I was supposed to write a paper for my English teacher and this is what I came up with.

Disclaimer: I do not own NCIS just all the seasons on DVD.

"I'm leaving," Ziva said, as she picked up her small duffel bag.

"I forbid you to leave! You are to stay here and carry out your mission," Eli David, Deputy Director of Mossad, told his second child. Ziva started walking towards the door when she stopped in her footsteps. "Ziva David, if you take one more step I will-" she cut him off. "You'll what?" she said, picking up her foot and slowly moving it forward.

"I will have Ari killed and you shortly afterward." Ziva acted as if she didn't care by putting her foot down and continuing her walk out the door. She knew he wouldn't kill Ari or her, he was too important and she was his angel.

Truth was, she really did care, not as much of herself as she did Ari. Eli killing Ari would ruin everything; they would no longer be able to collect secrets of Hamas. She knew what she had to do. She knew that she must go to the U.S. and ask Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs for help. Ziva knew it was going to be hard to get protection from a man who had been shot by her brother not even two months ago, but she had to try. The special agent hated Ari, because not only he shot him, but because he had taken three of his people hostage and kidnapped one of those three.

Ziva was about to board a plane to D.C. when she heard gunfire and felt a horrible pain in her chest. She began to feel coldness creep up on her as she lay on the platform leading to the plane. She then went numb and all she saw was darkness, nothing more, just lost in a world of cold and darkness.

What do you think? Is it good, bad? I don't know if I'm going to continue it, but if I do it will not be updated very fast, because my other story comes first.