounging back on top of a cargo container, splayed out like a goddamn carpet rug.
Logan grunts in agreement. He's puffing away on his cigar because the cargo hold is the only goddamn place he can actually light up on this ship. Scott is right for once, though. Those two fucktards are going to be all over each other constantly and it's going to be disgusting. Logan has always imagined that the honeymoon phase for Erik and Charles would never end, and now he imagines that he was always right. Christ.
"Why's that?" Wade asks curiously. The bounty hunter—leave it to fucking Charles to find a bounty hunter on an enemy ship, Jesus Christ—is lying on his stomach on top of another container, higher up than Scott, his arms hanging off the sides. The crazy fuck is legitimately insane, but Logan, god help him, sort of likes him. He's got potential.
Scott snorts. "Because they've finally pulled their heads out of their goddamn asses, that's why. Couldn't fucking breathe around here without choking on repressed sexual—"
"Fuck, Summers, I don't want to think about those two getting it on," Logan growls as Wade sniggers, "it's going to be bad enough running into them all over this goddamn ship from now on."
"Dude," Wade says, "His Majesty shot at us, bro."
"Yeah, what the fuck," Scott complains, "he was seriously going to kill us—"
Logan grins. "I always knew the little shit had it in him." He's actually sort of proud of Charles, even though the Prince nearly blew his face off, what the fuck, seriously not fucking okay.
"I can think of a couple other things he's got in him," Scott mutters.
"Summers," Logan says pleasantly as Wade laughs, rolling around on top of his container like some kind of worm, what the hell, "keep talking about it and I'll rip yours off."
Scott snorts. "You wouldn't, asshole. You like it too m—"
The door to the cargo bay opens, and Wade falls still, sitting up with the fucking most terrifying expression of anticipation Logan has ever seen on anyone's goddamn face. Jesus.
"Hello?" Alex calls. The plebe sounds extremely irritated, which is perfect. "Scott? I got your message, asshole, really funny. Where's my fucking comm pad, douchebag?"
Scott sits up, tossing the pad in his hands up one more time. "Come and find it, asswipe," he calls with an eat-shit grin, "though I have to say, with all this porn on here, I might want to keep it for—"
"There's not porn on there!" Alex snaps, but his voice has gone a little higher-pitched than normal.
"Oh shit, there's actually porn on here?" Scott laughs. "I was just fucking with you, but—"
"There isn't!" Alex's voice is closer now. Wade is creeping into position.
"Doesn't sound like it, kid." Logan says with a grin.
"Fuck," Alex snarls, drawing closer still, "you're here too? I should've known, you guys are such fucking dicks—"
"We're also your goddamn superior officers," Logan says with a snort, "so fucking act like it, Summers, or we'll boot your ass off the ship."
"That'd be a gift from above, dickwad," Alex says with a sneer, appearing from around the side of the container, "it's almost like a goal of mine to—"
Wade upends a barrel of Gungan eggs on top of him.
Charles makes his way slowly up the hall away from the mess, feeling a little worn out. He'd been ravenously hungry but it'd been hard to eat and still feel polite about it with everyone coming up to him to express their relief at his safe return to the Heartsteel. He'd been a little surprised, actually, by the amount of attention he'd received, and then he'd felt like he couldn't thank everyone enough, because they'd all risked their lives for his sake. The loyalty of the crew has left him a little speechless.
He's so terribly glad to be back. He isn't quite sure if he could ever express that enough, or with enough gratitude to everyone.
Erik had walked him down to the mess, but had left Charles to fend for himself after that, claiming that he had reports to write. He'd seemed almost smug when the first few members of the crew had approached. Bastard.
He'd also said something about see how much you matter, Charles, so stop acting like you don't, before he'd escaped so Charles plans to head up to the bridge now to inform him that his point is duly noted, now why don't you take me back to bed.
This new thing between them is something that Charles never plans on letting go. Erik loves him. Erik really, truly loves him. Charles knows he's always been a little too sentimental for his own good, but right now he believes that he could fly with all of the emotions he's currently feeling about Erik and being back and Erik.
The door to the elevator hisses open, and suddenly he is surrounded.
"What are you doing?" he demands as Scott lifts him off his feet from behind, crushing Charles back for a moment as Logan reaches forward to ruffle his hair.
