
Tony/Pepper (Pepperony)

Short drabble. Nothing more.

Tony hummed as he walked into the living room, hoping to watch a movie and maybe take a nap. No, people don't usually take naps at midnight, but he was Tony Stark. He had more important things to do than sleep all night. Like watch a movie.

He stopped humming and walking when he saw Pepper on the couch, seemingly asleep. He circled around the leather couch to get a better look. Sure enough, Pepper was curled up, still in her work clothes, fast asleep. He smiled at that. She really was beautiful, and he didn't even dislike thinking that. Most superheroes are so scared that their girlfriends or boyfriends or whatever will get hurt by a villain and it would all be said superheroes fault. But Tony felt like that was both a waste of time and life. True, he had never approached her romantically (well maybe playful flirting sometimes), but that doesn't go to say he hasn't wanted to at times. Sometimes he wants to do things to her dates that wouldn't look good on Iron Man's record at all. But she didn't currently have any dates.

He grabbed a white blanket from a nearby chair and placed it gently over her. He contemplated taking her heels off, but that would definitely wake her up. So he settled on making her warm. She snuggled up to the blanket and smiled in her sleep. He reached out and wiped hair out of her face. She stirred, but didn't wake. He leaned in and lightly kissed her on the forehead.

"Goodnight Pepper," he whispered.

He stood and walked out of the room. He would just watch a movie someplace else.