Summary: Spencer Reid was excited about starting his job at the BAU and start his life anew. That all changed when he saw...him. AU, some canon

Warnings: Non-con, Extreme rape, language, Slash (later chapters), some use of BSDM (very small). IF THIS IS NOT YOUR CUP OF TEA, TURN BACK NOW! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED THIS STORY WILL GET GRAPHIC!

Chapter Word Count: 1,116

Beta: I owe much thanks to Dragon Claymore for beta-ing this story for me.

Disclaimer: As much as I would love to own Criminal Minds and its extremely yummy characters of Matthew Gray Gubler and Shemar Moore, I do not. So sad.

A/N: I have quite a bit of this story already pre-written and already beta-ed. Gonna post 2 chapters a week until we get to the current chapter.


Chapter 1: The First Day

Spencer Reid woke up early that Monday. He put on a pot of coffee, checked his messenger bag for the third time, and then jumped in the shower. After his shower he got dressed, checked his bag a fourth time, toasted a bagel and put the coffee in a to go mug and headed out the door. Spencer was excited. Today was his first day of work at the FBI's Beohavioral Analysis Unit. He couldn't wait. He bounced in his step as he headed to his car. As he started the car up he laughed to himself. Okay, Spencer, time to calm down. Time to act like a professional. You're twenty two years old, time to act like it. He parked his car into the FBI parking lot, entered the building flashing his new badge at security, and took the elevator up to the sixth floor.

"Excuse me, but are you Dr. Reid?"

Spencer turned and saw a stout woman with blond hair and glasses smiling at him. He nodded.

"Yes, I am."

She smiled, "Oh, good, Hotch is expecting you. I'm Penelope, by the way. Penelope Garcia. Most people just call me Garcia, though. I'm the team's technical analyst. C'mon, let me show you the way."

Spencer followed this seemingly bubbly woman through the doors and froze when he saw him. What is he doing here? I'd hoped I'd never see him again.

"Um, Dr. Reid?"

"Spencer Reid, just Spencer."

Garcia nodded, "Sorry, Spencer. Follow me."

Spencer nodded and followed Garcia to an office. She knocked on the door and smiled at him before she walked away.

"Come in," Spencer heard the voice call.

Spencer took a deep breath and entered the room. The man sitting behind the desk stood up and thrust out his hand.

"Spencer Reid, correct? I'm Agent Hotchner, just call me Hotch. I'm the Unit Chief for the BAU."

"Nice to meet you, sir."

"Hotch, just Hotch. Well let's introduce you to the rest of the team and get you set up."

Spencer nodded and followed Hotch out of the office and down into the bull pen.

"You came on a good day Spencer."

"Why's that?"

"Because, we don't have a case today. Team, please meet me in the conference room."

Spencer saw the team file into the conference room and he saw another woman already sitting in there.

"Now, I know we usually don't meet in here unless it's pertaining to a case, but I thought it would be easier to introduce ourselves to the newest member of our team. This is Dr. Spencer Reid. He joins us from the Academy. Spencer, would you like to say something?"

Spencer shook his head and just waved. Hotch nodded.

"That's fine. So, I'll just go around the room and introduce you to everyone. This is Jennifer Jareau, she's our media liaison. Basically she handles the press. Then we have Derek Morgan, Elle Greenway, Penelope Garcia whose our-"

"She's the technical analyst. I met her already."

Hotch nodded, "Okay and our final member is Jason Gideon."

"Hey, kid."

Spencer nodded and waved, "Nice to meet all of you."

Everyone was dismissed and Spencer walked out of the conference room and stood in the bull pen. All of a sudden he wasn't so happy to be here. Suddenly he felt an arm around his shoulder. He squeaked and back away turning to Derek.

"Hey, kid, you alright?"

Spencer shook his head, "I don't like to be touched."

Derek put up his hands in a peace fashion, "Sorry, man. I'll be more careful. C'mon let's get you situated."

Spencer followed Derek to a desk and Derek pointed.

"This desk here is gonna be yours. Over here is mine, and on the other side is Elle's. Hotch, Gideon, and JJ all have their own offices."

"What about, um, Garcia, I think her name was?"

Derek chuckled and pointed, "That's her 'lair' as she calls it. Trust me kid; always enter there with extreme caution."

"Derek, cut it out, you're scaring the poor kid."

"Um, I'm not a kid. Yes, I am twenty two years old and may appear young, but trust me, I am no child. I have two PhDs."

"Two? How old where you when you finished college?" Elle asked.


"Thirteen! Are you serious? How is that even possible? Are you some sort of genius, or something?"

"I have an eidetic memory, can read twenty thousand words per minute and have an I.Q of one eighty seven."

"Damn, Reid, that's…um, cool," Derek struggled to find the right word.

Spencer sat down in his new chair, "Um, I have a question or several actually."

"Shoot, kid."

"Um, well is there any reason why you called me by my last name?"

Derek shook his head, "Not really, I mean usually we refer to each other by our last names with the exception of Jennifer, we just call her JJ. Why, is that a problem?"

Spencer shook his head, "No."

"You said you had another question?"

"Um, yeah, but its okay. I figure I'll just learn the ropes the hard way."

"Well, don't you worry, we're more than happy to help you," Elle smiled. Spencer smiled back.

"The one thing you should learn is that, paperwork is the worst part of the job. Usually if we don't have a case, we try to catch up on our paperwork."

Spencer nodded. Since Spencer came on a day when there wasn't a case, he had a fairly easy day. He spent it getting to know his coworkers and learning the ropes of the BAU. All day he kept seeing Gideon stare at him which made him uneasy. By the time 5 rolled around Spencer felt like he knew everything there was to know about how to do a good job here at the BAU. He gathered up his belongings and headed toward the door.

"Hey, Spencer, wait for us," Elle called.

Spencer turned around and waited for Elle and Derek to catch up with him. The three of them walked to the elevators together and rode it to the parking lot each getting in their respective cars.

"See you tomorrow, Spencer," Derek said waving.

Spencer nodded and waved back as he got into his car and drove to his apartment. He felt like today had been a good day, but he began to get nervous about how he'd do on an actual case. Parking his car, he exited it and entered the building and rode the elevator to the fourth floor and headed toward his apartment. He had just entered and was about to turn on the lights when he was grabbed from behind.


So how's the first chapter? Like it? Hate it? Weirded out? Please tell me all when you click my favorite button, the review button