"Welcome home, Charles," Scott says, "and if you ever fucking do that again—"
"—wherever you get your sorry ass dragged off to, we will find you again," Logan says pleasantly, "and then we will punch you in the goddamn face."
Charles laughs, limp in Scott's grasp. "Careful, gentlemen, one would almost begin to suspect that you actually like me."
"You? Pft. Wrong." Scott lets him drop, but Charles doesn't miss how the TO keeps one hand on his side to prevent his leg from buckling.
"In your dreams, Xavier." Logan rolls his eyes. "We even tried to fucking say hello earlier, and what do we get? A goddamn phaser beam to the face."
Charles colors a little. "I—"
"Oh god, please tell us you at least scored," Scott begs, "Jesus Christ, I don't think I could take it if you and Erik didn't fuck each other's brains out—"
"Scott!" Charles protests, but then both Scott and Logan are each wrapping an arm around his shoulders, squashing him in between them.
"Don't do that again, Charles." Logan says gruffly, oddly serious.
"Not that we won't fucking mess some Nyrulians up for you any day," Scott adds conversationally as they walk him into the elevator, "but just to be safe, fucking refrain, alright?"
They shove him gently into the elevator, both of them stepping back with twin grins on their faces. Charles grins back at them both fondly, because other than Erik, they are both two of his very good friends, no matter what they say or how they act. Then they surprise Charles even more by snapping to attention, bringing their arms up in a salute. Saluting isn't something done often in the fleet, and is rather more of a sign of highest regard and respect than anything else—done by choice, not by protocol.
"Welcome back, Deputy." Logan says, still grinning.
"Now please, for the love of the goddamn galaxy, go suck the Commander's dick," Scott adds with a smirk as the elevator door hisses shut, "sir."
The door is fully shut now but Charles can hear them both laughing raucously because they both think they're so very clever. "Assholes." Charles says loudly enough for them to hear him, but then pushes the button that will take him straight up to the bridge.
They're assholes to the highest degree, alright, but Charles can't help but smile a little because they're his assholes and he wouldn't trade them for anyone else.
"That should do it, Raven." Erik nods, watching the footage play through one more time. He's alone on the bridge, having dismissed everyone for a well-deserved break. They're only about an hour away from the Strontium so he's fairly certain that he and Raven can hold things down just fine on their own. "Wipe the rest of it completely."
"Yes sir." Raven answers calmly. "I will assemble a file of all relevant materials that will be complete upon our arrival at the TEF Orbit Base Strontium."
"Good." Erik acknowledges, stretching a little where he stands in front of the main screen. He feels oddly like nothing could possibly ever ruin his mood ever again, his entire body loose and relaxed. Maybe it's the fact that they're back safely in Earth Empire territory with Charles safely aboard.
Or maybe it's just the fact that he got laid. With Charles.
Definitely that.
The elevator door hisses open and Charles steps out onto the bridge, smiling as his eyes immediately find Erik. Erik grins a little in return, tipping his head back slightly as he watches Charles cross the bridge carefully, coming over to him at once.
"I was just accosted by Scott and Logan." Charles informs him, coming to a stop beside him. He sounds mostly amused, so it can't have been too bad. "They're rather, er, forward now. More so than they already were, that is. Who would've thought that was even possible."
"We might have all bonded during your absence." Erik says dryly. He is enjoying how Charles fits next to him, snaking his arm around the Deputy's waist to allow Charles to lean sideways against him a little and take more weight off of his leg.
"Did you?" Charles asks with actual interest, and Erik rolls his eyes. He seems quite content to lean against Erik, though. "You mean you weren't already best friends with Scott and Logan?"
Erik usually has a cutting response lined up for that sort of ridiculous question, but this is Charles and all of the most recent events have really put several things into perspective so he hesitates. "Debatable," he answers at last, giving Charles a squeeze when the Deputy chuckles. Erik presses his nose into Charles' hair, inhaling lightly.
"Finish your report?" Charles asks, settling further against him.
Erik nods. "We have sufficient evidence to put Marko away for quite awhile, I'd imagine. Not to mention that Marko Industries will probably be placed under a massive investigation." The thought makes him grimly satisfied. Anyone who deals with Nyrulians is lower than scum.
Watching the security footage of Marko knocking Charles out and dragging him into one of the E-pods had been enough to get Erik's blood boiling all over again because of the sheer sensation of utter helplessness it'd made him feel.
