Crystal: well thank you very much for the reviews^_^! I never thought that I would have updated soon but the reviews made me happy so thanks a bunch to: LOVELY220, 4ElementGirl, Nep2uune, 9loonytunecrazy, alettaj ^_^ thank you very much for the reviews and sorry for my spelling mistakes^_^

Crystal: disclaimer: I don't own Hey Arnold!

The disaster Project

Chapter 2

The confection of football head boy

Gerald and Phoebe were chatting quite happily, but sometimes he couldn't help sneak a glance at his best friend. Arnold was just beginning following Helga over to where Phoebe and him were talking and she look furious, while Arnold look pleased, it was pretty obvious to him what was going on; Arnold had a death wish. Helga didn't even spare a glance as she pass and enter the buss with Arnold not far behind. Gerald and Phoebe look at each other and shrug, Gerald made the: 'you go first' gestured and made Phoebe giggle and blush while she enter the bus with Gerald behind her.

Gerald spotted Arnold on their usual seat in front of Helga G. Pataki. Gerald sigh as he watch Phoebe seat with her best friend, which in his opinion were totally opposites. Phoebe was delicate while Helga was strong as a rock, phoebe was intelligent while Helga wasn't so bright, Phoebe was simply amazing while Helga was… well the terror of the fourth grade. Shaking his head to get rid of his thought he sat next to Arnold that was grinding like a cat, Gerald gave him a look, but Arnold simply ignored it.

"So man, finally going to tell me; what's going on?" Gerald whisper to Arnold curiously.

"Tell you later I promise" Arnold whisper back seriously.

After that Gerald nodded in satisfaction and they began talking about baseball. If they wasn't so busy chatting along, they might have notice that Helga was having a very interesting conversation with Phoebe about a certain ice cream.

"What I mean Phoebe, is that he is acting strangely" Helga said tiredly.

"What do you mean Helga?" Phoebe ask confused.

"Well ever since you know I confess my love to him and tock it back. Arnold hasn't stop bothering me, I mean here I was just innocently trying to avoid him and he just tries to bring me to a mental breakdown" Helga said desperately.

"Maybe he likes you back" Phoebe chimed in happily.

"Or his trying to talk to me so he could reject me" Helga said scowling.

"Helga, why you don't just talk to him about your feeling again, maybe you guys can work something out since tomorrow you guys are officially married " Phoebe said trying to brighten her friends mood.

"Don't remind me of that stupid project, I will just ignore him for most part of the week until this disaster project ends" Helga said flatly.

"But Helga maybe this is your chance to get closer to Arnold" Phoebe said sounding convince.

"Pheebs, you don't get it, Arnold will never like me back. My feeling for him is just a one sided loved and that all that will ever be" Helga said sadly.

Phoebe remind silent knowing that she could argue with something she wasn't sure off. First she suspected that maybe Arnold was developing a small crush on her, but maybe it was just all in her head. Maybe was the answer to their entire question: 'Maybe he likes her' 'Maybe he doesn't'. But Phoebe pray it was the first one, knowing that if that was true; her friend will be the happiest women alive.

The short bus ride home was spend chatting happily, Gerald was so entertain with their conversation, he almost forgot what he wanted to ask Arnold. The key word here is almost, because no way in heck, that he was going to forget it. When they got off the bus and they stared walking towards the boarding house, Gerald brooked the conversation with a new one.

"So Arnold spill, what's going on?" Gerald ask curiously.

"Gerald, are you sure you can handle it?" Arnold ask worriedly.

"You don't have a death wish, do you?" Gerald ask curiously.

"Nope" Arnold said smirking.

"Then I can handle anything you throw at me" Gerald said grinding.

"I want to make Helga confessed her love for me again and not take it back" Arnold said bluntly and shrug his shoulder.

Gerald stood their processing this new information, in a few seconds he burst out laughing and shock his head trying to hold his laughter.

"That a good one man, but seriously, what's going on?" Gerald ask trying to hold in his laughter.

"That was really going on Gerald and I am not saying this so you can laugh about it" Arnold said sternly.

Gerald face show he was amused, but by time when he saw Arnold looking so seriously, he amused look was gone and was replace by confusion, then by understanding and then by horrified. Gerald was not prepared for this, he thought about what Arnold has just said and was confused.

"Hold up, what do you mean again? When this these happen and where in the name of yahoo soda was I?" Gerald ask desperately.

"Well it happened when we're saving the neighborhood, Helga was deep voice in discussed and I ask her why did she did it; after a lot of pressured she told me the truth that she loves me. You were down the building in the bus waiting for us." Arnold said seriously.

Gerald stood their processing the information slowly while praying this was a nightmare, which he actually pinches himself to see if he was going to wake up from it, but no such luck.

"Wait what happened after? I mean if she already said it why you want her to say it again?" Gerald ask very terrified of his answered.

" I let her took it back and label is a 'heat of the moment thing' which was a mistake of my part that I want to fix. I want her to be the Helga I saw their in the building the one that told me she love me and wasn't afraid to show her true colors, I just want her to be her true self and I think if I finally get her to confessed it may actually help for her to show that part of her that is look up inside; the caring side" Arnold said softly.

"Arnold, this is Helga G. Pataki were talking about, she has NO caring side" Gerald said flatly.

"Of course she does Gerald, she just hide's it, I mean she help us save the neighborhood. She went against her own father to help us and plus she was going to be rich, but she did it because she cares Gerald." Arnold said trustfully.

"Fine, let's pretend that she does care, but maybe it was just a heat of the moment think" Gerald said desperately trying to find some sense back.

" Gerald I may be dense, but I am not stupid and I assured you she LOVES me" Arnold said trustfully.

"Ok, ok I get it she LOVES YOU, but what happen after you get her to confess?" Gerald ask curiously.

"Well sort of my feelings for her, I always knew I cared about her like I friend, but I don't know if I feel more than that for her" Arnold said honestly.

"So in other words you might have a crush on her?" Gerald ask flatly.

"Maybe " Arnold said nodding.

"Ok, so that's what was going on all along? You having confused feeling towards your bully Arnold. So that why you were searching and almost stalking her all this time" Gerald said feeling proud to finally know what was going own.

"I wasn't stalking her" Arnold said scowling.

"Pshh of course not my man" Gerald said while he roll his eyes.

"Gerald, I wasn't stalking" Arnold said frustrated.

"Yeah man, I believe you" Gerald saying lying.

"Gerald, this is just a chase, and this time I am going to win" Arnold said seriously.

"Whatever man, but let me tell you this, you're a bold kid Arnold" Gerald said seriously while smiling at Arnold.

After that conversation ended the two soon realize that they almost pass the boarding house, but luckily they dint. Gerald and Arnold did their secret hand shake and Arnold open the door of his house, like normal animals came running outside.

"So see you tomorrow at the bus stop like always?" Gerald ask with a smirk.

"Well actually Gerald, I have something else in mind, so don't be surprised if you don't see me, I want to surprise my wife tomorrow" Arnold smirk.

"Whatever man, just try and not get kill" Gerald said as he walk away.

Arnold chuckle as he closed the door, thinking of away to surprise his "wife" and make him one step closer to his goal.

End of chapter 2 hope you guys like it and review^_^! Reviews make me happy^_^