It was occasional when they got to spend their days off together. It was rare that they were awake within the same hour. Somehow, they made it work. Unlike his partner, Zexion wasn't one who needed to constantly be in the spotlight, or attention to thrive. He was quiet, calculating, and usually handled the bills. If anything, he needed to follow some sort of routine, which all started when his alarm clock would start blaring an irritating tone at around 5 each morning. Once it was shut off, Zexion would need to wiggle and coax his way out of Demyx's arms, fight off a small part of him that wanted to call into work instead of going, and head to the bathroom. Taking a shower was the last thing he did, simply because he hated dealing with the steam a shower created and the effects of it.
Zexion was just starting to shampoo his hair when he heard the door click shut softly. He thought nothing of it, since Demyx would sometimes come in while he was showering to get a glass of water or relieve himself. As he was washing the shampoo from his hair, he heard the shower curtain rustle a little, then felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around him just below his chest. "Good morning, Zexy," was whispered in his ear softly, paired with a gentle kiss on the neck.
"Good morning, Demyx. Why didn't you go back to bed?" There was a breath of laughter against his ear as Demyx pulled away and reached passed him for the shampoo.
"Can't I shower with my boyfriend once in a while?" A click, a pause while shampoo was squeezed onto the taller male's hair, a click to close, and it was set back into its place. Zexion frowned, squeezing some conditioner into his hand and turning to face his partner.
"We've never showered together." A roll of the blonde's eyes.
"Don't question my motives." Demyx replied, lathering up his hair then shimmying past the dark-haired male to get to the water. There was silence for a few more minutes as they both finished washing their hair. There was another twist to the routine as the body soap was swiftly plucked from his hands. The only reassurance that nothing catastrophic and time consuming was going to happen was a smirk from Demyx.
Yeah. That really helped.
A finger was moved around in a circle, signaling for him to turn around; and really, what went on next wasn't all that bad. The way the blonde's hands touched him made it clear to Zexion that his partner wasn't at all interested in foreplay. Demyx washed him up gently and lovingly, even over the more sensitive parts of his anatomy. With a small smile as thanks, he waited until Demyx was done washing his own body before turning off the water and carefully getting out.
From there his routine was pretty much out the window; he skipped breakfast for 'naked morning cuddles' with Demyx, who promised to make it up to him tomorrow morning, as he was doing furiously half an hour later when Zexion finally realized he was most likely going to be late for work.
Although Demyx was scolded later that night, showering together every morning that Zexion worked became a part of his routine, whether or not he liked it.