Raven had even gone so far to project herself beside him as they'd watched. "I am sorry, sir," she had said, quiet and controlled, but Erik had given her a nod anyway, because so was he. They all should never have let it happen in the first place.
"Cain." Charles says, a brief shadow passing over his face. "I think I could murder him."
"I almost did." Erik confesses, because Charles will probably have to see his stepbrother at some point or another, even if Erik would prefer it otherwise. "We almost did."
"Oh, is that the type of bonding you had with Scott and Logan?" Charles asks, managing to sound dry.
"We were angry." Erik maintains matter-of-factly.
Charles gives a slight smile. "Thank you."
"You're right, though," Erik continues quietly, shifting his gaze out to the view of the galaxy that the main screen currently displays, "he's not worth it."
"Bloody coward." Charles agrees. He frowns. "You're not going to get into trouble, are you?" he asks, suddenly worried. "You probably broke several laws, going into Nyrulian territory like that—"
"Charles." Erik rolls his eyes. "I went in and got out without a single casualty, all without alerting a single Nyrulian ship to our presence. I didn't fire a single weapon, and you blew up the Nyrulian ship from the inside so there's virtually no evidence suggesting we attacked. Plus I rescued you, one of Starfleet's own, from certain death." He pauses, and allows himself a smirk. "I am a hero."
Charles snorts. "Oh good lord." Then he pauses, tilting his head up towards Erik with one of his smug little grins. "My hero."
It's Erik's turn to snort, because he realizes that they're both really quite hopeless but he doesn't even care, bending down to press his mouth against Charles' and quickly taking advantage when Charles parts his lips with a small contented sound.
Charles maneuvers himself in Erik's grasp, pushing at him until Erik takes an obliging step back, far too focused on tasting every bit of the Deputy, so he doesn't realize what Charles is doing until the back of his knees hit the seat of his chair and Charles pushes him down into it with something close to triumph.
"What are you doing?" Erik asks blankly, because now they're not kissing anymore and that's really not what he wants happening right now.
Charles merely smirks, and Erik thinks that his opinions are once again superior to anyone else's because Charles and smug really do go so well together. "Raven, seal the bridge," he says, and Erik feels himself grow hard just from that, Jesus Christ, "and then go away."
"Of course, Charles." Raven says dryly, but then Erik hears the locking mechanisms in the elevator door click into place, and then presumably the AI really does take her leave.
"How long until we reach the Strontium?" Charles asks, even as he folds down to his knees in front of Erik.
It takes Erik a moment to answer. He's a little slack-jawed. "An hour," he says as Charles' hands start creeping up his legs towards his belt, "Christ, Charles—"
"Oh," Charles answers, and his opinions really don't need work at all because they're perfectly fine just the way they are, "good."
He gets to work on Erik's belt, and this is exactly what Erik wants happening right now.
Trillions of light years away on the other side of the galaxy, there are two huge clouds of dust and gas that are the remains of two certain stars originally in very close proximity to one another that simultaneously went supernova.
Hello, thinks gravity, let me help you out.
There's a chap, thinks the first cloud.
The dust and gas start swirling together into one single cloud, drifting through the cosmos along with everything else. Then what was originally the second cloud starts getting crazy ideas.
What if we made a new star, it suggests with an air of barely restrained excitement, together.
Dude, thinks the first, what if we did.
Oh no, thinks a bowl of petunias, not again.
"I'm going to miss you, bro." Wade says, and dear god, this is really getting heartfelt.
"I'll miss you too," Charles promises, and he finds that it's not even a lie because he really has grown fond of the bounty hunter regardless of his lack of sanity, "I'm really glad we met. Even though the, uh, circumstances could have been better."
Wade laughs. "Dude, we had an awesome time, don't even try to fight it."
Charles grins because he can, now that it's over. "Maybe just a little."
Wade suddenly pulls him into a full-body hug again, and out of the corner of his eye Charles sees Erik's eye twitch while Scott and Logan snicker. Charles pats Wade's back gently, giving a nervous laugh.
"Er, Wade."
"We're bros for life," Wade says very seriously as he thankfully lets go again, "if you ever need anything, man, you let me know."
"I'll keep that in mind." Charles says honestly. Who knows. He might someday once again need the help of a legally-insane bounty hunter with actually rather admirable sword skills. "Thanks for everything, Wade. Are you sure you don't want us to drop you off somewhere else? Anywhere you'd like, after we finish giving our report at the Oh-Bee."
Erik snorts, but Charles ignores him. He's fairly certain that he can get Erik to agree to anything he wants at this point.
It's suddenly very hard not to smirk.
"Nah, I'd better stay clear of the Starfleet, if you know what I mean, man." Wade says sheepishly even as he grins. "I'd better go now."
"I understand." Charles says wryly.
"Nice meeting you, bros," Wade says to Scott and Logan, and now his grin is edging on maniacal, Jesus.
"It was fun, kid." Logan claps him on the back.
"Dude," Scott says, pounding Wade's fist with his own, "we will call you."
Charles raises an eyebrow, but doesn't dare question how exactly the three of them became friends because ignorance, especially in this case, is bliss.
"Take care of His Majesty, man," Wade says to Erik, and Charles has to fight not to choke, "because he really deserves it and stuff, dude."
"I will do my utmost," Erik deadpans, pointedly ignoring how Scott is now leaning against Logan and gasping for breath as they both try to hold in their laughter.
"Bye, Charles." Wade says with a small wave.
"Goodbye, Wade." Charles answers, moving back with Erik, Scott, and Logan as they all step out of the hangar so the door can seal shut.
Charles watches through the window as Wade climbs back up into his ship, closing his hatch just as the hangar doors of the Heartsteel open. Marvin powers up, and in a matter of moments, Bright Morning Sun Rising Over the Tall Craggy Mountains While the Silvery Mist Curls Gently Through the Trees on a Light Breeze that Wafts the Smell of the Cooling Pie Sitting on the Windowsill Throughout the Entire Log Cabin is gone.
"Coming up on TEF Orbit Base Strontium, sir," Raven says as the hangar doors close again, "Third Earth is within sight."
"Thank you, Raven." Erik says calmly, though he's watching Charles.
Charles tears his eyes away from the window to meet Erik's questioning gaze. "Let's get this over with."
"Fuck," Scott says, "I wish they had Rogue's here."
"I wish you weren't here." Logan answers, but what the fuck ever, Logan is full of shit.
"Are you done yet?" Scott snaps because Jesus Christ, even Charles is getting laid now, and he's gotten nothing ever since the fucking Titanium. Technically it's only been a little over a day or so for him, but in real time, thanks to all their goddamn jumping around in hyperspace at Maximum Burn, it's been about a week, which is not fucking okay.
"Calm your damn waters, Summers," Logan growls as he makes the last few adjustments, "this is going to be so fucking worth it, you even agreed, asshole. Let me finish this up, we'll watch the magic happen, and then I'll make sure you can't walk straight, got it?"
"Fine." Scott agrees, mostly because it really is going to be so fucking worth it. He scans through the security videos of the Oh-Bee on his comm pad that he's casually hacked into because fuck you, he knows how to do that sort of shit so he's going to use it to their advantage. "Fuck, he's coming."
"Perfect." Logan says, and they crouch down a little in their position on the Upper Main Deck, peering down at the Lower Main Deck in anticipation.
War-Prince William Stryker steps out onto the deck, looking like he has a goddamn stick up his ass as usual, but that face doesn't last very long because Logan pushes a button on his pad and the last barrel of Gungan eggs that that crazy fuck Wade has left them overturns right over Stryker's head.
Stryker's shout of fury echoes through the entire Main Deck and is loud enough to cover up Scott's snort as they both take off at a crouched run, laughing their asses off all the way to the nearest elevators.
"Fuck, I love you." Scott says as soon as they're safely within an elevator and shooting upwards through the Oh-Bee.
Logan slams a fist on the emergency stop button with a grin, and they come to a stop somewhere between decks. "Prove it, asshole."
Scott grins with every single last one of his teeth.
Then he does.
"And this is all directly what Cain Marko said to you shortly before rendering you unconscious."
"Yes sir." Charles sits straight-backed and stiff in the chair he has been allotted because of his leg, looking up at the panel comprised of War-Princes and Paladins while trying not to sweat. He has no real reason to be nervous, but things like this always seem like a lot of pressure. At least he's not alone, though.
"War-Prince Lehnsherr, you claim further evidence was given during your interview with Cain Marko upon discovering Prince Xavier's capture."
"Yes sir." Erik stands beside Charles, tall and proud, arms folded neatly behind his back. "It was my observation that Marko appeared utterly unrepentant for selling out his own stepbrother to the Nyrulians. He indicated quite clearly that Prince Xavier was to be questioned specifically for information on Starfleet."
That sends up a flurry of murmurs across the panel, and Charles dares glancing sideways at Erik. There's no possible way for Cain to wriggle his way out of this one. An investigation on Marko Industries is almost a given at this point, and Charles wonders just how far the treachery goes. He wouldn't put it past Cain to be operating alone, but he also wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if it does lead all the way back to Kurt.
"And where is Cain Marko now?"
"I had him transferred to the medical bay of the Oh-Bee," Erik answers calmly, "as you will note in the records of the Heartsteel's security cameras, he put up a resistance and sustained several injuries when my crew attempted to detain him for questioning shortly after Prince Xavier's capture."
Charles fights not to smile. He knows the truth of Cain's injuries, but the panel doesn't need to know that. Not when they're holding footage edited by Raven. Erik is rather lucky to have her.
"Cain Marko and Marko Industries will undergo a full investigation in light of these allegations. This is a very troubling set of news, gentlemen."
"It was troubling to learn this news in the middle of my mission," Erik replies, just on this side of being dry, "sir." If Charles was standing and not in full view of the panel, he imagines that he'd kick him because this is not the time to be petulant, Jesus.
"Prince Xavier. Regarding your time aboard the Nyrulian—"
The door to the room bursts open and War-Prince Stryker storms in, and wait a second, is he covered in Gungan eggs?
Huh. It's rather nice not to be the one covered in slime for once. It's practically a novelty.
"I know this was the work of your crew," he snarls, pointing a finger at Erik, "and once I find out who, I'll have them—"
"Really, Stryker, we were trying to be civilized," Erik says dryly, hardly batting an eye, and Charles is fighting very hard not to outright laugh, "surely you could have saved your outburst for a more appropriate time."
The panel is completely thrown and distracted now, fascinated by the turn of events. Someone is calling for order, and Stryker is shouting something else now, white with rage, but Charles only has eyes for Erik and together they share a slow, private grin amidst the chaos.
Hours later, after Erik is fairly certain that Charles has been questioned about every last detail on his time as a hostage, the panel is satisfied enough with all of his answers to release them, adjourning for the day.
All in all, Erik is rather satisfied. He's receiving nothing more than a slap on the wrist for "recklessly entering Nyrulian territory" and Marko is about to go down with his ship—and not to mention Stryker had been firmly reprimanded for his outburst, which had been quite enjoyable to watch. Erik really has to find Logan and Scott at some point and award them ribbons or something because really, well done.
"Are you okay?" he asks Charles in the meantime, because the Deputy is looking a little tired and is moving a little stiffly as they make their way down the hall.
"Yes, I'm just glad that's over with." Charles answers fervently. "You'd think that saying 'I was almost eaten by a giant monster with tentacles' would have been enough to really get a feel for my trauma, but no, they want me to describe the bloody thing in intricate detail."
Erik chuckles a little, because indignant Charles means all is well. "I found your descriptions rather lacking, actually."
Charles gives him a look. They're standing by the giant plasma window that shows Ignea and Aureus setting on this side of Third Earth, so Charles is bathed in golden light. He is ethereal. "Surprisingly, the color of the monster rather escapes you when you're busy thinking that it's about to eat you."
Erik's not even listening anymore, stepping forward to kiss him just because Charles is his and he can. It doesn't take much for Charles to start kissing him back, and they linger for a few moments in the dual sunset, in their own private world of two even in the middle of a Starfleet base. When they break apart, Charles is less indignant and is instead smiling softly up at him.
"What now?" Erik asks, because they probably won't be assigned to another mission for at least a couple of days, so they have plenty of downtime and he's not really interested in doing anything except whatever Charles wants to do. If he can help it, actually, they're not going to be separated again.
Charles hesitates. "Well," he says tentatively, "we could go down to the labs and I could show you some of the First Earth sea urchin cells."
"Yes," Erik says truthfully, "I'd like that."
Charles smiles again, and reaches over to take Erik's hand.